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Korfball drills

Divide the players over the baskets.

To score first 21 times by taking short shots from under the basket (alternating). Last shot must be scored backwards.

Penalty points:

  • -1 when the ball collides with the ground more than once
  • When the person who is not supposed to shoot catches the ball for another person.
  • -1 when the person who is not supposed to shoot shoots

Divide the players among the baskets. Put 2 pawns about 7 meters in front of the basket and about 5 meters apart.

When 4 players per basket:

  • 1 attacker under the basket
  • 1 rebounder
  • Other player(s) at the top of the pawns.
  • Ball starts with the player(s) at the top

Player at the top of the pawn passes the ball to the declarer, walks towards the second pawn and receives the ball from the declarer in the run (and on the outside hand). Player makes a run through after changing hands (important that the player first points to the basket - shot threat - before playing the ball inside with the hand change). Rebounder catches the ball.

Passing on: player who took the pass becomes rebounder, rebounder becomes attacker and attacker goes up to make the pass.

With 3 players at the basket, 1 attacker with the ball under the basket and 2 players who shoot the ball in motion (minimum distance 3 meters
The attacker who is first to score 3 goals may remain in front of the basket and the attacker who has lost the game must take the place of the attacker.

  • Make 2 squares of 4.
  • The attack takes the ball from the trainers.
  • When the defence has intercepted the ball, they first pass it back to the trainers.
  • When a goal is scored, the team gets a bonus and can take the ball back out.
  • Short chances under the post.
  • One person plays the ball to another and gets it back immediately when he moves backwards.
  • He shoots (short chance).
  • The next one catches it, passes to another, gets it back and shoots.
  • All players line up.
  • The first two players have a ball.
  • Player 1 starts shooting, when he has shot, player 2 may also start.
  • If 1 scores before 2, he may go to the back.
  • If 2 scores before 1, 1 is out and must go to the side.
  • The last two players must start at the same time and score 3 times.
  • The one who gets 3 first wins.
  • Player 1 is at 1 meter in front of the post and player 2 is in the catch.
  • Player 1 gets two chances to score from 1 meter.
  • If he succeeds, he can take a step back. There he gets another two chances to score.
  • If he misses twice in a row it is player 2's turn.

Let's see who comes furthest.

  • For one minute, one player is working
  • That player stands at about 3/4 meter in front of the basket
  • The receiver stands with the ball under the basket.
  • The active player gets the ball and shoots, and then immediately walks to the back of the basket to shoot at 3/4 meter.
  • Then shoot in front of the basket again, then to the back of the basket etc.
  • After one minute, the active player changes from catch to shoot.

Put a basket in front of each pair. Make sure they are lined up and that there is space on both sides for them to run through. Place a pawn at both sides at 8-9 metres.

  • One of you starts under the basket with the ball, the other near the pawn.
  • You run to the basket, get the ball and make a pass.
  • Then you run to the next pawn to make another pass ball.

Continue until someone has scored a certain number or work with a time limit.
When this is the case, the declarer and the taker switch.

The handler must of course make sure that he has caught the ball again in time to signal the next pass.

At each basket stands one pair with ball. The shooter stands at 3 or 4 metres in front of the basket and there is a catcher under the basket. The ball starts under the basket.

  • The pairs try to score 3 goals as soon as possible.
  • As soon as one of the shooters has scored 3 goals, the team shouts YES.
  • This means that all other pairs switch functions.

Scoring three goals earns your team 1 point. The game goes on, who has 3 points first.

  • All players stand in a circle.
  • Player A throws the ball to player B, and then runs to player B's spot.
  • Player B throws the ball to player C, and stands on the spot of player C.

Start in a small circle (close to each other) and make the circle bigger and bigger.

Can be done in 2 groups, which group can stand furthest apart without making mistakes?

  • Put out a square of 20 by 20 with hats.
  • In the middle put balls (1 less than the number of players)
  • The players walk in circles around the hats
  • At the whistle they run in and try to get a ball

When you have a ball you can try to shoot (penalty throw - distance) and if you score you have a point, at every new round one ball less in the middle. The players who don't get the ball keep running.