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Korfball drills

  • Build up to offensive positions to fall back on when creativity fails.
drawing System building attack - foundation to fall back on
Everyone takes 2 penalty throws.
  • If you miss, you have to run across the width of the field with the whole team.
  • If you miss 2 times, you must run back and forth with the whole team.
drawing Penalty throws
  • Setup is that someone stands under the post and the 3 others stand in a triangle relative to the post.
  • The player with the ball plays deep or wide and takes the pole position.
  • If the ball is played deep, the player at the post moves backwards. If the ball is played wide, the player on that side runs with it.
  • If the ball goes deep, the forward player takes the filling-in player's spot. If the ball goes wide, the back player takes that spot.
  • The player who fills in from the side takes the shot. The caught ball goes back to the middle player and play can begin again.
  • If everything is filled in on time, you have the catch out of space. If the intended shooter is blocked with a jump, he/she has 2 points of attack for a breakthrough.
  1. Score 10x via moving to the right.
  2. score 10x via moving to the left.
  3. score 10x via a through ball on a flying defender.
drawing Always 2 supports
  • Divide the group into groups of 3.
  • Give each group 5 jars in 5 different colors.
  • 1 player goes to work -red, 1 player indicates -blue, 1 player coaches -white.
  • Player red starts running action from pot to pot in slalom and takes a run-in.
  • Player white coaches player red and indicates which jar player red should go back and start again, again in slalom.
  • If player red scores from a color pot, player white takes the pot away.
  • Exercise continues until every color pot is scored.
drawing Warming up with color jars
  • There are 4 pawns in a square well around the basket.
  • There is already someone imaginary standing as a rebound, so there are 3 men in the front field at a pawn.
  • The players must always connect so that there is someone playable on 2 sides.
  • After 3/4 passes someone is sent deep and the 3rd person comes in front of the rebound and a through ball is taken.
  • Player 1 keeps moving in the meantime and gets the ball to shoot.
drawing 3-1 to chance
  • The first ball is played deep from the front pocket.
  • Then the other front comes in and passes the ball.
  • The first passer runs over the block to the catch.
  • The back player runs on the ball side for a through ball to the post.
  • Alternatively, the ball is passed directly back for the distance shot.
  • The player under the post steps out as soon as the rebound is taken over from the front and ensures that the player with the ball has two points of attack.
drawing Rebound from the front over a block
Attacker uses feints to get past the defender.
  • There are 6 players between the pawns.
  • There must be 1 hole per row of pawns.
  • The other players try to use feints to find the hole.
  • The defenders may only defend widthwise and try to tap the attackers.
  • If you get tapped, you have to start over.
  • If the attackers reach the other side, they get 1 point.
  • After 5 points, the game is switched.
  • The game can be made easier by adding fewer defenders.
drawing Feint attack
Play 3:3
  • Defense tries to prevent the low support
  • Defense tries to push the attacker out as far as possible
  • Playing 3:3 reduces the number of opponents you have to keep an eye on
  • As a defender, make sure you stand in a triangle between ball and defender
  • Aim only to run the defender off the ball
  • If a long ball comes, the defender's first task is to defend
  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel-the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball then gets to shoot.
  • Who has X goals first?
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • 6 players at the pawns, 1 in front.
  • The one in front of the pawns tries to find a hole to get through by feints.
  • Defender may only move left right.
drawing Defending
  • Each player is given a number, 1 through X.
  • You all walk into a box cordoned off with 4 hats.
  • 1 throws to 2, 2 to 3, X to 1.
  • Initially with 2 balls, expand with left and right, throw one hand or add extra ball.
  • Keep moving well together and do not stand still.
  • Possibly count how many passes succeed without the ball touching the ground and set a goal for that.
Players are in pairs at a basket.
  1. 1 person starts in front of the basket
  2. 1 person starts under the basket
Two pawns diagonally in front of the basket.
  1. The attacker gets the ball at one of the pawns.
  2. The attacker picks up the ball with the outside hand.
  3. The attacker runs after it for a through ball.
  4. The attacker goes back outside to the other pawn.
Extend to shot, left and right.
At e.g. 5 goals call yes and then switch
Pace and ball handling slowly up, throw left and right, rounding can also be done with variations.