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Korfball drills

  • Shooter at about 4 meters in front of the basket, 2 declarers each with a ball and each at one side of the post at +/- 3 meters:
    • Shooter runs wide and gets the ball on the outside hand, plays it back to the attacker with that hand.
    • Then he/she runs wide to the height of the other attacker, and again receives the ball on the outside hand.
    • Pass the ball again.
    • Then run wide again to the first spacer, and this time, you shoot when receiving the ball.
    • Repeat by starting again at the other initiator.
  • Turn after 2 shots.
  • You notice that you start shooting on both the left and right side.
  • Which basket scores first 15x.
  • Make up 2/3 teams and do the following assignments:
    • Pass balls
    • Dropping balls (short distance)
    • Penalty throw
    • Distance shots (minimum 6 meters)
  • Do all this for 2 minutes per person per task and write down the number of points you have scored.

  • Each time 5 times through the rope ladder Starting slowly and increasing your speed slightly each time, so that the 5th time is at full speed.
    • Walk through with two feet inside the ladder.
    • 2 feet inside the ladder/ two feet outside the ladder with knee in angle of 90 degrees.
    • Hopping left twice from left to side, to the middle, then hopping right twice to right side and right back in.
    • Sideways 2 feet in and two out.
    • 2 forward, 1 backward, 2 forward etc.

  • The handler stands 3 meters next to the post.
  • The handler passes the ball when asked to do so by putting his hands forward.
  • The taker catches the ball himself.
  • The handler becomes the shooter and the shooter becomes the handler. score 10 goals pp
  • The ball is played to a moving lady at about 4 meters.
  • The person passing on determines whether the ball is placed to the left or to the right of the lady.
  • The passing must be tight and at eye level of the shooter. score 10x pp
  • Next, a defender comes to stand in front of the take-off lady.
  • Now you see that, if you do not keep the ball up, it will be difficult for the receiver to see it
  • So if you hold the ball up high, she can see which way you are going to pass and can therefore react properly
  • If she does not get free, check the position of the defender, make sure you are playable and the person taking the ball steps outagain
  • Again with the defender, but now you pretend to throw.
  • For the receiver, this is the signal that she must come for the breakthrough. score 10x pp
  • We play 4:4 with a catch under the post until the first shot is made.
  • After that the catch comes from the space.
  • The receiver stands, with regard to the shooter, at the side of the post. (So pass from the space).
  • You will do this task in pairs.
  • Use a basket for each pair.
  • Put 4 hats around the basket in a square about 1.5 meters from the basket. (the basket is in the middle)
  • Stand in between the 2 hats in front of the basket.
  • Shoot to score.
  • The person under the basket names a colour and you tap on that colour.
  • Go back between the 2 hats in front of the basket.
  • If you have scored, you don't have to run to a colour.
  • Do this until someone has scored 5.
drawing colours colours colours A
  • Players learn not to throw a ball to the passer and then wait for the ball to be caught, but to run after it immediately.
  • The ball is thrown to the basket.
  • Immediately after throwing the ball, run after it to the basket.
  • Goal is to be past the line before the ball is caught.
  • Then get the ball back and shoot.
  • The line makes the assignment concrete.
  • Depending on the team, this may or may not be necessary.
  • Variation 1:
    • The ball starts under the basket, is outplayed and immediately thrown back.
  • Variation 2:
    • Working with an opponent.
    • This opponent does not run with the ball to the basket (because that would not work in an exercise where the breakthrough is the only option), but does ensure that the attacker has to run around something.
  • Plays with 4 players around the post.
  • One player takes the attack. Next player to pass the ball takes the pass.
  • Ball is passed to the forward, forward passes to the player who gave him/her the ball.
  • Player takes a shot.
  • It is important to keep a high ball tempo, to fill in quickly, to fill in the right persons and to throw in the right hand.
  • 3 persons under the pole.
  • 1 person under the post + 2 persons in front and behind the post.
  • Ball goes from under to the person in front, who passes it back to the person in front.
  • The 3rd person is doing an in-out move and gets the ball from the indicated 3rd person shoot.
  • Signaller catches the ball and passes it back to the person who just shot and so on.
  • 6 scoring with 2 is exchanging with the person under the post.
  • 2 pawns/covers for the pole at about 8 meters.
  • The pawns are next to each other with about 2/3 meters between them.
  • The goal is to run back and forth between the pawns and to tap the pawns.
  • After x number of times the person who was between the pawns has to make a pass.
drawing .

Basic rules:

  • The attackers' first shot is 'free'.
  • It may not be defended.
  • Take the first shot, each attacker tries to stay in possession of the ball.
  • If the defender takes the ball after the first shot, the attempt is over.
  • If the defender does not take the ball after the first shot, the defender must try to prevent the second shot as soon as possible.
  • If the attackers get the ball after the first shot, they may play freely.
  • The attacker has, after the first shot, two choices: shoot himself or get the assist
  • The exercise lasts a maximum of 10 seconds.
  • Forces to act fast.


  • Try to stay in possession of the ball after the first free shot by one of the attackers.
  • If you don't, and the defender grabs the ball, your attempt is over.
  • If you do, you can play freely (3-1 or 2-2).
  • If a goal is scored or the ball is intercepted, the attempt is over.
  • After each attempt, the attackers start at a pawn and another attacker takes the first shot.
  • After 3 attempts, it is changeover time.

Forms of play:

  • 2-2, then two of the attackers are always defenders and everyone starts at their own pawn.
  • 4-2 or 4-3, next to the attacker who makes the shot, no one is a defender.
  • After the shot, anyone can be defended.
  • 4-4: There is one defender and one attacker on each teammate.

drawing stay in possession of the ball to score - running catch forms 3 and 4