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Korfball drills

  • Place 5 hats around the basket.
  • At 5 different distances from the basket. (max 6 meters, minimal 2 meters)
  • Work with pairs.
  • From each hat you may shoot twice.
  • You always shoot a whole round.
  • Which pair is first to score twice from all hats?
  • You make a round, until you have scored from all spots.
  • You shoot one round and catch the next round.


  • From 4-0 position to take action.


  • You play around and create an attack opportunity in front of the basket.
  • After the first action, start the second action.
  • After second action, return to 4-0 position.
  • Everyone stays in motion.

Actions to practice:

  • Behind.
  • Cross.
  • Left/right.
  • Pass from 4-0.
  • A.
  • B.
  • Opening.

See drawing for from 4-0 to 3-1 to 2-1-1.

Blue is 4-0.

  • Player 1 throws to player 2.
  • Player 1 puts in rebound.
  • Player 3 fills in place of player 1.
  • Player 4 behind the basket.
  • Player 2 throws to player 1.
  • Player 1 throws to player 2 or 3, they make an evasive move. (where possible shot).

Red is 3-1.

  • Player 4 enters the support.
  • Player 2 or 3 throws to 4.
  • Player 2 and 3 make an action for a goal attempt.
  • Player 1 catches a shot or makes sure she is away from a pass, can score via diversion after a missed pass.
  • Player 4 makes a run through after a pass through.
drawing set up actions from 4-0
  • Players run/dribble around a set square. (poles/pawns, sufficient distance from each other).
  • Players are given a list of commands in advance, with a corresponding number.
  • The trainer calls out a number randomly, players carry out the assignment.
  • You can adjust the number of missions and the missions themselves.
  • Example of assignments.
    • Tapping the ground.
    • Jump in the air.
    • Sprint to the next pole.
    • 1 burpee.
    • Backwards as if you are defending until the next pole/pawn.
  • Players play 4-0 around the post.
  • Player 1 takes the catch immediately after a pass.
  • The next player to pass the ball takes the pass, but is "defended in front" and cannot avoid it.
  • The player goes behind the post, the "defender" stays in front of the post, the player behind the post pulls away, gets the ball and shoots.
  • Ball is caught, played out and the exercise is done again.
  • This can be done with or without defenders.
  • With defenders, the defenders must over-defend and stay in front of the post when the player moves backwards.
  • Without defenders, make sure that attackers keep making the correct movements and do not immediately move backwards to move away, but only when they have been "pre-defended
  • Work in pairs. (unless there is no other way)
    • Shot from 4 meter from stand.
    • Shot from movement right 4/5 meter.
    • Shot from movement left 4/5 meter.
    • Short chance left at 3 meter.
    • Short chance right at 3 meter.
    • Penalty throw.
    • Walk-through ball.
    • Shot at 6 meter.
  • Working with 2 teams you let every player shoot for 2 minutes, after that you switch functions.
  • You are 4 minutes per round.
  • Note the scores on a list, so you can see if there is improvement later in the season.
  • Working with 3 teams, you work 1 minute per shot.


Set up attacks in overtime situations


  • Make sure the offense always has 1 more person than the defense (3-2, 4-3, 4-2 etc.)
  • Gives the offense a task:
    • E.g. score within 5 passes, score after setting up an action, score from the rebound.
  • Gives the defense a task:
    • E.g. intercept the ball within 5 passes, defend in front.
  • Decide if you can go for a defensive goal.
  • Indicate with cones where the lines are.
  • Agree when offense switches with defense:
    • After X minutes, after X goals, after X interceptions.
  • 4 against 4 on 1 pole.
  • The attacking team consults before each attack.
  • They have to agree on a plan for the next attack.
  • Who fills what position, what tactics (e.g. attacking in 3-1 or continuing to 2-2), do we move the ball to the back or do we attack in front with 2 people etc.
  • Encourage them to have a basic plan.
  • Let them think of alternatives if something doesn't work out.
  • It is not the intention that they do not go for the ball after a goal attempt
  • The goal is to score, so they should also try to get the ball when a goal attempt goes wrong
  • Variation
  • Give the defence an order and see if the attack picks it up and adapts.
  • Each player a hoop and a pawn.
  • Player puts the pawn about 5 metres from the hoop.
  • Player turns the hoop and sprints to the pawn.
  • Player must be back before the hoop is finished.
  • If successful, move the pawn one metre away.
  • Who can achieve the greatest distance?
  • Each pair has a ball, a basket and 3 hoops.
  • The pair stands about 10 metres in front of the basket.
  • On a signal, player 1 throws the three hoops and the ball towards the basket.
  • When the ball is thrown, player 2 sprints to the ball and shoots from each hoop until he has scored.
  • Then player 2 takes the hoops and the ball and runs back to the start.
  • Player 2 throws and player 1 shoots.
  • Who finishes first.
  • After that of course a chance for revenge.
  • A pair must make a continuous run of 10 penalty throws.
  • Missing is back to 0.
  • In the time this pair needs the other pairs will do shooting exercises e.g.
    • Distance shot. (counts for 2)
    • Pass.
    • Chance.
  • Then change.
  • Who scores the most?

Three warm-up exercises for flexible muscles.

These exercises are for back, back and hamstring and back legs, ankles and arms.

  • Dangling pose. (back)
    • Both feet hip-width apart with feet forward.
    • Hands go up sideways.
    • Tilt your pelvis forward and bring your hands to the ground.
    • Try to feel the breath in your back and hold for 1 minute.
    • Then come up at a slow pace, vertebra by vertebra.
  • Down dog. (hamstring and back)
    • Hands and knees on the ground. (Hips above the knee and hands straight under the shoulder))
    • Plank on your hands.
    • Backside up and back, leaving hands where they are.
    • Hold for 20 seconds and then back in reverse.
  • Triangle pose. (back, legs, ankles and arms)
    • Stand arms and legs wide apart. (Legs at wrist width)
    • Turn right foot 90 degrees to the right and point left foot forward.
    • Ankles stay in 1 line.
    • Reach to the right and move your right hand to your calf and look up at your left hand. (Arms stay at 180 degrees)
    • Hips stay forward.
    • Stand still and come up.
  • Exercise 1 and 2 we do 3x, exercise 3 left and right.
  • 4 hurdles against each other in a 4 side.
    • Jump with two legs over the first hurdle.
    • Jump left over the hurdle and jump back.
    • Jump straight forward over the hurdle and back again.
    • Jump right over the hurdle, turn right and make a sprint to the pawn.
    • We do this 8 times.
  • 10 hoops spread over the ground.
    • You jump alternately with your left and right leg into a hoop and stay on that one leg for 3 counts.
    • Your face is always facing the same direction.
    • After the last hoop you sprint to the pawn.
    • We do this 8 times.
  • 6 cones next to each other with 50 cm distance between them (when this group is ready, parts 4 and 5 stop).
    • You step over the pawn in the space between first your right foot and then your left foot. (keep your back straight)
    • This way you step over all 6 cones.
    • Then you sprint to the pawn.
    • The next round you face the other way and first you go over the pawn with your left foot and then with your right foot.
    • Do this 4 times right and 4 times left.
  • Hat run. (brisk pace about 50%)
    • You start at a green hat.
    • At green you go forward.
    • At orange you go left.
    • At white you go backwards.
    • With blue you go to the right.
    • At every other colour you choose your own side.
  • Pass the Frisbee and make sure it is caught.