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Korfball drills

  • You put pilons in a square. 
  • In the square you put a number of balls (one less than the number of players). 
  • The players run around the square and then the trainer yells YES. 
  • If the trainer says YES, the player takes a ball as quickly as possible. 
  • If you have a ball, you score 3 goals. 
  • The remaining player continues to run around the square until someone finishes shooting. 
  • Place 4 posts in a square.
  • The whole group runs around the posts in a row. 
  • If the trainer shouts "yes", the person at the back of the row will run to the front of the row as quickly as possible. 
  • The children do this by sprinting.
  • Options:
    • The children follow each other around the posts in a row. 
    • The person at the front of the row can do what he wants, for example: heels to the back, sprinting, lifting knees etc. 
    • If the trainer shouts "yes", the person at the back of the queue gets to the front of the queue as soon as possible and can then choose what he wants to do. 
    • It has to be something else than running/jogging, it can be sprinting. 
  • Per group of 2, each player has to score.
  • When both score, move to the left to the next post, regardless of whether the two next to you have already scored. 
  • Which group will be the first group to return to his own post and score again.
  • All players line up. 
  • The front 2 players have a ball. 
  • Player 1 starts shooting, after this player has had a shot, player 2 can start. 
  • If 1 scores earlier than 2, he can stand in the back of the line. 
  • If 2 scores earlier than 1, 1 is finished and has to go to the side. 
  • The last remaining two players must start at the same time and the one who scores first wins.

PURPOSE: Warm-up (concentration and reaction) 

ORGANISATION: groups of two, three or four in a defined space.

RUNNING THE GAME: slowly run behind each other, crisscrossing through the entire space. Number 2 always follows every movement of number 1 as quickly as possible and keeps a distance of about 1 meter. Switch positions after a while.


  • now the front runner tries to get rid of the back runner by sudden feints and/or tempo changes.
  • But now other movements are allowed as well: cross steps, jumping, lying down and getting up again etc.
  • No more groups: everyone runs freely. The players run towards each other, make a feint and:
    • then pass each other on the left.
    • pass each other on the right
    • turn around each other and run back

  • Put out a square of 20 by 20 with hats
  • In the middle there are some balls (1 ball less than the number of players)
  • The players run circles around the hats
  • When the whistle blows, they run in and try to grab a ball
  • If you have a ball, you can attempt a shot (penalty throw - distance) and if you score, you have one point, and there's one ball less in the middle for each new round. Players who do not have a ball continue to run.

  • Make two teams and make sure there are two thick mats.
  • The goal is to push the thick mat with your team to the other side. 
  • After each push you have to go back to the starting line. 
  • The smartest thing to do is to make a run with your whole team at the same time and push against the mat.
  • 1 shooter stands in front of the post, distance is indicated by the trainer
  • At least 1 receiver, but it works better with 2 or more receivers
  • 2 balls per post, as soon as the shooter has shot a ball the 2nd ball will be passed to the shooter.
  • Shooter gets X minutes to score as many goals as possible
  • Goal is to keep shooting fast, but also to keep shooting well
  • Can be done several times and try to improve the number of goals each time

  • 1 attacker
  • 1 defender 
  • 1 passer
  • the duel lasts 1 minute (good for endurance!)
  • In any case, the defender won't let a ball through, the shot will be allowed.
  • A little pressure on the shot is necessary.

Exercises are performed 1x

5 pilons in 2- 4 meter rows.

  • Jogging (2x)
  • Heels/Butt 
  • Knee Lifting
  • Hopping pass with double arm swing
  • Cross pass (faces to each other)
  • Cross pass (backs to each other)
  • Connecting pass (faces to each other)
  • Connecting pass (backs to each other)
  • Twist hips outward (At each pilon)
  • Twist hips inward (At each pilon)
  • Knee movement (alternating left and right)
  • Kick movement (left and right at each pilon)
  • Walk with alternating cross-directions (do not sprint)
  • Forward connection pass (move diagonally) 
  • Rear connection pass (move diagonally)
  • 2 pilons forward 1 pilon backward 
  • 75%-80% sprint to pilon 2
  • 75%-80% print up to pilon 3
  • Knee lunges moving forward (from pilon 1 to 4)
  • Knee lunges with jump on the spot (3x per side and then sprint to pilon 4) (2x)

After these exercises the shooting will continue.

  • You make a box, with an attacker in it, 
  • the attacker must keep moving in the box, while a defender is following. 
  • The other player is standing outside the box. 
  • The attacker starts with the ball in his/her hands and throws it to someone on the side and the person on the side throws it back to the attacker and then throws it back to someone else standing on the side. 
  • The defender tries to take the ball. 
  • When the defender takes the ball, he throws it back you will try again
  • The attacker always tries to run free and the defender tries to intercept the ball
  • make 2 groups 
  • the attack takes the ball from the trainers.
  • When the defence has intercepted the ball, they  return it to the trainers. 
  • When they have scored, the team gets a bonus and is allowed to take the ball back.
  • 1 of the young trainers can act as referee to gain experience