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Korfball drills

The focus in this exercise is on finishing chances and timing in the rebound.
If you do not score goals quickly enough, you will lose the game.

  • Goal is to score 5 goals.
  • The rebounder under the basket plays against the shooter in front of the basket. Which of the two players scores 5 goals first?
  • The rebounder starts as a pointer such that the shooter has to shoot on the move outside the 4 meters.
  • The rebounder may shoot only if he or she catches the ball in one shot without scoring a goal.
  • If one player scores 5 goals this player is the winner and all other groups stop play
  • This basket is the winner's basket, the basket furthest from this is the loser's basket
  • Then per pole each winner -the player who scored the most of the 5 points- moves 1 place towards the winner's basket.
  • The loser -the player who scored the least of the 5 points- moves 1 place in the opposite direction, towards the loser's basket
  • In case of a tie, you take penalty throws; the player who misses first is the loser.
  • On a tennis court, you will play in 2 squares 2 against 2.
  • Both courts are attacking.
  • When intercepting, the ball must first go to the other side.
  • Play with 2 teams of 2.
  • Both squares are attacking squares.
  • On interception, the ball must go to the other side first.
drawing Party on tennis court
  • In pairs at a post
  • The shooter starts with the ball
  • The shooter plays the ball into the support
  • The shooter makes a hook to the left or right and gets the ball back
  • The shooter shoots at goal
  • The intercepted ball is played directly back to the shooter
  • The shooter plays the ball back to the support
  • The shooter makes a through ball
  • After scoring twice, switch positions
  • Everyone does this exercise 5 times
Training objective:
Picking up the shot directly in a duel between them.

Shot duel
Per 2-team a ball and a post.

  • Making 2 out of 5 distance shots from 6 meters.
  • Then you get one chance from 4 meters.
  • You must score the one from 4 meters to earn a point.
  • Your opponent can undo this point by also scoring the 4-meter chance.
  • Score 3 out of 5 short chances from 4 meters.
  • Then score 2 penalty throws, on 2, to earn a point.
  • Your opponent can undo this by also scoring both penalty throws.
  • Score 2 out of 5 shots behind the basket at 5 meters.
  • Then score 3 through balls, from 3 chances, to earn a point.
  • Your opponent can undo this by also scoring 3 through balls.
  • Score 1 out of 5 distance shots at 8 meters.
  • Then score 3 out of 4 chances under the basket.
  • Your opponent can undo this by scoring 3 out of 3 chances under the basket.
  • Each pair must try to crack the code. This is a four-digit code where the sequence matters.
  • Each exercise is a number; they can use this number in the code.
  • When they have done 4 exercises, they pass this as the code, in the order in which they did the exercises.
  • The trainer then indicates how many the players got right and how many are in, but not in the right place.
  • 8 walk-through balls
  • 5 rounds of running ladders pp
  • 2 laps around the whole field
  • 5 fallback balls right
  • 5 safety balls left
  • touch post small chance, 8 score
  • 20 penalty throws
  • 6 distance shots 6 m in front of the basket
  • 6 distance shots 5 m behind the basket
  • Players spread out in a box
  • All players, except the ticker, have a ball
  • The ticker tries to tap everyone.
  • If a player is tagged, he or she goes to the posts to score.
  • If successful, the player returns to the box.
  • If a player drops the ball, they are also out.
Variations through different ways of holding the ball.
drawing Tag with balls
  • Everyone at a basket with ball
  • Other players start running and taking through balls
  • After a certain score, the next
drawing Walk-through balls on baskets with hurdles
  • Per 2- or 3-team
  • 1 person under the basket
  • Others at the pawns
  • Always a pattern that the player has to run at the pawns
  • End with a through-ball, drop ball or start-off
drawing T-loop
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored.

  • Each playing card shows a "color": clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds.
  • Each color represents a fitness exercise:
    • Hearts: Push-ups
    • Spades: Squat
    • Clubs: Burpee
    • Diamonds: Lunges
  • Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise.
  • They do this the number of times the card indicates.
  • For example, Hearts 4 = push up 4 times.
  • Then they may continue shooting again.
  • The group with the most cards has won.
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored.

  • Each playing card shows a "color": clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds.
  • Each color represents a fitness exercise:
    • Hearts: Push-ups
    • Spades: Squat
    • Clubs: Burpee
    • Diamonds: Lunges
  • Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise.
  • They do this the number of times the card indicates.
  • For example, Hearts 4 = push up 4 times.
  • Then they may continue shooting again.
  • The group with the most cards has won.
  • On both sides of the basket are pawns.
  • The shooter stands in front of the basket with the ball.
  • The other players stand under the basket to duel for the rebound.
  • After each shot, one player catches the ball.
  • This player must first tap a pawn and then may catch again.
  • The shooter shoots as soon as he has the ball.
drawing Running rebound
  • Pairs at the basket
  • Pawns placed in a square with a distance of 5 meters from the basket
  • Number 1 runs a pattern where shots are made at each pawn
  • Number 2 runs the same pattern and tries to score more than number 1
  • In case of a tie take turns shooting from pawn to preference until someone scores and the other misses
drawing Chasing square