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Korfball drills

Roll a (large) die:

  • 1 = 10 walk-through balls
  • 2 = 15 push ups
  • 3 = 10 distance shots in front (change every two shots)
  • 4 = 15 sit-ups
  • 5 = 20 short odds
  • 6 = 10 burpees
Teams of 2 to 3.
  • The player faces the basket.
  • Player jumps sideways over the two hurdles and runs sideways to the hat.
  • Gets played the ball and takes a shot;
  • The player jumps forward over the two hurdles and sprints to the hat
  • Then the player sprints to the post and then takes a through ball
  • We score 20x with the hats on the right side and 20x with the hats on the left side.
drawing jumping power and speed and shot
2-minute walk-through ball and shot take.
  • In threes or twos to the basket.
  • There is constantly 1 person working for 2 minutes, ideally 2 people for rebounding.
  • There are pawns/slip dots in a square around the basket, about 4 meters apart.

  • Player 1 starts at the first pawn, walks in for a through ball.
  • Then walks out to the second pawn and takes the shot there.
  • Goes to the third pawn and makes another through ball there etc.
  • After 1 minute it is the next player's turn.
For 2 minutes take away balls .
  • You have 2 attackers with a ball each.
  • After 2 minutes 1 of the others becomes shooter.
  • Who of the 3 team is the best shooter.
  • Possibly a 2nd turn to improve.

  • Players stand two by two 12 meters apart. They throw the ball across to the other side and sprint after the ball. 10x per person

drawing Conditioning exercise with ball
  • 2 people at a pole.
  • Each player has a color hat
  • Player 1 starts and has 2 attempts of 2 meters to score. If player 1 scores then they may move the hat 1 meter back.
  • Swap and then player 2 starts at 2 meters with 2 chances. Does player 2 score within the 2 chances then he may also move the hat back one meter.
  • Are missed within the 2 goal attempts then the hat goes 1 meter forward.
  • Whoever makes it to the 8 meters on the front and back first.
  • If a player has passed the 8 meters on the front then in the next round he goes to the 2 meters on the back. If this is missed then he goes to the 8 meters in front again.
  • Put the poles in the middle of the room
  • Put the number of players under the pole and the rest start at the back of the pole (See drawing).
  • Player runs the pattern and makes through balls in the first round. Each time a player gets to a pylon, first the ball is played out, then played in and immediately makes the running action toward the post.
  • In the second round, the walk-through ball is replaced with a swerve ball with a shot.
drawing through-ball and out-ball front and back
  • 4-team at a box which is marked out with 4 pawns
  • The ball is played back and forth at the front pawns
  • Players keep moving
  • Players cross each other
drawing Warming up with movement
Play 2:2 where the person playing the ball makes a move toward the basket to supposedly take the catch.

  • Depending on how the defender stands, this lady sprints away to a free position to shoot
  • Or she comes into the support and doubles with the declarer who then shoots
Which pair scores 3 times first.
Then against another pair
Wonderful warm-up game:
  • Form large circle
  • Put three different colored caps in between each pair
  • Coach calls left-right where the inner and outer circle moves in the called direction
  • A different opponent each time
Points e.g. per small pylon 1 and the large 2. Be careful because the players become fanatical
Pawn Tag

  • Divide the team into groups of 3 to 4 people
  • Place pawns at different distances (for example, 4 meters, 8 meters, 12 meters and 20 meters)
  • One player per team starts
  • The player runs to the first pawn, taps it and runs back to the starting point
  • Then the player taps the second pawn, and so on
  • When the first player has touched all the pawns and is back at the start, the next player in the group starts
  • The first team to get all the players wins
  • 2 poles facing each other (each at 7 meters from the center line 4 poles side by side ).
  • Each post has its own 2/3 team.
  • The 2 players going for a through ball run towards the other pole.
  • In the middle they run around the pylon (or around the center line).
  • The players sprint back to their own post and take a through ball 40x scoring
  • Instead of a through ball a pull away ball behind the post. 20x scoring
  • instead of a through ball you take an away ball at max 3 m from the post 20x scoring
  • instead of a through ball you pass the post and get the ball in front of you and shoot from the back 20x score
3 tallies at a post. Each 3-team adds up the amount of goals scored. Goal of this exercise is to score as many goals as possible.

  • distance shot from movement in front of basket, after shot repeat shot. (Whoever scores 20 goals first).
  • Walk-through balls front side combined with back side. 1 player makes a through ball on the front side then walks through to the back side and makes another through ball. After this switch. Whoever has 25 goals first.
  • Shots on the 4 meter line. No repeat shot. Whoever scores 20 goals first
  • 40 short chances.
  • distance shot from movement behind basket, after shot repeat shot. (Whoever scored 20 goals first).
  • There are at least 2 players per basket who have 10 points at the start of the game.
  • They take turns making a through ball. Do they manage to score? Then 1 point goes into the imaginary pot. This pot can add up to 20/30 points.
  • The points go out of the pot when a player misses. The points then go to the other player.
  • If there are no points in the pot, no points can be lost.