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Korfball drills

  • 1 attacker and defender stand in 1/4 of the basket. The other 3 attackers and defenders do the same.
  • The attackers may only stand in 1 box by themselves with the defender. There may never be 2 attackers in 1 box at the same time.
  • This way they will play 4-0 and after each pass they have to switch squares by the one who threw.
  • After that you can always extend it to 3-1 if it is too difficult. For example, by setting up a catch or give-up.
drawing Boxes 4-0
  • 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket
  • He then takes a shot
  • If the ball is caught under the basket, he goes inside and takes a through ball
  • Finally, he then takes a short chance
  • Exchange by.
    • The person who aimed goes to indicate.
    • The declarer closes in behind.
  • Point count:
    • Shot counts 2x
    • Walk through counts 1x
    • Short chance counts 1x
  • You can play this as follows e.g. who reaches the 20 first
  • Or 1 minute and then see who has the most points per basket
  • Divide the group into pairs. Each pair has a ball and a basket with four hats.
  • Plot the field as shown in the drawing.
  • Player 1 starts at the hat in front of the basket, player 2 is the give-up.
  • Player 1 starts with a broadside and then tightly sets up for the through ball.
  • After the through ball, player 1 keeps moving close to the basket for a short chance.
  • Finally, player 1 makes a deep line for the shot.
  • After this, player 1 alternates with player 2.
To make it competitive, you can tie points to the different goals.
Through-ball and short chance count for 1, the distance shot for 2. Three chances hit in one turn gives 5 points. Not scoring is 1 point deduction. Who scores 25 points first and which post has both players with 25 points first.
drawing Warm-up with ball (trio)
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored.

  • Each playing card shows a "color": clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds.
  • Each color represents an exercise:
    • Hearts: through-ball
    • Spades: penalty throw
    • Clubs: shot front side
    • Diamonds: shot back side
  • If they took a card, number is what the card indicates
    • For example, Hearts 4 = 4 through balls
  • Ace is 1 or 11 own choice
  • The first group with 50 points has won.
Play 2:2 where the person playing the ball makes a move toward the basket to supposedly take the catch.

  • Depending on how the defender stands, this lady sprints away to a free position to shoot
  • Or she comes into the support and doubles with the declarer who then shoots
Which pair scores 3 times first.
Then against another pair
  • 2 poles facing each other (each at 7 meters from the center line 4 poles side by side ).
  • Each post has its own 2/3 team.
  • The 2 players going for a through ball run towards the other pole.
  • In the middle they run around the pylon (or around the center line).
  • The players sprint back to their own post and take a through ball 40x scoring
  • Instead of a through ball a pull away ball behind the post. 20x scoring
  • instead of a through ball you take an away ball at max 3 m from the post 20x scoring
  • instead of a through ball you pass the post and get the ball in front of you and shoot from the back 20x score
  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel-the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball then gets to shoot.
  • Who will have 10 goals first?
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • Shot game in 2-team form. Playing against the other baskets.

  • One of the two will shoot. If 2x is scored you call out to the coach.
  • If you are the fastest, you have won and on all baskets the pairs are changed.
  • The one who finishes first has earned a point.

  • The other of the pair catches the ball.
  • If the ball bounces on the ground then a goal goes off.

  • Variation possible through through balls and off movement.
  • Pay attention to the passing. Where does someone want the ball when you pass?
  • Out of motion: keep moving after your shot to receive the ball. You keep running until you receive the ball again.
2 teams play a game.
  • Instead of baskets, you must score by throwing at a cone.
  • This cone is in the center of the circle and around it are players.
  • One player stands in front of the pawn to protect it.
  • The players around this one player must try, by passing the ball quickly around, to throw at the pawn.
  • Meanwhile, the player in front of the pawn tries to intercept the ball and defend the pawn.
  • When the ball is intercepted, he/she gets a point and the ball goes back to the outside.
  • Switching: when the pawn is hit, the player gets a point and switches places with the player in the middle.
  • Whoever has the most points wins.
Goal: Playing together as attackers and intercepting the ball as defenders.
  • Make throw-overs more difficult: two in the middle, throw with left.
  • Making overthrowers easier: With two balls.
drawing Skittles basketball
  • There are 2 players per post.
  • When a player has scored, they may step back,
  • After 3 attempts not scored then the player stands as a catch and it is player 2's turn.
  • If the person standing under the basket does not catch the ball at once the player shooting must take a step forward.
  • You can get closer than 1 step in front of the basket.
  • Ball is passed around to the right.
  • After x passes, a diagonal ball comes.
  • When the diagonal ball comes, player 2 must put down a rebound.
  • Player 4 goes to the rebound.
  • Player 3 can choose to shoot or go for the through ball.
You can extend this by releasing player 1 for the shot.

drawing Dry set-up after deep ball
Place at least half the number of players participating in baskets distributed in a circle on field.
  • One player stands under each basket with ball
  • The remaining players stand in the middle between the lined up baskets
  • Have players walk to a basket and pull a hook and then shoot.
    • If the ball is in, on a regular basket, the player gets 1 point.
    • Is the ball in, on a shooter's basket, then you get 2 points.
  • If the player has scored, he walks to the center and chooses another basket to shoot at.
  • If the player did not score, then you switch with the passer.
  • Play like this to a self-selected number of points.

  • follow-through
  • pull away ball