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Korfball drills

Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored.

  • Each playing card shows a "color": clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds.
  • Each color represents a fitness exercise:
    • Hearts: Push-ups
    • Spades: Squat
    • Clubs: Burpee
    • Diamonds: Lunges
  • Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise.
  • They do this the number of times the card indicates.
  • For example, Hearts 4 = push up 4 times.
  • Then they may continue shooting again.
  • The group with the most cards has won.
  • On both sides of the basket are pawns.
  • The shooter stands in front of the basket with the ball.
  • The other players stand under the basket to duel for the rebound.
  • After each shot, one player catches the ball.
  • This player must first tap a pawn and then may catch again.
  • The shooter shoots as soon as he has the ball.
drawing Running rebound
  • Pairs at the basket
  • Pawns placed in a square with a distance of 5 meters from the basket
  • Number 1 runs a pattern where shots are made at each pawn
  • Number 2 runs the same pattern and tries to score more than number 1
  • In case of a tie take turns shooting from pawn to preference until someone scores and the other misses
drawing Chasing square
Put at least half the baskets of the number of players participating.
  • One player with ball stands under each basket
  • The remaining players stand in the middle between the set up baskets
  • Have the players walk to a basket and pull a hook and then shoot it
    • If the shot is on a normal basket the player gets 1 point
    • Is the shot in at a shooter's basket then you get 2 points
  • If the player has scored, he walks to the center and chooses another basket to shoot at.
  • If the player did not score then you switch with the passer.
  • Play to your own choice of points
To make the run-throughs a little more fun, we'll make it a contest!
  • You put a number of baskets in a circle with one passer on each occasion.
  • There are also more players than baskets in the middle
  • Every run through counts for 1 point
    • If you score a run-through, you take your turn
    • If you miss the follow-through, you and the server swap positions
  • The first player to score 6 points wins. Number of points to be determined on what the players can do.
  • you can do different sizes of baskets and give them a different score
    • for example an archer basket counts for 2 points
  • A combination of moving, passing and shooting
  • An easy exercise to teach a pull away ball
  • The player at the post pulls away, gets the ball and shoots.
    Directions you can give:
    • all in quick succession
    • good tight pass
    • do not pull away right behind the post, difficult for a good pass
  • The passer goes to catch the ball and there is a change of position
  • The catcher may shoot 1 more time himself if he/she catches the ball without colliding
You stand in pairs on a pole
  • 1 in front of basket at shot distance
  • 1 player is rebounder/forward
The rebounder gives a pass to the attacker standing at shot distance.
  • if the rebounder can catch the ball without it colliding he may shoot
    • if the ball bounces first, the shooter can continue playing
  • this way all players play against each other to score 5 points for the fastest score.
  • Attacker and defender ready for the post. Offender under the post with ball.
  • Defender moves up post.
  • Play 1 x 1 until attacker has scored 1 time. Defender always tries to be there.
  • The post of the defender who got the goal against gets penalty.
  • Defender goes back to own post.
  • Passing
drawing 1 x 1 with defender
  • 2 players in front of the basket
  • Player 1 plays the ball to player 2
  • Player 1 immediately goes after the ball to set up a pointer
  • Possibly with defender and feint
  • Also possible with rebound
drawing Indicate over belly side put
3 per basket
  • 1 shooter and 2 rebounders behind or to the side of the basket at 3 or 4 meters depending on level
  • Of the 2 rebounders, 1 is attacker, 1 is defender: the one closest to the basket is the defender
  • Shooter in front of the basket calls "yes", at that moment both rebounders may move towards the basket to take the correct position.
  • 5 rounds, then switch positions.
Points of attention:
Pay attention to lining up attacker/defender in rebound, properly blocking out opponent

  • The one with the most rebounds starts shooting.
  • Shooter goes to intercept and may pass to offensive rebounder for short chance if shot is wrong
drawing Rebound practice
  • Player blue must get the ball to one of the 4 pawns.
  • Player red must pre-defend.
  • Player red must close ball line.
drawing Defending all-round
  • Divide into two teams.
  • Make two boxes around the basket so that good shots can be made from outside.
  • Need 3 or 4 balls per game.
  • Shooters stand outside the box and one rebounder per team stands in the box near the opponent's shooters.

  • The shooters start shooting from outside the box to get to X number of goals as fast as possible.
  • The rebounders catch the ball and play it to their fellow players in the other box.
  • Which team will have scored X number of goals first.
  • Rebounders are not allowed outside the box, shooters not in it.
  • The rebounder's job is to estimate as quickly as possible where all the balls are coming and how to get them to your teammates as quickly as possible.
drawing Two box shooting