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Korfball drills

  • A defender behind the post, a declarator with the ball under the basket and a number of attackers at 3 metres in front of the basket.
  • The learning curve of the dodge ball is covered in these and following exercises.
  • The shooter at 3 meter receives the ball, his starting position is the same as for the shot from a standing position, a small spread.
  • Move the right leg slightly backwards, find the balance on that right leg by slightly pushing the left leg back.
  • From this balance, shoot at the basket.
  • Practise shooting on the right leg a few times, then shooting on the left leg.
  • Shooter becomes catcher, catcher becomes declarer and declarer rejoins the attackers.


  • As previous exercise, but the ball is not thrown until the shooter crosses the left foot in front of the right foot (on a swerve to the right).
  • The archer has to find the rhythm of the pass to the right, receiving the ball, balancing on the right leg and stretching arms and legs properly for the aimed shot.
  • Pairs face each other.
  • Ball between them.
  • Players stand with their hands behind their backs.
  • As soon as BAL is called they try to grab the ball as fast as possible.
  • Who catches it first, wins.
  • The trainer has 2 pawns in his hands behind his back.
  • Behind each player there is also a pawn in the same colour as the trainer.
  • The trainer walks through the line of players and chooses a colour.
  • The other tries to tap him/her.
  • Players stand in one long row facing the same direction.
  • They jump low with tension on the calves. 2 lines left and 2 lines right are designated.
  • Trainer calls out which line they should touch left or right.
  • Players lie in pairs facing each other.
  • They assume the plank posture. (Make sure the elbows are not past the shoulder).
  • Place a ball in the middle of the pair.
  • At the whistle, both players try to grab the ball as quickly as possible.
  • 3 attackers against 2 defenders.
  • Attack within a radius of about five metres around the basket.
  • All attackers may shoot.
  • The defenders must try to score as few goals as possible.
  • 5 x 1 minute. After each minute turn around.
  • If the number is right, you can specifically train zone defence during the game: Zone defending.
  • The defenders let go of their opponents as soon as they get further than about six metres from the post.
  • The defender then has only one task: intercepting the ball by grabbing the rebound.
  • This also includes letting the attacker shoot from distance.
  • After all, if they do not shoot, they cannot catch the ball.
  • Instruct certain attackers to give more pressure than others.
  • The art of collective backfield defending is to give the pure shooters so much pressure that they prefer to leave the shot to a teammate who is as free as a bird (but who is deliberately left free by the defence because it is known that he 'can't shoot anyway').
  • The exercise is in pairs.
  • Attacker picks out a line from where he thinks he will score the most goals.
  • He always takes his shots from this line.
  • After a shot, he runs from the line to another line about 45 degrees away.
  • After the rebounder takes the ball, the attacker may immediately return to his own chosen line.
  • Ball caught = immediately back.
  • Who will score the most goals in a minute and a half?


  • Who cracks the 4-digit code?
  • As soon as they have completed a task, they may enter a number on their code sheet.
  • After 4 digits it is indicated how many numbers are in the right place and how many numbers are correct.
  • Make a square around the basket with two people in front and two in the back (in a triple team, one person in the back).
  • Play around the basket.
  • As soon as the ball is played from the front to the back, the thrower immediately fills in the rebound.
  • In front the vacant spot is filled in by the other player who was in front.
  • He now receives the ball from behind and shoots.
drawing Working towards 3-1
  • Number 1 is going to take penalties until 10 have been scored.
  • In the meantime number 2 does running exercises.
  • As soon as number 1 has scored 10, there is a change of function.

At the sound of the whistle the players have to do a task.


  • When the whistle blows, each called number of players must stand at a hoop or ball.
  • The last one to arrive and not finding a group to stand with does a small exercise.
  • Small exercises:
    • 5x pumps,
    • 10x stretch jump,
    • 5x sit-up,
    • ...


  • At the whistle do the exercise, individually.
  • Like what?
    • jump up,
    • go through the knees,
    • make a dash,
    • Give each other a high five,
    • ...
  • As you take the ladders, gradually more difficult exercises are given.
    • Skiing,
    • Skiing 3 times outside tap,
    • Sideways,
    • Keep going (one foot per ladder),
    • Keep going (2 feet per ladder),
    • 2 forward 1. backward
    • Hopping,...