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Korfball drills

  • You play 3:3 or 4:4 in a space smaller than a korfball box.
  • You play with the 3 or 4 team 10 times over without the ball falling and without the ball being intercepted.
  • You always look for the free space as a team-mate who does not have the ball, so you can continue to play.
  • The 3 or 4 team is the first to pass the ball 30 times.
  • Pawn in front of and behind the basket.
  • One or more players in front of the basket, one under the basket and one behind the basket.
  • Players take through balls and walk around the pawn behind the basket before they pass.
  • Place the pawn at a distance that requires the player to sprint full speed to be in time to pass.
  • Do this for x minutes or x goals.
  • 2 baskets opposite each other at about 10 meters.
  • Start with 3 against 3 or 4 against 4.
  • Depending on the numbers.
  • Task is for the defenders.
  • Try to intercept the ball.
  • No counter play is allowed.
    • Swap when one of the teams has intercepted 5 times the ball.
    • Play on time and which team has the most interceptions.
  • 4 players play around the post.
  • One player takes the rebound.
  • The other three keep a triangle around the post and keep playing around with the three of them.
  • The rebound player moves to the side where the ball is, gets the ball and shoots.
  • Variant
    • The rebound player steps out to the near post, receives the ball and passes to the far post.
    • Both can also be combined, with the rebound player opting to pull away and pass on the ball.
    • Other players must recognise their choice and make the right decision
  • Play with a three or four around the pole.
  • Play everything with one hand.
  • With pairs about 2 meters apart.
  • One player runs from left to right.
  • 3 Metres past the receiver, she catches the ball with 1 hand and plays it back with 1 hand. (25x)
  • Now with opponent.
  • The caught ball is moved to the inner hand and you step along so that your body comes between the ball and the defender.
  • Then you throw back the ball. (25x)
  • Work in pairs.
  • You make an evasive move after playing the ball in, then place the ball back in and evade to the same side once more.
  • This is important in connection with clarity for the declarant.
    • Score 5x left swerve.
    • Score 5x right swerve.

  • Divide the team into equal groups of 3 at most
  • As many poles as groups
  • Everyone can defend everyone
  • Can score on any pole
  • Divide the team in groups of 2, max 3
  • Each group starts on its own pole
  • Per pole you score X number of goals
  • Finished? Then move on to another pole (may be random, may be in order)
  • Finally score X number of goals on your own pole.
  • Who is the first to score on all the poles wins.
  • Which 4 team is first to score 3x.
    • Other players shoot a threesome. (to max 10x scoring)
  • With pairs shoot from distance 3x scoring pp.
  • Open game as attacker you may only shoot when you haven't played in the ball.
  • Which team will be first to score 3x.
    • Other players shoot a threesome. (to max 10x scoring)
  • With pairs shoot from distance 3x scoring pp.
  • 2 designated people may only shoot from the support position, the other two may shoot if there is a catch.
    • Other players shoot a threesome. (till max 10x scoring)
  • Pairs of players shoot from a distance 3x points pp.
  • Now only distance shots are allowed.
  • Divide into groups of 2 or 3 players.
  • Per group an X number of pawns in the middle. (for example 2)
  • Players do an assignment.
  • It doesn't matter what the task is, it can be a shot from 4 meters, it can be a penalty throw, etc.
  • When there are X amount of goals, the group can take a pawn from the middle.
  • No pawns left in the middle?
  • Then you may take them to another group.
  • The first group to get X number of pawns wins.
  • This must be more than the number of pawns per group in the middle!
  • (If each group has 2 pawns in the middle, the number of pawns to win must be 3 or more)
  • Make groups of 2/3 players.
  • 1 Jenga tower is placed in the middle of the poles.
  • You are going to work through a list of exercises.
  • For each exercise all groups get 1 minute to score as many goals as possible.
  • The number of goals determines the order for pulling a stone from the Jenga tower.
  • Most goals starts.
  • In case of equal number of goals stone, paper, scissors.
  • The team that knocks over the tower in any way is the loser.
  • This also applies if a ball rolls against it!
  • With 3 or 4 combine in a room.
  • Everything with 1 hand.
  • Try to throw and catch with both left and right.
  • Keep moving in a steady pace.
  • After 5 minutes, repeat the exercise with a passive opponent