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Korfball drills

  • Pairs with ball, multiple baskets.
  • Red player runs in gets the ball, white player runs past him/her and gets the ball back.
  • Red player then runs to the basket for a through ball.
  • Then to the second post, with the same ball handling.
  • The second pair starts when the first pair has passed the first post.
  • Score 30 through balls per pair.
drawing Walk-through ball in V-shape
  • The ball is in front of the post by white.
  • The red player runs out, gets the ball and shoots directly.
  • Red catches off, plays to white and runs out, gets the ball and shoots.
  • Blue catches off, plays to white, runs out, gets the ball back and shoots.
  • etc.
  • After 5 shots, everyone changes positions. Everyone 3 times declarer.
drawing Shot with feed from the front
Work with 3 or 4-person teams:
  • Make 15 through balls without missing
  • 20 distance shots on the move, maximum 2 shots in a row.
  • 15 dodge balls with double effort, so pass back and dodge again, the server gives light pressure on the shot.
  • 20 step-off balls behind the basket, indicating from a breakthrough, then the rebounder steps off and shoots. Step on time, not too early.
  • 15 penalty throws without missing. Take them alternately.
  • 20 shots from standstill at 3/4 yards; grab the focus.
  • Player blue must get the ball to one of the 4 pawns.
  • Player red must pre-defend.
  • Player red must close ball line.
drawing Defending all-round
  • Divide into two teams.
  • Make two boxes around the basket so that good shots can be made from outside.
  • Need 3 or 4 balls per game.
  • Shooters stand outside the box and one rebounder per team stands in the box near the opponent's shooters.

  • The shooters start shooting from outside the box to get to X number of goals as fast as possible.
  • The rebounders catch the ball and play it to their fellow players in the other box.
  • Which team will have scored X number of goals first.
  • Rebounders are not allowed outside the box, shooters not in it.
  • The rebounder's job is to estimate as quickly as possible where all the balls are coming and how to get them to your teammates as quickly as possible.
drawing Two box shooting
Work with 2- or 3-person teams:
  • The second player starts when the first is at the second speed ladder.
  • With 3-pairs, there is always a rest until the third is at the 2nd speed ladder.
  • 2 speed ladders are 10 meters apart.
  • You go left sideways through the speed ladder, knees up.
  • Then you sprint to the other speed ladder.
  • There you go right sideways through it, knees up.
  • Slowly backward back to the starting point.
  • Everyone does this 5x.
The other players take swerve balls until it's their turn.
drawing Speed ladder sprint
Building up to offensive positions to fall back on when creativity fails for a while.
Blue = static starting positions

  • Pass deep from front field
  • Pass laterally into backfield + rebound run in
  • Pass deep from backfield + run in support
  • Pass passed to incoming support + attacking action by both strikers
  • Support plays free striker + runs out into space
  • Offloaded striker shoots
Once static has been mastered, move to dynamic. Agreement is that support follows immediately after rebound. The rest can be filled in freely with the variations below:
  • Support runs around the block instead of cutting into it.
  • Support does not shoot, but plays shadow striker to shoot. 7a.
  • Offloaded striker does not shoot, but plays run-out striker to shoot. 7b.
  • Played run-out support does not shoot, but shadow striker runs into support and takes over function + attack action strikers and shoot. 8.
  • Played run-out support does not shoot, striker runs into support and takes over function + shadow striker connects with run-out support + strikers attack action and shoot. 9.
  • ... innumerable variations to think of
drawing System building attack - foundation to fall back on
Building up to offensive positions to fall back on when creativity fails for a while.
Blue = static starting positions

  • Pass deep from front field
  • Pass laterally into backfield + rebound run in
  • Pass deep from backfield + run in support
  • Pass passed to incoming support + attacking action by both strikers
  • Support plays free striker + runs out into space
  • Offloaded striker shoots
Once static has been mastered, move to dynamic. Agreement is that support follows immediately after rebound. The rest can be filled in freely with the variations below:
  • Support runs around the block instead of cutting into it.
  • Support does not shoot, but plays shadow striker to shoot. 7a.
  • Offloaded striker does not shoot, but plays run-out striker to shoot. 7b.
  • Played run-out support does not shoot, but shadow striker runs into support and takes over function + attack action strikers and shoot. 8.
  • Played run-out support does not shoot, striker runs into support and takes over function + shadow striker connects with run-out support + strikers attack action and shoot. 9.
  • ... innumerable variations to think of
drawing System building attack - foundation to fall back on
  • Player 3 picks up the ball and throws it to player 1.
  • Player 3 runs to the post.
  • Player 4 goes over block, player 3 to the pointer.
  • Player 1 throws the ball to player 2.
  • Player 2 throws the ball to player 3 who enters the give way.
  • Player 3 dodges and gets the ball moving, behind the post, and shoots.
  • Player 4 connects, next to player 3.
  • Player 1 runs to the front of the post and keeps the player engaged until shot.
  • Player 2 takes player 1's position and after the shot goes to the post for the double-catch, ball over the basket.
drawing Capture when dynamically attacking
  • Build up to offensive positions to fall back on when creativity fails.
drawing System building attack - foundation to fall back on
Everyone takes 2 penalty throws.
  • If you miss, you have to run across the width of the field with the whole team.
  • If you miss 2 times, you must run back and forth with the whole team.
drawing Penalty throws
  • Setup is that someone stands under the post and the 3 others stand in a triangle relative to the post.
  • The player with the ball plays deep or wide and takes the pole position.
  • If the ball is played deep, the player at the post moves backwards. If the ball is played wide, the player on that side runs with it.
  • If the ball goes deep, the forward player takes the filling-in player's spot. If the ball goes wide, the back player takes that spot.
  • The player who fills in from the side takes the shot. The caught ball goes back to the middle player and play can begin again.
  • If everything is filled in on time, you have the catch out of space. If the intended shooter is blocked with a jump, he/she has 2 points of attack for a breakthrough.
  1. Score 10x via moving to the right.
  2. score 10x via moving to the left.
  3. score 10x via a through ball on a flying defender.
drawing Always 2 supports