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Korfball drills

  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel-the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball then gets to shoot.
  • Who has X goals first?
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • In front of the basket is a rebounder -team red- with a defender -team blue-.
  • The offensive blue rebounder unloads the ball, and the defensive red rebounder goes after it in defensive position.
  • The defensive rebounder immediately tries to enter the rebound duel to get the best position
  • The rebounder plays the ball to the player in front of the basket, who shoots.
  • Which duo wins the rebound duel?
Switch when one side is the first to win three rebound duels.

Ways to bring more challenge:
  • When the attacking side has won the rebound duel and one of the attacking rebounders is free, they may quickly take an extra chance.
When it is too difficult, you can dissect the exercise as follows:
  1. Duo at the declarer position may not participate: plays out to the red player in front of the basket, doubles and comes to shot.
  2. Omit the extra chance.
drawing Solution around the support
  • 1 player has the ball and the rest stand in a long line about 3 meters away.
  • The red player walks past the row of blue players.
  • The blue players make sure that the red player gets the ball thrown in the run.
  • The red player advances the ball one player at a time so that all players in the row have had their turn.
  • When the red player passes the ball to the last blue player, the last blue player shoots at the basket.
  • The red player must take care of the rebound.
  • When the red player's entire row has caught the ball, without bouncing it twice, the red player may take the first blue player's spot.
  • The whole row moves up one spot and the last blue player becomes the red player.
To make the running rebound more challenging, you can:
  • Have the red player tap a pawn first before he/she may go for the rebound.
  • Have the first or second blue player after the shot also go for the rebound.
drawing Passing & running rebound
Per 3- or 4-team at a basket.
Step 1:
  • Player Red defends Player Blue.
  • Player Blue has the ball and then throws it to Player White and runs deep and shoots.
Step 2:
  • Follow Step 1 and after Player Blue runs deep, Player White rushes in for a giveaway.
  • Player Blue goes for a pass through Blue.
  • Player Red continues to defend, but allows the through ball.
> Take the goal attempts as calmly as possible
> If by 4 put down a rebound.
drawing Running deep lines
  • You lay down 9 hoops or baskets in a square.
  • You divide the team into 2 groups and have them start from a number of meters.
  • Here they are given 3 pawns.
  • The children must walk to the hoops and place their given pawn in one of the hoops to get butter cheese and eggs.

  • When all the pawns have been used up they must move the pawns.
drawing Butter, cheese and eggs
Goal of exercise:
With 4 players bring the ball to the hoops.
Trainer throws the ball into the field.

  • Opponents make free running difficult, but have hands on back.
  • The opponent defending around the player with the ball may use hands. The others don't.
  • Opponents try to intercept the ball and try to score.
Regularly correct on free running, speed up, directional changes, long pass instead of short, find space if corner is stuck.
Also be careful not to play over the basket and keep the space in front of the ball empty.
drawing Practice on working out
  • Put a basket in each corner of the field.
  • At each basket, one player stands with a ball.
  • The remaining four players stand in the middle of the field.
  • 1 player is attack, three players are defender.
  • The defenders must defend the four baskets together.
  • The attacker tries to score a goal within 25 seconds.
  • After every 25 seconds it is a new attacker's turn.
  • When there are more than 8 players, rotate through.
drawing Find the free basket
  • 3- /4-pairs at a basket.
  • Play the ball in to the basket and move to the left, get the ball back and shoot.
  • Then move back to the right and take a through ball after hand change.
  • Which basket scores 10x first?
  • Then the same task change directions.
drawing shot from movement after passing in, then through ball
With 4 players:
  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket. Players forming a team put themselves in the diagonal.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel - the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball gets to attack as a team.
  • Maximum of 2 chances.
  • Who has X goals first?
With 3 players:
  • The player who catches forms a team with the shooter.
  • 2 against 1 to attack.
Turn after each attack.
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • Poles in triangle:
    • At each basket someone with a ball with fixed pointer.
    • The other players in the middle at the 2 hoops.
  • From the middle you take a through ball to one of the baskets.
    • You may never go to the same post twice in a row.
    • You always move on to the next post by putting your foot in one of the hoops.
  • The goal is to score 5 times as fast as possible.
    • If you manage to do this, you move into one of the hoops. This hoop may then no longer be used by the others to move on to the next basket.
  • Then switch attackers and start again.
  • Halfway through the exercise switch to away balls.
drawing Walk-through ball and away ball competition
  • Make pairs at the hive.
  • Place two hats approximately 2.5 meters apart and 2.5 meters from the basket, as shown on the diagram.
  • Player 1 starts in the middle, Player 2 starts as passer/rebounder under the basket.
  • Player 1 makes a fierce running line to the one hat, receives the ball on the outside hand and passes back.
  • Player 1 makes a fierce run to the other hat and scores a short chance.
  • You do this for 1 minute, after this you switch.
drawing Passing and short odds
  • Put a basket in each corner of the field.
  • At each basket, one player stands with a ball.
  • The remaining four players stand in the middle of the field.
  • 1 player is attack, three players are defender.
  • The defenders must defend the four baskets together.
  • The attacker tries to score a goal within 25 seconds.
  • After every 25 seconds it is a new attacker's turn.
  • When there are more than 8 players, rotate through.
drawing Find the free basket