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Korfball drills

  • Form 3 teams at the basket
  • Person 1 stands 3 to 4 meters in front of the basket near the pawn.
  • Person 2 will stand 3 to 4 meters behind the basket near the pawn.
  • Person 3 stands under the basket as catcher

  • Person 1 starts shooting, person 3 catches the ball and throws it to person 2.
  • Person 2 shoots, person 1 catches and throws to person 3. Always change.

Exercises with distance shot, penalty throw and walkthrough.

Place a number of cones/caps 2 to 3 metres apart. Make two rows of cones and divide the team into two groups.

The exercise is quite simple. One pawn sprints and one pawn knees high. Go behind each other


1) Doubles: 2 players facing each other, 1 player walks from left to right, the other throws the ball, always playing on the outside hand. Catch ball, return same hand, walk to the other side. Change function after a few times.

2) As 1 but player takes ball over, i.e. catch right hand, pass to left hand and play with it, walk to left, catch with left hand, pass to right hand and play with it etc. footwork

Inshort: practise various forms of the shot in a fun competition format.

Organisation: each group a basket and a ball, the baskets are preferably (but not absolutely necessary) arranged in a circle or rectangle. The number of people per group is less important (all groups should be about the same size).

Pawns set up at 1,3,5 metres

The first assignment for the groups is: make 10 goals. When you are done, the creator of the last goal goes to the trainer to get the next assignment. Which group will have completed all assignments first?

The trainer walks around the room, encouraging or correcting the players. He has a piece of paper with a list of assignments. When someone comes to get the next assignment, first ask him which assignment he just completed (after a while this can vary considerably) and then give the next one. Here's an example: 10 walk-through balls, 15 penalty shots, 5 shots from 8 meters, 10 walk-through balls from behind the basket, 5 dodgeballs next to the post, 10 shots from 6 meters. Everything is possible of course, a lot of momentum comes from keeping the number of goals to be scored small.


  • 6 scores from 2,5 meter in front of the basket
  • 6 scores from 1 meter in front of the basket
  • 6 scores from 6 meter in front of the basket
  • 6 scores from 2,5 meter behind the basket
  • 6 scores from 1 meter behind the basket
  • 6 scores from 6 meters behind the basket

Indicate from the space

Keep space under the basket free and pass to the player from various positions in the field. First without and then with a defender.

Pay attention to good placement of the ball!

In short:
A trio has to pass the ball to each other in a square.That is tricky yes, because one is always missing....

Three players stand in an imaginary square about eight metres from each other. One corner remains unoccupied. The middle player (number 2) of the three has the ball.

Start in square. In from (basic
) Later: 1 under the post.

Basis: always offer sides. Not in a clump, not too early, not too late.

Setup: O v * * = pilon O = basket

* v O

sure that they first pass the ball before passing it.

Distance between the pile and the basket is +/- 10 meterAt
each pile there is one person with the ballAt
+/- 4 meter from the pile there is one defender.

The player tries to pass the ball. By changing tempo she tries to pass the defender first. Defender follows, but lets her pass. From pole 1 the attacker moves on to pole 2 and makes a new attempt at pole 2.


  • 2 attackers at the same time
  • When scoring twice, switch to pass.
  • Defender goes for preventing shot.
  • Attacker can choose for walk through, dodge and/or distance with step behind
    • adjust time
    • multiple posts/pillars/players

Inshort: simple catching and throwing exercise with a lot of running for foursome.

Organisation: The four players form a square (distance about 10 metres, depending on the level), one of the four has a ball. If there are people left over, one or more foursomes can be formed and stand in a pentagon. Almost all parts of the exercise described above can be practised in this form of organisation.

The procedure is as follows:

Player A throws the ball to B, runs after him, gets the ball back and throws to C. He gets the ball back, plays to D, gets the ball back and throws to B over quite a distance, and finally takes his original place again. In the meantime B has already started his round. When everyone in every foursome has had 3 turns the next exercise comes.


  1. The players walk the other way.
  2. The attackers move slightly to and fro.
  3. Which foursome will finish fastest? (everyone has to walk three times).
    • Make sure that the distances do not suddenly get smaller!

Let's get used to the field.

Three poles in a triangle. Three running players. From the pillon you push. Remember technique.

1) take a walk through ball. Scoring three is substitution2
) Take neighbourhood ball. Scoring one is exchanging3)
Walk through ball overhead4
) Walk through ball backwards5
) score 10 together.

Setup: O v * * = pilon O = basket

* v O

  • Distance between the pile and the basket is +/- 10 meter.
  • At every pole stands 1 attacker with the ball.
  • At 1 meter from the pylon stands 1 defender (you must be able to touch the attacker by the shoulder).
  • The player tries to pass the ball.
  • By changing tempo she tries to pass the defender first.
  • Defender follows, but lets her pass.
  • From pole 1 the attacker continues to pole 2 and makes a new attempt at pole 2.
  • We do this for 1 to 2 minutes per person.


  • 2 attackers at the same time
  • When scoring twice, switch to pass.
  • Defender goes for preventing shot. Attackers can choose for walk through ball, dodge and/or distance with step behind.
  • adjust time
  • Multiple posts/pillars/players.


  • Place the hats about 6 meters apart. Divide the group in 2.
  • In case of five a group of three and a group of two.
  • Goal is to keep the ball in the middle of the hats at all times.
  • As soon as a player receives the ball, the player from the other side must be at the same level as the middle.
  • After passing the ball, join the back of the queue at the other side.
  • NB: nobody stands still and estimate well.
    • Do not arrive too early or too late.
    • Throw from the move.
    • After five minutes also go the other way (left hand side).
  • One person passes under the basket,
  • the other moves back and forth between 2 cones and is played every time he reaches a cone.