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Korfball drills

  • Two courses with four pairs. 1 duo starts on the side.
  • You play two against two. When the ball is intercepted the other duo takes a shot from the middle.
  • If you score through a shot, it is worth one point. A through ball is worth two points.
  • When a goal is scored, the scoring team leaves the field and a new pair enters the field. The pair that scored the goal may start.
Attention points attacker:
  • Choose an alternating running pace.
  • Try to look for your defender's backside.
Points of attention defender:
  • Predefend!
  • Try to intercept the pass.
drawing Two against two - party form
Goal: as a player to free your fellow players after a long line.
  • The pole is the central point.
  • The playing field is divided into 4 squares.
  • If the player can pass to someone diagonally, do so after long runs.
  • Scoring from pass wide = 1p
  • Scoring from diagonal = 2p
  • Hitting basket from diagonal = 1p
  • Passer without a defender
  • Attacker without defender
  • Both with defender; 2 against 2
drawing Passing after long running
You must clear your fellow players after a long line.
The playing field is divided into 4 squares.
If you can pass to someone diagonally, you have done so after a long run.
  • Passer without a defender
  • Attacker without defender
  • Both with defender
  • Match: pass to player in adjacent box is 1 point, diagonal is 2 points.
drawing Passing after long running
  • There are 4 baskets in each corner of the court.
  • Under each basket is a declarer.
  • The rest of the players stand in the middle.
  • From there they run with a sprint to a basket and take a go-around.
  • With the whole team, they score 20!
With 4 players:
  • Everyone stands 5 meters from the basket at a cone. Players forming a team put themselves in the diagonal.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel-the shooter too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball gets to attack as a team.
  • Maximum of 2 chances.
With 3 players:
  • The player who catches forms a team with the shooter.
  • 2 against 1 to attack.
Turn after each attack.
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel-the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball then gets to shoot.
  • Who has X goals first?
drawing Rebound - running duel
Per 3- or 4-team at a basket.
Step 1:
  • Player Red defends Player Blue.
  • Player Blue has the ball and then throws it to Player White and runs deep and shoots.
Step 2:
  • Follow Step 1 and after Player Blue runs deep, Player White rushes in for a giveaway.
  • Player Blue goes for a pass through Blue.
  • Player Red continues to defend, but allows the through ball.
> Take the goal attempts as calmly as possible
> If by 4 put down a rebound.
drawing Running deep lines
  • The ball enters the box in a 4-0 formation.
  • The player on the other side -for- cuts in for support.
  • At the moment the ball is played to the diagonal player makes a breakthrough or lateral move, gets the ball played to him and gets to the shot.
  • If no goal is scored, the support can shift attention to the other back, where breakthroughs or clearances can be made for the shot.
Note: The player on the side of the ball can also run in instead of the player in front. The action then comes from the other side of the box.

  • Score 5 through balls over left and over right
  • Score 5 clearance balls from the left and right.
drawing Action from rear
  • You lay down 9 hoops or baskets in a square.
  • You divide the team into 2 groups and have them start from a number of meters.
  • Here they are given 3 pawns.
  • The children must walk to the hoops and place their given pawn in one of the hoops to get butter cheese and eggs.

  • When all the pawns have been used up they must move the pawns.
drawing Butter, cheese and eggs
  • Ball is played from the support to the left or right, running out to the playing side.
  • The outrunner gets the ball back and plays the broken through player from the other side.
  • If you have a player in the back of the field, they also break through at the moment the ball is played in from the front.
drawing Walk-through ball from space
With 4 players:
  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket. Players forming a team put themselves in the diagonal.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel - the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball gets to attack as a team.
  • Maximum of 2 chances.
  • Who has X goals first?
With 3 players:
  • The player who catches forms a team with the shooter.
  • 2 against 1 to attack.
Turn after each attack.
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • Poles in triangle:
    • At each basket someone with a ball with fixed pointer.
    • The other players in the middle at the 2 hoops.
  • From the middle you take a through ball to one of the baskets.
    • You may never go to the same post twice in a row.
    • You always move on to the next post by putting your foot in one of the hoops.
  • The goal is to score 5 times as fast as possible.
    • If you manage to do this, you move into one of the hoops. This hoop may then no longer be used by the others to move on to the next basket.
  • Then switch attackers and start again.
  • Halfway through the exercise switch to away balls.
drawing Walk-through ball and away ball competition