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Korfball drills

  • 1 shooter and 2 or 3 attackers, each with a ball.
  • Shooter is bombarded with balls and shoots as fast as possible.
  • After 90 sec switch
  • Who scores the most
  • 16 hoops (or something else to make compartments) per 4 players.
  • After scoring twice 5 meters with your pair you may place a pawn in one of the hoops.
  • The first to get 4 in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally, wins.
  • Can also be done with 3 (milk, butter, cheese and eggs).
  • There is a box within which the players must stay.
  • Two players have a ball and try to throw it to the other players without a ball.
  • In phase 2 we go to 1 ball.
  • When someone is thrown in, this player can play back into the game by scoring a goal on the basket which is outside the playing field.
First, the player in possession of the ball may run with it
Afterwards, the players with the ball are not allowed to run
drawing Trefball in 1 section
  • 2 players shoot from N<O<Z<W.
  • 1 starts behind the basket and 1 in front of it.
  • If you score, you move one way.
  • You win when you have overtaken your opponent.
  • Pawns at 1,2,4,6,8 meter.
  • 2 shot chances per pawn, if both miss 1 pawn forward.
  • Change after 10 shots.
  • Who comes the furthest in x minutes.
Series 1:
  • Walk-through ball without ball after tapping cone.
  • Dodge shot (left and right alternate).
  • Action inside;
    • Short handball and short chance (left and right alternate).
  • Throwing the ball from the basket with backspin; running to the back and turning quickly; passing the ball and taking evasive action for the shot.

PAUSE: 4 minutes of shooting in light movement.

Series 2:
  • Open left and walk through with ball
  • Open on the right and make a break for the shot (alternate between left and right)
  • Open left; basket comes out opposite; find and shoot
  • Open on the right; basket ends opposite; short-long and to the shot
Work alternately for 2 minutes.
drawing Warm-up with ball - shot
Series 1:
  • Walk-through ball without ball after tapping cone.
  • Dodge shot (left and right alternate).
  • Action inside;
    • Short handball and short chance (left and right alternate).
  • Throw ball from basket with backspin; run in behind and turn quickly; play ball and take evasive action for shot.

PAUSE: 4 minutes of shooting in light movement

Series 2:
  • Open left and walk through with ball
  • Open on the right and make a break for the shot (alternate between left and right)
  • Open left; basket comes out opposite; find and shoot
  • Open on the right; basket ends opposite; short-long and to the shot
Work alternately for 2 minutes.
drawing Warm-up with ball - shot
  • Around the basket are 4 hats at about 3 meters.
  • At 5 metres there are 4 hats of another colour.
  • In the small square stands the rebounder and outside the big square stands the shooter.
  • The shooter shoots from outside the lines and must hit 5 times.
  • The winner is the one who scores the 5 goals in the least number of turns.
  • The winner then plays against another winner and the loser against another loser.
drawing shot and rebound
  • Each pair a basket and a ball.
  • One of the two teams has a ribbon on his head.
  • So you have a team with and a team without a ribbon.
  • One player is the shooter and the other the catcher.
  • Alternately a player with a ribbon and a player without a ribbon stand under the basket.
  • We all start shooting at the same time.
  • When a goal is scored, you change places.
  • The team that is first under the basket has won.
  • So if all players with/without a ribbon are under the basket, you've won.
  • 4 posts in a square.
  • 4 attackers.
  • 1 attacker.
  • 3 defenders.
  • The attacker must find the free post.
  • The defenders must therefore make it as difficult as possible and communicate.
  • Variants:
    • Only through balls.
    • Only shots.
    • x number of goals etc.
drawing 1 Attacker, 3 Defenders
  • Players run one after the other in a "train" around the poles.
  • The last player tries to get in front.
  • If he succeeds, the next player goes.
  • Players continue until everyone has come from the back to the front.
  • First round at an easy pace.
  • Second round faster pace.
  • 2 poles opposite each other.
  • Each pole has its own 2/3 team.
  • The two players who are going for a walk-through walk towards the other pole.
  • In the middle they circle each other.
  • The players sprint back to their own goalposts and make a turnover.


  • Instead of a through ball, a dodge ball.
  • Instead of a through ball, a pull-away ball behind the post.
  • If necessary, post to post, whoever scores X number of goals first.