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Korfball drills

In this exercise it is hugely important;
  • That the rebounder also continuously drops the ball quickly because 1 attacker starts at 6 or 7 meters with a dodge ball and immediately comes in for the through ball.
  • Then a shot behind the post and then a shot to the side.
drawing Shooting from motion
  • The player goes down the speed ladder from the left side to the center. There the ball is ready on the ground,
  • This ball is played inside and then the person who ran the ladder runs around the ladder and cuts inside with speed.
drawing Speed ladder walk-through ball
  • The speed ladder is approximately 7 meters diagonally in front of the basket, on the left side.
  • The player runs the speed ladder sideways facing the basket, gets the ball at the end, rebounds it and deflects for a shot.
Of course, this exercise can also be performed at the back or another side.
drawing Speed ladder shot
  • Player A starts in front of the post with a shot until he/she scores.
  • After a goal to next point.
  • If missing; run back and forth to previous spot and shoot where you missed.
  • Finish the round.
  • This can also be done without running up and down.
drawing Shooting around the pole
  • Take a dodge ball, after which you do not shoot the ball but instead threaten to the basket for a through ball, but still dodge again. 2x the same way.
  • The ball is played in with the outside hand.
  • Score 10x on the left and 10x on the right.
  • Player A starts with the ball 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post. Player B also stands 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post.
  • Player A throws the ball to player B and player B throws it back. Thus they bring the ball up to about 8 meters in front of the post.
  • From there, player B starts for a through ball from the space indicated by player A.
  • However, instead of player B taking the through ball, it now enters the declarer and player A comes in for a clearance ball. Player B catches the ball.
A variation on this:
Only throw the ball when player B runs next to/behind the basket and player B immediately makes a shot. Player A immediately runs in to catch the ball.

There are more variations on this, such as:
  • Most goals in a time frame of, say, 10 minutes
  • Who scores 10 goals first
  • Make it more difficult by deducting a point for each ball on the ground.
  • Possibly with a 3rd player to rotate and keep a slightly slower pace.

drawing Shooting from space
Line up Y shape
  • In front throw ball over.
  • The one behind the post chooses a side.
  • Gets the ball -> throws it back to the one who comes connected.
  • The one who did not throw the ball comes for support.
  • Ball is played in.
  • Action and shot.
drawing Y shape attack
  • Player A starts with the ball 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post.
  • Player B also stands 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post.
  • Player A throws the ball to player B and player B throws it back.
  • Thus they bring the ball up to about 8 meters in front of the post.
  • From there player B starts for a through ball from the space indicated by player A.
  • Player A also runs in after it to catch the ball before it bounces on the ground.
- Most goals in a 10-minute time frame.
- Whoever gets to 10 goals first.
- Make it harder by taking a point off every ball on the ground.
- Possibly with a 3rd person there to rotate through and keep a slightly slower pace.
drawing Walk-through ball from space
  • Ball is played from the other box to the very high running support player.
  • Just before the ball is received, it is run in from the side to the post.
  • This player is played on and makes a through ball.
  • The fourth player catches and plays the ball to the now run-through declarer.
  • High support player runs to the other box, the passer becomes the new high support, the shooter catches and the player from the other box becomes the shooter.
Score 20 through balls from the right and 20 from the left.
Indicate with the outer hand, the other hand is bothered by the defender.
drawing Walk-through ball from space with high support.
  • Per person, everyone must score 10 through balls, this goes in groups of 3 or 4.
  • In case of a miss, the whole group goes to the other side of the field on pace run and back.
  • The one who missed takes the chance again.
  • Until 10 are scored per player.
drawing Walk-through ball with condition
  1. White throws to blue and blue passes to red.
  2. Blue goes for the breakthrough and gets it to red.
  3. Blue shoots and catches himself. White goes to blue's position.
  4. Blue plays the ball to red, who passes to white, then breaks through and gets the ball from white.
  5. Blue and red switch positions and so on.
  6. 20x scoring.
drawing Shot shapes in a triangle
1.Sprint to the hat in front of you, place your foot next to it, make a turn and sprint to the next hat and so around the box. 4x
2. You keep looking in the same direction at all times. You sprint forward, then backward as fast as you can to the first hat.
Then sideways right and back and then sideways left and back. 3x
3. Forward to right, sideways to left and backwards to starting point. 2x clockwise and 2x counterclockwise.
drawing Conditioning exercises with hats