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Korfball drills

  • Work in groups of 2-3 or 4 and a post. 
  • Players stand in front of each other and throw the ball to each other.
  • Player A throws to player B. 
  • Player A runs towards player B, but then backs away towards the post and gets the ball from player B (deep pass). 
  • Player A shoots the ball into the post. 
    • Make sure you run close enough to the post. 
    • Don't stop running too early and the pass must be precise.
  • You can extend the exercise further by passing the ball back to player B instead of taking a shot, 
    • then it's important that player B makes a running action to become available for a pass. 

  • Players stand in front of each other and each has a ball in one of their hands. 
  • One in their left hand, the other in their right hand.
  • Now they are going to throw the balls to each other 
    • ...so for a certain period of time or for several times
  • Shooter stand in front of the post, with a defender
  • Shooter stand in front of the post, with a defender
  • The ball is thrown in from under the post, after which the ball is handled from the outer to the inner hand for a through-ball.
  • The pilon is now placed 6 metres in front of the post, a passer with ball stands under the post.
  • A runner and defender stand at the pilon.
  • The runner goes back and forth around the pilon and starts counting how many times he or she can double the ball with the passer, without it being intercepted by the defender (everything must be done with one hand).
  • After four doubles, the through-ball is made, the defender only gives pressure and allows the through-ball if the defender passes over the right leg.
  • A player stand with the ball well behind post
  • Attacker with defender in front of the post
  • Attacker must always run towards the line of pilons after a shot
  • Then wait until the passer throws the ball so he can run backwards and shoot
  • Switch after a goal
    • Pressure: 
      • Defender runs slowly with the attacker
      • Defender 75%
      • Defender full pressure


  • Shooter with a defender in front of the post. 
  • Passer with defender behind the post. 
  • Passer throws long ball at shooter and takes rebound.
  • Shooter may pass an x on defender rebounder
  • When defender jumps in, rebounder steps out for a breakthrough.
  • 4 versus 4 
  • Men come into a supportive position to let the men score.
    • Option 1: Positions under the post are filled by 1 lady and 1 man.
    • Option 2: Positions under the post would be filled by 2 ladies.
    • Option 3: Play in 3:1 ratio
  • Ladies would play side by side, one for the breakthrough and the other for the shot.
  • Work in groups of 3
  • Players throw the ball at each other
  • Player A throws to player B. 
  • And player A runs deep
  • Player A shoots the ball into the post
    • Make sure you run straight to the post. 
    • Don't stop running too early and the pass should be good.
  • You can extend the exercise further by passing the ball back to player B who takes a through-ball instead of taking a shot 


Starting position

  • Lie on your back.
  • Bend your knees 90 degrees and put both feet flat on the ground.
  • Your arms lie along your body with your palms down.


  • Tighten your buttocks and belly.
  • Lift your buttocks off the ground to form a straight line with your knees, hips and shoulders.


  • To add increase the difficulty of this exercise, stretch your right and left legs alternately, keeping your hips in position.
  • Pilon 1
    • Tap the ground 6 times and jump up and stretch out all the way. RUN TO POST 1.
  • Post 1
    • then you take a dodgeball at post 1.

      RUN TO PAWN 2.

  • Pilon 2
    • jumping lunge 

      RUN TO POST 2.

  • Post 2
    • take a through-ball at post 2.

      Run to a pilon 

  • Pilon 3
    • 6x push-ups 

      RUN TO POST 3.

  • Post 3
    • short chance behind the post

      RUN TO PAWN 4.

  • Pilon 4
    • 6x squad 

      RUN TO POST 4.

  • Post 4
    • dodge to the other side 

      Run to PAWN 1 

  • This is repeated 5 times 
  • but change every time under the post.

! Form groups of 2 persons per post 

Each group gets three playing cards. The cards are shuffled from the front and the numbers 2 to 5 are removed from the pack. With the three playing cards the groups have to get as close as possible to 31. The value of the numbers and pictures are shown below:

  • Six = six
  • Seven = seven
  • Eight = eight
  • Nine = nine
  • Ten = ten
  • Jack = ten
  • Queen = ten
  • King = ten
  • Ace = eleven 

So nine + jack + queen = 29 points or ace + jack + queen = 31, but you can also have jack + jack + jack = 30.5

Once players have completed a series, they may exchange one of their received cards for a new one, in order to get closer to 31. The trainer will set a timer and says when to stop. The team closest to 31 wins. 


1. through-balls: five goals in a row.

2. through-balls: 5 goals in a row from behind the post.

3. Play through-balls by going for the short chance, 3 times in a row.

! Make groups of 3 and let the players divide themselves in person 1, 2 and 3. After two rounds, change one person.

  • Form groups of 3 at the post. 
  • Person 1 stands 6 meters in front of the post at the pilon, 
  • person 2 will stand 6 meters behind the post at the pilon. 
  • Person 3 stands under the post as a receiver. 
  • Person 1 starts with e.g. taking a though-ball, then goes back to the pilon. 
  • Person 2 takes a through-ball, as person 3 has caught the ball. This is how you perform all the exercises.


  • Through-ball 
  • Dodge ball right 
  • Dodge ball left 
  • Turnaround-ball past the post

Groups of 3 change 1 by 1

Groups of 4 change 2 by 2

  • At pilon 1 
    • 1 time up and down, sideways with small steps between the pilons. 
    • RUN TOWARDS POST 1 for a through-ball.
  • At pilon 2
    • 5 sit-ups. 
    • RUN TOWARDS POST 2 for a dodge ball (minimum 5 meters).
  • At pilon 3
    • again 1 time up and down between the pilons with small steps
    • RUN TOWARDS POST 3 tap the post and take a short chance.
  • If you have 5 points, you can change, only the shot counts for 2. (From post 3 to pilon 1 an interval for seniors with running  at slow pace and sprinting.)