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Korfball drills

3 against 2

  • Game over 2 baskets. Play continues until first pair has 3 goals.
  • All other pairs stop immediately.
  • In case of a tie, the first team to score a tie wins.
  • At 0-0 stop.
  • Winners to the left losers to the right.
  • Make a circle shape of poles.
  • Go with 2 under a pole. One stays under the basket and the other takes balls under each pole.
  • Do this for 2 rounds and keep score.
  • After two rounds the other team does the same and keeps his score.
  • After 4 rounds the team with the total number of passed balls wins.
  • Make a circle shape of poles.
  • Go with a team of 2 under a pole. One stays under the basket and the other takes evasive balls under each pole.
  • You do this for 2 rounds and keep score.
  • After 2 rounds, the other of the team will do the same and also keep his score.
  • After 4 rounds the team with the total number of hit dodge balls wins.
  • Doubles,
  • running around the circle of pawns.
  • At the whistle you have to pass the ball as fast as possible.
  • After scoring three times you may switch with the attacker.
  • After that you pull away from the ball,
  • If you score as declarer, you may remain standing,
  • Otherwise you change with the taker.
  • Walking from line to line, trunk straight and with every step the knee should touch the ground.
  • This is done with a ball above the head and arms outstretched.
  • For more powerful athletes, this can be done with a heavier ball...
  • Stand with both feet on the Stability Trainer, halfway round,
    • Place it preferably 3 to 4 meters from the basket.
  • Now try to score as many goals as possible within a certain amount of time.
  • Sit on the floor with a ball in your hands.
  • Tuck your legs in so that you only have contact with the ground with your rear end
  • Now tap the ball from left to right as far as possible within a given time...
  • Have the players all stand along a certain side of a line, potty, etc....
  • The idea is to jump with two feet or one foot over the line and back.
  • So for a certain time ... to be determined by yourself taking into account age or physical readiness ...
  • Make two teams.
  • The goal is to get the ball to the other side of the line.
  • You do this by standing in plank position and then pushing the ball to the other person who is standing further down in plank position.
  • Then you run to the front and stand in a holding position and wait for the ball to come.
  • The team that gets to the other side first wins.
  • We put the pawns 10 meters apart in a square.
  • Then they sprint at full 100% for a few seconds.
  • They start with:
    • 15 second full sprint.
      • 30 second rest.
    • 30 second full sprint.
      • 1 minute rest.
    • 45 seconds full sprint.
      • 1 minute rest.
    • 60 seconds full sprint.
      • 1 minute rest.
    • 45 seconds full sprint.
      • One minute rest.
    • 30 seconds full sprint.
      • One minute rest.
    • 15 seconds to full sprint.

  • You take 1 (or 2) dice.
  • You throw the dice and the number of pips you get in a shot exercise.
  • For example: you throw 5, then you have to score 5 shots.


  • You can have each group roll the dice separately and each time they complete a task.
  • and every time they complete an assignment, give them a new
  • Then each group has to complete a new task with a new number thrown.

Party with the whole group


  • With different tasks for the attackers or defenders.
  • For example:
    • forward defence
    • only forwards
    • paying attention to extra running into space and shooting from here.