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Korfball drills

  • Player 1 (attacker) starts with the ball under the basket.
  • Player 2 moves freely in front of the basket and gets the ball.
  • Player 1 also starts to move freely by starting from the basket zone.
  • Player 2 (in possession of the ball) takes off with the necessary threat of a shot.
  • Player 1 plays and cuts in for a through ball from the space.
  • Which basket scores 7x first?
  • Then turn around.
  • Make sure you keep the right order and move on to the next exercise.

drawing Warm-up with ball - through ball from space
  • Player 1 is declarer/rebounder.
  • Player 2 is shooter in motion.
  • The goal is for the shooter to always get the shot, and for the rebounder to also get the rebound.
  • You get 90 seconds to shoot a long series of goals, without the rebounder dropping the ball.
  • If the ball falls on the ground, the shooter starts again from 0 (exception is when the goal is scored, then the ball may bounce max 1).
  • Move on to the next exercise in the correct order.
  • Objective:
    • Rebound duel as realistic as possible without physical contact, but by positioning and anticipating rebounds well.
  • Passing position and rebounder under the basket, attacker in front: (if with 4, a defender will run on the long line and give passive pressure).
    • Declarer plays a moving striker, who comes out with the ball.
    • Outgoing attacker gets the ball back.
    • Attacker runs long and shoots. (Pay attention that you run clearly in 2 lines, often there is a tendency to run in 1 line).
    • After the shot, fall inside for a walkthrough ball with one hand.
  • Shot inside is 2 points, pass ball is 1 point.
  • Goal is to score 20 points.
  • When reaching 10 points, change direction.
  • Crucial is the passing, and the 'attacking' of the ball by the shooter.
  • Two of you are responsible for a good pass.
  • Series consists of 3 chances:
    • Start from free throw.
    • Then get the ball on a running action in front. (outer hand)
    • After transferring the ball to the other hand (wide steps) you pass to the ball carrier again.
    • Continue for a shot behind the basket.
  • Which team will score 20 times first?
  • Shooter at about 4 meters in front of the basket, 2 declarers each with a ball and each at one side of the post at +/- 3 meters:
    • Shooter runs wide and gets the ball on the outside hand, plays it back to the attacker with that hand.
    • Then he/she runs wide to the height of the other attacker, and again receives the ball on the outside hand.
    • Pass the ball again.
    • Then run wide again to the first spacer, and this time, you shoot when receiving the ball.
    • Repeat by starting again at the other initiator.
  • Turn after 2 shots.
  • You notice that you start shooting on both the left and right side.
  • Which basket scores first 15x.
  • 2 cones 5 to 6 metres from the basket, and the same distance wide apart.
  • Attacker under the basket with the ball (possibly rebounder).
  • Shooter in the middle of the 2 cones.
  • Lateral movement towards the cone.
  • Play by declarer.
  • When declarer shouts 'YES', he can shoot.
  • If declarer calls 'NO', you have to pass back and start over to the other cone where everything will be repeated.
  • Change every 2 shots.
  • Per basket 15x scoring.
  • Take turns taking 5 chances:
    • Shot from movement on right leg in front of the basket. (competition distance)
    • Idem on left leg.
    • Then take a through ball.
    • Take a short shot behind the basket.
    • Finish with a penalty throw.
  • The goal is to individually score at least 3 out of 5 chances (you finish the assignment despite everything).
  • Everyone has to succeed in this, if not we repeat the exercise and they get a running lane at the end.
  • If someone succeeds in scoring 5 out of 5, he/she can free one person who doesn't have 3 out of 5.
  • Exercise is done a maximum of 4 times (suicide with max 4 turnovers).


  • We play in excess for attack.
  • Per 3 or 5 on a pole. (When there are enough exercises, 7 or 8 on a pole is also possible).
  • The goal is not to stay in the same place, so move around a lot and get in shooting position as much as possible.
  • Use all the space around the basket.

Task 1:

  • Player 1 is the attacker, player 2 and 3 stand around the basket.
  • Player 1 plays player 2, and goes out.
  • Player 2 passes the ball on to player 3 who shoots.
  • Player 2 cuts in to catch the ball.
  • After catching, you again play to the shooter, who in turn plays to the next one to get a shot, etc.

Task 2:

  • All players stand around the basket and start playing.
  • Move after passing.

Task 3:

  • All players stand around the basket and start playing.
  • Move after passing. (even when you are in the support).
  • Aim to score and not because you are free.

Task 4:

  • All players stand around the basket and start playing.
  • Cross every time after passing. (play with 3 attackers).
  • Get ready to score.

Task 5:

  • Play with support, but it is filled in by someone else after each pass.
  • In groups of 3 or 4 on a pole:
    • Player 1 is declarer, player 2 and 3 (or 4) stand around the basket.
    • Player 1 plays player 2, and goes out.
    • Player 2 passes the ball on to player 3 who shoots.
    • Player 2 cuts in to catch the ball.
    • After catching the ball, you play the shooter again, who in turn plays the next player to get a shot, etc.
  • The aim is to move well, and to react well to the rebound action from space.
  • Every 3 players at the basket, 2 attackers and 1 defender:
    • The goal is to get 2 free.
  • Exercise is finished when:
    • There is scored, the defender has the ball, if the ball collides.
  • Always turn in the order A - A - V.
  • If it is a 4-player game, the defender gets a rest turn before entering as attacker.
  • 2 teams each put themselves next to each other in pumping position:
    • The first takes a jar with the left hand and puts it between the 2 arms.
    • Then move it with the right hand next to the other side of the body.
    • The 2nd player repeats this until all pots on the other side of the row are on top of each other.
  • Per player in the row a pot is provided, use a trainer to put a pot ready when the first player has made the displacement of the previous one.
  • 1 declarer, 1 attacker (and a rebounder if 3-player):
  • Attacker runs laterally and gets the ball on the outside:
    • Turn the ball behind your body and play the rebounder who provides the new support. (in a 2-player team again the attacker).
    • Take a walk-through ball.
    • Start behind the basket for a chance.
  • Which basket scores first 15x.
  • Always work left + right laterally.