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Korfball drills

  • Walk through the rope ladder
  • 2 feet in ladder (back straight, knees lifted high + arm support)
  • 2 feet in the ladder, 2 feet beside and then forward again 2 feet in the ladder with squat when feet are outside the ladder
  • The ali shuffle 1 foot in the ladder 1 foot outside the ladder and turn hip, then change other foot in and outside the ladder (with jump)
  • Sideways hop, in and out the ladder.
  • Sprint along the ladder with short steps and arm support
  • Create with 2 or 3 teams 100 goals
    • 40 through balls
    • 25 penalty throws
    • 15 dodge balls
    • 20 distance shots
  • Lady under the post throws out
    • Receiver of the ball shoots,
    • The ball that is caught goes back to the shooter,
    • The other lady comes in sight of the ball carrier and gets the ball.
    • She shoots.
  • Then she receives the ball back and the first lady comes in sight of the receiver and shoots.
  • After 10 shots, there is a change of function.
  • Each player comes 3x under the post.
  • Which trio scores more than 15 times
drawing shot from motion without the ball
  • Set up six baskets in two lines of three.
  • Under each basket, a fixed declarer.
  • The other players stand on the sideline across the first line of baskets.
  • The other players take a walk-through ball on the side of the first three baskets.
  • Followed by a ball in front of, behind and in front of the basket on the next baskets. (See diagram).
  • Then all players do the same round, reversed and back again, after which they exchange players and do another round back and forth.

drawing Passing balls along six baskets
  • Under the post, the ball is played to the outside,
  • The other lady runs away from the ball carrier and gets a deep ball, the pole lady connects, gets the ball and shoots.
  • The first lady catches the ball and plays it back to the shooter who places the ball deep again, etc.
  • Which team will score first 3 times
drawing shot from motion
  • Shoot with a pair at the basket between 3 and 5 metres.
  • Change function after 5 shots
  • Score 15 times
  • Idem but now the ball is deliberately placed about 0.5 meter next to the body.
  • Run/jump into the ball
  • Scoring 10x
  • Indicator stands next to the post.
  • Taker and defender at about 8 metres.
  • As soon as the player takes off, the defender follows and tries to defend.
  • The attacker passes the ball and the ball is passed to the defender.
  • Change function every time.
  • Score 20 times.
  • By twos.
  • Stand about 7 metres apart.
  • Pass the ball to each other from left to right and vice versa.
  • Catch and throw with 1 hand.
  • Who do that 10 times without the ball falling.
  • 4 defenders stand at the post and look at their opponent who stands at a hat. (Hats in the corners of the box)
  • From the centre line, the ball is placed in a corner.
  • The foursome in the corners try to score as quickly as possible and use the (temporary) overtal situation.
  • The defender of the player who gets the ball makes a circle from the basket before he may defend.
  • The three other defenders try to prevent scoring.
  • Be careful not to infringe, as there is always a lady free. (This exercise is about insight and overview).
  • Player 1 in front of the basket runs 2 metres out and receives the ball
  • Player 2 runs out from under the basket
  • Player 1 plays the ball back to player 2
  • Player 1 takes the walkthrough ball
  • 5 times through the rope ladder, starting calmly and increasing your speed slightly each time, so that the 5th time is at full speed
    • Walk through with two feet in the ladder
    • 2 feet inside the ladder/ two feet outside the ladder with knee in angle of 90 degrees
    • Left 2 times hopping from left to side, to the middle, then 2 times right hopping to the right side and right back in
    • Sideways 2 feet in and two out
    • 2 forward, 1 backward, 2 forward etc.
  • Pass ball after zigzag movement through hats
    • 15x scoring
  • Distance shot from 5 meter
    • 5x scoring per person

  • Player 1 starts at a few meters from the basket to start a distance shot.
  • The ball is caught by player 2 and player 1 makes a run through.
  • The ball is caught again and player 1 makes a short chance from behind the basket.
  • If none of these 3 chances are seated, the player must do it again.
  • If one of the 3 chances is placed, the next player may try again.