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Korfball drills

  • Offender stands under the post.
  • Attacker at 8 meters in front of the post runs to the left.
  • Receives ball on outside hand.
  • Immediately plays in with outer hand.
  • Then goes to the right.
  • Repeat the same thing.
  • On the 5th back and forth, attacker goes inside.
  • For a DLB or short chance in front of or behind the basket.
Play with 4 players around the post.

  • 1 player grabs the catch.
  • Next player to pass the ball, takes the hand-off.
  • Ball is played in to the handler, handler passes back out to the person from whom he/she got the ball.
  • Player takes a shot.
Important is to keep high ball tempo, fill in fast, fill in correct persons and throw correct hand.
drawing 4-0 quick fill in
Play with 4 players around the post.

  • 1 player grabs the catch.
  • Next player to pass the ball, takes the hand-off.
  • Ball is played in to the handler, handler passes back out to the person from whom he/she got the ball.
  • Player takes a shot.
Important is to keep high ball tempo, fill in fast, fill in correct persons and throw correct hand.
drawing 4-0 quick fill in
Work in pairs of 3. If a task fails, walk around the box and do the task again. Just until you finish.
Which group finishes first?
  • Take 10 through balls - score 9 times.
  • 10 shots from 5 meters - score 5x.
  • 10 shots from behind the basket at 4 meters - score 5x.
  • 10 penalty throws - 9x scoring.
The number of goals to score is fine for an A group and seniors. Adjust up or down if necessary.
  • The shooter plays the ball into the support.
  • The shooter receives the ball back after a short movement to the left or right.
  • The shooter shoots at goal.
  • The intercepted ball is immediately played back to the shooter.
  • The shooter plays to the passer again.
  • The shooter is released again in almost the same place as the first shot.
  • After scoring twice, change positions. Each player takes each position 3 times.
  • The exercise can also be played with 4-pairs.
  • In the catch the duel is between 2 catchers.
We play 4:4, with 3 attackers playing in the service of 1 striker.
  • The goal of the exercise is to free the striker in such a way that she will score. This can be done in many ways, but see what her defender's weakness is and play that out.
  • You can also take advantage of the attacker's real quality.
  • Shooter at 6 yards always free after a breakthrough. Coming from deep after a shot from another.
  • Each attacker gets a turn.
3/4 pairs at a basket
place the ball in to the basket and move to the left, get the ball back and shoot
then go back to the right and take a through ball.
score 10 distance shots from the left and 10 from the right.

You can also emphasize the through ball with this exercise with the assignment, score 20 through balls over the right and 20 over the left
Or shot at 1 and through ball at the other hat.
drawing shot from movement after passing in, then through ball
Player A cuts inside to take a through ball and Player B throws it to him/her. Player A catches his/her own ball and moves to Player B's position, etc.

To make it tougher, you can have the person indicating the ball catch it himself/herself.
drawing Walk-through ball from space
3-team per post.
Shooter at 6 meters in front of the post with defender.

Keeps defender busy by moving.
Ball tight to shooter and take the shot.
Change after 3 attempts.
  • Watch the defender. How does she stand?
  • Where should you place? Off the line of the defender on the shooter's outside hand.
  • With what pace should you pass the ball?
Score 10 goals together.
As a quieter exercise in between:
  • 2-tal shoot under the post until the 11
  • then the 11 again and back to 0.
To make it more difficult you can subtract 1 per miss or per time the ball falls to the ground.
Circuit training where one station is rotated through every 2 minutes.
Possibly adjust assignments to number of players.
At each station, shoot from a different spot to score. Per 2-team.

Examples for distances:
  • 2.5 meters in front of the post.
  • 2.5 meters behind the post.
  • Distance shot.
  • Side shots.
  • Top-handed through-balls.
  • Underhanded through-balls.
Assignments for 3 teams: always take turns taking chances

  • Together score 9 go-arounds in a row.
    • In pairs make 6 go-arounds.
  • Together score 6 run-throughs in a row.
    • Basket from 2 to 4.
  • Together score 6 run-throughs, then together score 4 shots from movement from about 6 feet. Switch through after 2 shots.
    • Basket from 2 first together, score 4 through runners, then score together 4 shots from motion from about 4 meters behind the basket, change after 3 shots.
  • First each score 1 through runner, then each score 2 penalty throws.
    • At basket of 2, someone scores 2 follow-throughs.
  • First each score 1 follow-through, then each score 4 short chances under the basket.
    • At basket of 2, someone scores 2 through runners, and then each scores 6 short chances.