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Korfball drills

In brief:

  • Practicing various forms of the shot in a fun competition format.


  • Each group has a basket and a ball, the baskets are next to each other.
  • The first assignment for the groups is: score 10 goals.
  • In the meantime the trainer walks around all over the place, giving encouragement or correcting here and there.
  • He has a piece of paper with a list of instructions.
  • If someone comes to get the next assignment, first ask which assignment has just been completed (this can vary considerably over time) and then give the next assignment.


  • Make 10 goals, in front of the basket.
  • Throw over 15 times with 2 hands.
  • Scoring 8 goals, behind the basket
  • Pass the ball 15 times with 1 hand.

Start by discussing defenses. Why do we do it? How do we do it?

In short: starting exercise for defending, where everyone has to follow the movements of the trainer.

Organisation: The players are spread out in the room with a distance of at least 4 metres between them. Everyone stands facing the trainer, who is about 8 metres in front of the group.

a) The trainer walks at a steady pace towards the group. The players must now walk backwards at the same pace, so that the distance to the trainer remains the same. After about ten meters, the trainer stops and walks backwards away from the group. The players also have to stop and walk forwards. The trainer gradually increases the pace and makes sure to walk forwards and backwards at different distances.

b ) As a., but now the trainer walks at a steady pace to the left, the players walk to the right. This way the players walk continuously alternating to the left and to the right, over ever changing distances, at an ever increasing pace.

c ) As a., but now it is important that the players react as fast as possible. The distance between the players should also remain the same. The tempo is high.

d ) Like b., but also at high speed and with a quick reaction. The trainer can verbally support her movements to encourage: "to the left, to the right, faster, yes, good girl! A nice variation that requires more concentration of the players: occasionally shout 'to the left', and then deliberately walk to the right! The command was: follow me, so the players have to follow the movements.

e ) The trainer now walks alternately in 4 different directions, which the players have to follow (combination of c. and d.). The pace is quite high. In principle, this is already a normal defensive exercise. Especially if we move on to f:

f ) As e., but the trainer brings clear tempo changes to her running. She usually runs at a steady pace, but occasionally there is a significant acceleration The players have to react to it immediately! Variations: It may happen that the trainer gets tired herself during this exercise. Or she may have forgotten her korfball shoes (of course it's a shame, but it can happen), or she may be injured. Then there are two solutions possible:

1 ) Not the trainer stands in front of the group, but one of the players, who has been explained the intention beforehand by the trainer. Many (especially children) will find this fun to do. The danger is that there will be more 'gossiping'.

2) The trainer stands in front of the group and indicates with her arms what has to happen: if the left arm is stretched out, the group has to walk to the right, if the arms are brought backwards with a beckoning movement, the group has to walk forwards, etc. The tempo changes are indicated by the trainer. The trainer indicates the changes in pace verbally: 'calm walk,.... And now a little faster, .... pace! ... and again calmly ....'

Tapping or blocking the ball is, just like blocking the shot, largely a matter of feeling. That is why it is important to perform the same exercise against a different opponent. Because this person throws differently, the exercise will be completely different.

  • 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket then he takes a shot if the ball is caught under the basket he then goes inside and takes a through ball finally he then takes a short chance.
  • Point count:
    • Shot counts 2x
    • Walkthrough counts 1x
    • Short chance counts 1x
  • 3 min long and then look per basket who has the most points
  • At pawn 1
    • touch the groundTouch the ground, jump up and stretch all the way. We do this 5 times.
  • Pole 1
    • Then you take a dodge at pole 1.
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • 5 sit ups.
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • run through the pole 2.
  • Pole 3
    • 5 squads.
  • Pole 3
    • Score 1 small chance
    • We do this 3 times, then change under the pole

In short: nice shooting exercise with a lot of running.


  • The baskets are placed in a circle.
  • At each basket stands a server with a ball.
  • The rest of the players stand in the middle of the circle (the middle must be clearly recognisable.
  • There is often a circle in the hall,
    • A pylon must be placed on the field).
    • The number of baskets is very precise:
    • Aim for 2 baskets per 5 players.


  • The players in the centre circle get the assignment to make a run through ball on one of the baskets,
  • It does not matter which one.
  • As there are more players in the circle than there are free baskets, it is important to find a free basket quickly.
  • When you are not quick enough, you have to wait a bit.
  • And when Johnny is already on his way to a basket, but is passed at the last moment by Marietje, who is running faster, Johnny has to go back to the centre circle and try again from there.
  • Everyone catches his own ball.
  • After passing the ball, each player runs through the centre circle or around the pylon to find a free basket again as soon as possible.
  • The children walk behind each other in a line.
  • The person at the front of the line can do whatever he wants for example: heels buttocks, sprints, lifting knees etc.
  • When the trainer calls 'yes' the person at the back of the row starts to run as fast as possible and can choose what they want to do.
  • It must be something other than normal running/jogging, it may be sprinting.
  • You line up in front of the basket at about 5 to 6 metres,
  • The two people who are in front get a ball.
  • The goal of this exercise is to shoot each other.
  • The person behind you can shoot you, by scoring before you do.
  • But if you score before the person behind you, the next in line gets the ball and they can shoot the person in front of them.
  • When you are shot, you get out of the line and stand aside.
  • You may not disturb each other, you may not walk with the ball.
  • This goes on and on until there are 2 people left.
  • If the last 2 people are left and the person at the front of the line and scored must then go back in the 'row' and he/she can shoot the person in front of him/her again.
  • And so you go on until there is a winner.
  • The whole group walks a circle around 4 baskets.
  • When the trainer calls 'yes', the person at the back of the line goes to the front of the line as fast as possible.
  • The children do this by doing a sprint.

After that/ alternation

  • Heels and buttocks, sprinting, lifting the knees etc.
  • When the trainer calls 'yes', the person at the back of the row starts running as fast as he can and then he can choose what he wants to do.
  • It must be something other than normal running/jogging, it may be sprinting.
  • Goal; to practice condition / tempo change in running

In short: a lot of shooting practice with a lot of running. (STRESS on learning to shoot on one leg at the end of the season plus stepping out with a throw).

Organisation: The baskets are placed in a square The number of baskets is very precise: aim for 5 baskets per 10 players.

a ) The players start at each basket, one person stands under the basket and the other person stands in the hoop in front of the basket with the ball, shoots on twolegs and goes on to the next basket.

changing: on time

in case of uneven numbers, run again or catch again.

b ) As a., but now with the assignment: Who will score 3 goals first?

c ) Like a., but with the assignment: pull one leg out of the hoop and the other leg up.

(for the ones who write with the right hand out of the hoop, SHOCK ON THE AIDE TRAINERS HERE TO HELP THEM)

d ) As a., but there is an 'over-taking situation': the runner from the circle, after having received the ball, plays the ball back to the declarer who started away from the post

(THE DECLARER STEPS OUT OF THE HOOP WITH ONE LEG TO THROW). The original declarator must try to score from this start. (NOW the one who shot the ball runs to the next corner).

change ; on time, or who scores 3 points first

training f1 and f2

number of baskets: 5

number of players:10




Make a square of hats or baskets.

  • In the middle put balls (1 less than the number of players).
  • The players walk in circles around the hats
  • At the whistle they run in and try to get a ball

When you have a ball you may make a shot attempt (penalty throw distance, at pylon or in the hoop) and if you score you have a point,


- keep doing it, who's first at 3 points

- Shoot in front of the basket.

Walk backwards/sweep arms/shake buttocks.

- At every new round one ball less in the middle. The players who did not get the ball keep on walking or waiting.

Note : it's not about running fast, as long as they keep moving.

In short: practise passing the ball from difficult situations.

Organisation: three or four teams per basket, one or two people under the basket, two in front of it. After marking the ball, walk forward to make a fastball, i.e. turn around.

(a ) Bouncing balls, indicated by a bounce.

(b ) Signalling too late: take overhead walkthroughs.

(c ) Signalling too late: the runner runs (left or right) past the basket and raises the ball more or less sideways or diagonally backwards.

(d) Late tagging: the runner runs along the near post and flings the ball over the head into the basket with one hand.

(e ) Marking too late: the ball is taken in the jump.

f ) The ball is passed too early: a 'long pull' must be taken with a long moment of suspension in the movement.

g ) The ball is not thrown in but rolled (can also occur in matches when the ball is knocked out of hands, or after an unsuccessful bouncing ball for example).

h ) the ball is indicated from the side, after which a through ball follows

simple running exercises for warming up, in which concentration and reaction also play an important role. Organisation: Pairs in an empty, marked out space.

Walk behind each other in a steady pace, criss-crossing the whole room. Number 2 follows every movement of number 1 as fast as possible, keeping about 1 metre distance. After a while change.

As a., but now the front runner tries to lose the back runner by sudden feints and/or tempo changes.

As a., but now other movements are also allowed: cross passes, jumping, lying down quickly and getting up again, etc.


  • Perform the same exercises with music
  • Do the same exercises in groups of three or four. In this form, 'comical' situations will certainly occur now and then. It doesn't have much to do with korfball then.
  • No more pairs: everyone walks freely through each other. The players walk towards each other, feint and then pass to the left.
  • Like d., but now passing on the right
  • Like d., but now they turn around each other and walk back.
  • Special exercise for getting used to the hall: walk criss-cross through the whole hall, but not touching any line. Especially in halls with a lot of lines on the floor this is a good and fun exercise to get the 'contact with the hall' back in the legs.
  • Like g., but now keep walking on the lines.