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Korfball drills

  • Set up 3 posts in a triangle at the edge of the field, under each post a person who supplies the ball without it.
  • At a good distance from the post you place a pawn and the rest of the players with the ball are placed near the pawn.
  • You throw the ball to the middle basket and make a run through on this post.
  • The person who throws in catches the ball.
  • The catcher throws the ball after 1 of the 2 korfballs (free basket) and also takes a run through here.

To be adapted by:

  • 1st post pass
  • 2nd pole in/out shot

  • 1st post short chance passer
  • 2nd pole wide run shot



  • You have a pair at each pole, so the amount of poles depends on the size of the group.
  • Everyone starts by scoring twice on the pole.
  • When they have done this, they go to the next pole.
  • It can happen that two groups are standing at the same pole, this is because they don't all have to turn.
  • The pairs only have to turn when they have scored twice.
  • 3 times shooting then change shooter

Place a pawn in front of the pole at a good distance for your team.

In short: nice shooting exercise with a lot of running.

Organisation: the baskets are placed in a circle. At each basket stands a server with a ball. The rest of the players stand in the middle of the circle (the middle must be clearly recognisable).

In the hall there is often a circle, on the field a pylon must be placed.
The number of baskets is very precise: aim for 2 baskets per 5 players.

a )

  • The players in the centre circle are instructed to hit one of the baskets with a walkthrough, it doesn't matter which one.
  • Since there are slightly more players in the circle than there are free baskets, it is important to find a free basket quickly.
  • When you are not quick enough, you have to wait a bit.
  • And when Johnny is already on his way to a basket, but is passed at the last moment by Marietje, who is running faster, Johnny has to go back to the centre circle and try again from there.
  • Everyone catches his own ball.
  • After the signal everyone runs through the centre circle or around the pylon to find a free basket again as soon as possible.

b ) As a., but now with the assignment: Who will score 10 goals first?
Even the players who first thought: 'Never mind, he runs faster than me' will now try to be the first to get to the free basket. Make sure that the players do not 'cut off' by not going through the centre circle or around the pylon.

c ) Like b., but with the assignment: 'Who will be first to score a goal at each basket?

d ) Same as b., but with overhead walkthroughs.

e ) As b., but a 'take-over' situation follows: the runner from the centre circle, after having received the ball, plays the ball back to the declarer who started away from the post. The original declarer must try to score from this start. Who scores 5 goals first?

f ) As b., but the runner takes balls out of the way (left or right, distances not too great). The declarer also catches the shot. The runner runs to the basket and gets the ball from the catcher, who will rush to the centre to try again, because: who scores 5 goals first?

  • At pawn 1
    • Tap the groundTouch the ground, jump up and stretch all the way. We do this ten times.
  • Pole 1
    • Take a dodge ball at pole 1.
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • Do the speed ladder (2 feet in each square, base)
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • Take a walkthrough ball at pole 2
    • RUN TO POLE 3
  • pole 3
    • Take a through ball at the post 2

  • There are two players per pole.
  • Near the pole there are 4 pawns, each at a distance of 1 meter. (The first pawn is at 2 meters)
  • When they have scored, they may move one pawn backwards, when they miss, they stand as catcher.
  • And when they are next in line they start all over again.
  • Which of the children has scored first at each pawn?


Divide into 2 teams.
In each team the children get numbers (silently give them to each team). Once everyone has a number, the ball is placed in the middle between the teams.

Then we call out a number (can also be several numbers) and they try to be the first to take the ball back to their "camp".

Once a child has taken the ball in the middle, the other child may try to tap him.


4 children stand next to each other, about 5 meters apart.

1 child goes to work:
Receives the ball at the first cone, returns it to the player across, and runs on to the second cone and so on.

At the back cone he returns 100% sprint.

First all passes with left, then right, then 2 hands, then throw high in the air and throw back in the air.

rock-exercise-1In short:
A trio must pass the ball to each other in a square.

Always someone has to walk on the free cone. ATTENTION: there must always be 2 touch points.

The same as with the through ball, but with a dodge.

First all shots on the left and then on the right.

passing-ball-from-the-middle-1Organization:Place 3 poles in a triangle, about 8 meters apart. In the middle of that square, place 1 pawn in the triangle, about 2 meters apart.

There are 3 children standing under the basket and the others are going to take 3 minutes of through balls. Every time they have done that, they walk back to the middle and find another basket.

After those 3 minutes, the attackers change.

Who will get the most in the 3 minutes?

the pace must be high!

Practice with 4 players the free ball. Use 3 persons for the attack. Person 1 takes the free ball, person 2 and 3 pass. Person 4 will defend the free ball on person 1.

You stand on 1 meter and shoot. When you have scored, you may stand at 2 meters. If you score there, you stand on 3 meter and so on and so on.

You can choose the distance yourself and also how much.

You can also choose to go for example to the 5 meter and then back to the 1 meter. You can do this individually or in teams:

Scoring is rewarded, so if you score, you can shoot again from one meter away. If you don't score then the next player can stand on your spot and you continue as a team.