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Korfball drills

  • 1 shooter, 1 attacker, both standing under the basket.
  • The shooter draws away from under the basket and makes a shot (short chance).
  • In front of the basket at 8 metres, the shooter makes another shot.
  • After this, the players calmly walk sideways, after which they catch the ball and drop it 'inside' for the walk-through.
  • Who will score 25 points first? (shot from 8 meter counts for two)
  • Four posts in a row.
  • One pylon in front of the basket at 8 metres.
  • The players start walking from the pile, after which they continue to the next basket via the pile in front of the basket.
  • When they arrive at the last pile, the player walks behind the baskets to the first basket.
  • The ladies and gentlemen walk separately and both walk two minutes.
  • Overtaking is only allowed behind the basket!!!!.
  • Do not place the baskets too close to each other.
  • Reduce the attack space and divide into four squares.
  • Players split into the four squares
  • They play the ball around and change sides or diagonally
  • They switch sides and diagonally. (attacking)
  • Place one defender in the van and play on the second chance. (action after the shot)
  • Two defenders, no manning under the basket when shot. (running rebound)
  • Putting diagonal passing into play. (defenders attacking from the back).
  • Change boxes during the game.
  • 4/3 same assignments
  • 4/4 set up NO REBOUND. Tackle the backfield (the backfield is the space where no attacking takes place).
  • Take care of the signal.
  • Dare to take the second chance.
  • You can vary with time or ball contacts.

drawing Dynamic korfball
  • Stand 4 metres from the basket and shoot from a standstill.
  • Who has scored 5 first.
  • The players walk from under one basket to the next basket, changing their roles (shooter/forward) when they miss a ball or a shot.
  • We'll see who scored the following goals first:

    * 10 walk-through balls * 6 dodge balls *
    8 dodge balls * 4 dodge balls
  • Men and women separately by a basket, 1 defender, 1 attacker, 2 attackers.
  • The attacker changes players after 20 seconds in the 1 vs. 1 duel and thus faces a fresh attacker.
  • In one turn the attacker will face all three men or women.
  • Attention: this is a very heavy exercise!
  • the attacker is only allowed to get free by a sideways movement in front of the basket, so no depth may be created!
  • It is not allowed to make a walk-through ball (that is a deep line
    )* Who will score the most goals?
  • Two players per post.
  • 1 player in front of the basket at 7 meters.
  • there is a change of function when the shooter scores 2 times
  • Match shape, 2 quads and 3 baskets.
  • Two baskets are in a normal match situation, the third one is in the middle.
  • The game is played according to the normal rules with the exception that both teams may score on the middle basket.
  • Correcting the positioning of players.
  • Variation by
    :- after a goal attempt, there must be a goal attempt on the other basket-
    after a goal, the attacking side continues.

Take 30 passed balls together to get warm

  • In pairs you take turns shooting from a stand of about 6-8 metres.
  • You shoot 3x per turn, at least 1 must be hit, otherwise you walk 3x around the basket from the shot point.
  • Who is the first to score 10 times.
  • The one who does this in the fewest turns is the winner.
    • NB You can also use this exercise to test if there is progress in the shot percentage.

In short:

  • Shooting exercise (-game) in which shots are made from different sides of the basket.


  • Per basket one pair with one ball, or in case of lack of sufficient baskets 2 pairs with one ball each.
  • At each basket, four pawns or other markers:
  • 1 in front of and 1 behind the basket and 1 to the left and 1 to the right of the basket, always at about 6 metres distance.
  • One of each pair starts under the basket.
  • The other one's task is to score a goal as quickly as possible from each cone.
  • After that, they will switch functions.
  • Which pair will be quickest to complete their 'journey around the world'?


  • The distances can be made larger or smaller. Or: score 2 goals with each pawn.


  • Instead of shooting from standstill, you can also shoot from movement, or simply: take evasive balls.