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Korfball drills

  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel-the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball then gets to shoot.
  • Who has X goals first?
drawing Rebound - running duel
The ball is under the post in the support.
Two players in the front of the box.
The fourth player wanders somewhere in the back box.

  • The support throws the ball out to the left or right and runs in the direction it was thrown.
  • The ball is played back to the out runner.
  • The player on the other front is constantly moving and breaks through at the moment the ball is played back to the out runner.
  • The out runner hands the ball over and this through ball is scored.
Score 20x over left and 20x over right.

drawing Breakthrough from space
Per 3- or 4-team at a basket.
Step 1:
  • Player Red defends Player Blue.
  • Player Blue has the ball and then throws it to Player White and runs deep and shoots.
Step 2:
  • Follow Step 1 and after Player Blue runs deep, Player White rushes in for a giveaway.
  • Player Blue goes for a pass through Blue.
  • Player Red continues to defend, but allows the through ball.
> Take the goal attempts as calmly as possible
> If by 4 put down a rebound.
drawing Running deep lines
  • The ball enters the box in a 4-0 formation.
  • The player on the other side -for- cuts in for support.
  • At the moment the ball is played to the diagonal player makes a breakthrough or lateral move, gets the ball played to him and gets to the shot.
  • If no goal is scored, the support can shift attention to the other back, where breakthroughs or clearances can be made for the shot.
Note: The player on the side of the ball can also run in instead of the player in front. The action then comes from the other side of the box.

  • Score 5 through balls over left and over right
  • Score 5 clearance balls from the left and right.
drawing Action from rear
  • You lay down 9 hoops or baskets in a square.
  • You divide the team into 2 groups and have them start from a number of meters.
  • Here they are given 3 pawns.
  • The children must walk to the hoops and place their given pawn in one of the hoops to get butter cheese and eggs.

  • When all the pawns have been used up they must move the pawns.
drawing Butter, cheese and eggs
  • Take 5 walk-through balls.
  • Go zigzagging through the first 4 hats.
  • Then turn left and run forward with two feet between each hat each time.
  • At the end turn around and then run all the way across with two feet.
  • At the end back to the middle.
  • Finally, zigzag through the last 4 hats and take a through ball in full sprint.
  • Do this same exercise again but then move toward the basket sideways forward and backward through the hats, the transverse side is again short strides.
  • Again take and/or score 5 through balls.
drawing walking ladder exercise with hats
These exercises over a maximum of 20 meters, at stop exercise 3 stops.
  • Side jump, as fierce as possible push off on left or right leg and away on 1 leg - side feint/ swerve
  • Cross-over side jump, find balance after each stride. Left and right.
  • Walk forward with stop, standing completely still.
  • Backward slide with sometimes left front and sometimes right front. Can be done on command.
  • Side hopping with connecting feet.
  • Walking backward.
  • Ball is played from the support to the left or right, running out to the playing side.
  • The outrunner gets the ball back and plays the broken through player from the other side.
  • If you have a player in the back of the field, they also break through at the moment the ball is played in from the front.
drawing Walk-through ball from space
With 4 players:
  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket. Players forming a team put themselves in the diagonal.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel - the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball gets to attack as a team.
  • Maximum of 2 chances.
  • Who has X goals first?
With 3 players:
  • The player who catches forms a team with the shooter.
  • 2 against 1 to attack.
Turn after each attack.
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • Poles in triangle:
    • At each basket someone with a ball with fixed pointer.
    • The other players in the middle at the 2 hoops.
  • From the middle you take a through ball to one of the baskets.
    • You may never go to the same post twice in a row.
    • You always move on to the next post by putting your foot in one of the hoops.
  • The goal is to score 5 times as fast as possible.
    • If you manage to do this, you move into one of the hoops. This hoop may then no longer be used by the others to move on to the next basket.
  • Then switch attackers and start again.
  • Halfway through the exercise switch to away balls.
drawing Walk-through ball and away ball competition
  • Make groups of 2 players.
  • Player 1 gets 2 -e.g. red- hoops.
  • Player 2 gets 2 -e.g. yellow- hoops.
  • Put these 4 hoops in a square.
  • Per duo you need 1 ball.
Game explanation:
  • Player 1 bumps the ball into a hoop of his own color.
  • Player 2 catches the ball before it collides again and throws it another one into a hoop of his color.
    • You get a point if the other player cannot catch your ball.
    • The other player gets a point if the ball does not land in the correct hoop.
  • Try to score as many points as possible.
Place 2 poles directly opposite each other.
Under each basket one player with ball and one player without.

  • The player without ball runs clockwise to the cone halfway diagonally across the court.
  • The ball is passed along in the run and passed to the declarer under the other basket.
  • Walk-through ball follows, self-catching.
  • Exercise repeats.

  • Players without ball run straight at each other. After a jump they go sideways to the cone.
  • There they continue without a pointer to the swerve on the other basket.
  • The shot is followed by a follow-through that is self-caught. Then you switch.

  • The player in give-up throws the ball away with backspin. The player without the ball runs to the ball and tries to catch it for the 2nd bounce. Make sure the ball is not thrown too far.
  • After catching, turn and pass to the supplied player, followed by a swerve with a shot.
  • Then run for a through ball at the other post, catching yourself.
drawing Exercise attack