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Korfball drills

  • Sideways to the right.
  • Sprint diagonally.
  • Steady backward.
  • Sprint diagonally.
  • Hopping.
  • Sideways to the left.
  • Slowly back to the start.
  • We do this 5 times.
drawing movement and tempo changes
  • Plays with 4 players around the post.
  • Player 1 takes the pass immediately after a pass.
  • Player 2 passes to player 3.
  • Player 3 passes to player 1 in the pass.
  • Player 2 turns around the forward and catches the ball.
  • Bitch passes to one of the two attacking players.
  • Player takes a shot.
  • It is important to keep a high ball tempo, to fill in quickly, to fill in the right persons and to throw in the right hand.
  • 2 or 3 per pole.
  • In front of the post, at a distance of 4 to 5 metres, two pawns in a line about 3 metres apart.
  • Player 1 moves sideways between the cones.
  • At a random moment, the ball is played to him. (after 1,2 or 3 times to and fro) and makes a shot.
  • In case of a triple team with a defender who gives pressure but allows the shot.
  • Change after a certain number of shots.
drawing Move left/right
  • Play the ball deep into the box.
  • The one who plays the ball takes the catch.
  • The second lady passes the ball on to one of the other players and uses the block near the post to pass.
  • The player with the ball plays the ball in and the other lady makes at that moment a breakthrough or dodge and shoots.
  • The one who catches the ball puts out to the fans again.
  • She then goes to the post again to catch.
  • If the position is taken and it is not possible to shoot, the next passer comes in to pass.
  • After receiving the ball, she passes it out, etc.
  • We practice this first without an opponent and then with an opponent.

Score 100 goals by 3.

  • Pass balls.
    • 10 overhead.
    • 10 with the left.
    • 10 with the right.
    • 10 underhand.
  • 25 penalty shots.
  • 15 dodge balls. (max 2 shots in a row, both left and right evasive).
  • 20 distance shots from a small movement. (max 2x in a row shooting)

We use the volleyball court as a space with running lines.

  • Sprint from the back line to the 3 meter line of the back box.
  • Sprint back to the first 3 meter line.
  • Sprint to the back line on the other side.
  • Sprint from the back line to the 3 meter line of the back box.
  • Sprint back to the first 3 meter line.
  • Sprint to the first starting spot.

We do this 3 times

Training on tight passing.

  • 2 players start at about 2 metres from each other You can increase/decrease the distance over time or depending on the variation you do.
  • Passes must be hard!
  • Make sure that you don't throw hard just for the sake of throwing hard, but that you throw hard to get the ball to the team-mate quickly and tightly.
  • Keep reminding them of this constantly.
  • Passes should also be tight.
  • No "piss bows". These passes are slow and easy to intercept.
  • When catching with one hand, make sure you move with the hand and if necessary step with the corresponding leg

Variation 1

  • Player 1 passes with his right hand to player 2's left hand.
  • Player 2 takes over and passes right back to player 1.
  • After one minute both players change their throwing and catching hand.
  • Repeat this at larger and larger distances.

Variant 2

  • Player 1 passes right to player 2's left hand.
  • Player 2 passes back with his left hand to the right hand of player 1.
  • After one minute both players change their throwing and catching hand.
  • Repeat this at larger and larger distances.

Variant 3 - with movement left-right

  • Player 1 has the ball.
  • Player 2 moves to the left or right.
  • Player 1 passes to outside hand of player 2.
  • Player 2 passes back with his outside hand.
  • After one minute, the players change positions. (Player 1 moves left/right. Player 2 passes to).
  • Repeat at increasing distances.

Variant 4 - deep line

  • Player 1 has the ball.
  • Player 2 moves towards player 1 from the side.
  • Player 2 puts his foot across and runs a deep line away from player 1.
  • Player 1 passes with a small arc (but still tight!) to player 2.
  • After one minute the players change function (player 1 starts running, player 2 passes to him).

  • Player 1 starts at 6 meters from the basket.
  • Player 2 stands between player 1 and the basket at 2 metres from player 1.
  • Player 1 starts running for a through ball.
  • Player 2 has to prevent the through ball.
  • So player 2 must bend his knees to be able to move immediately.
  • Also, the player must move immediately when player 1 starts to run.
  • If this is not done, you are too late and you will never catch up with player 1.
  • The goal is to prevent the walkthrough ball.
  • Play 2:2, which pair scores 5 goals first. (We do this 2 times against another pair).
  • 4:4, where in a small space 10x must be played over, without the ball being intercepted or dropped.
  • If this exercise is too easy, you can play the ball within 4 seconds.
  • The most important thing in this exercise is that the players run free, complete in time and keep an overview.
  • This is an exercise in which you can increase the understanding of running free
  • Especially if you speed up the game. (which team will score first 3 times)
  • Place 5 hats around the basket.
  • At 5 different distances from the basket. (max 6 meters, minimal 2 meters)
  • Work with pairs.
  • From each hat you may shoot twice.
  • You always shoot a whole round.
  • Which pair is first to score twice from all hats?
  • You make a round, until you have scored from all spots.
  • You shoot one round and catch the next round.
  • 3 or 4 players.
  • On 8 meters opposite each other.
  • Player 1 of the pair throws the ball to the other side and runs after it.
    • Throw over and run after it.
    • Player gets the ball back.
    • Player swings out of the way and gets the ball back underhand. (all with 1 hand).
    • Player makes half circle jump and plays ball back; player runs to the other side.
    • Player gets ball from number 2 from behind and plays ball to the other side.
  • 3 or 4 teams.
  • Attacker, attacker, defender.
  • Attacker practices different types of shots but now with pressure from a defender.
  • Change after 10 goal attempts. (Each player keeps track of his shot percentage).
    • Attacker (A) shoots from 6 meter on the move.
    • Defender (V) gives light pressure.
    • A makes virtual shot move and takes through ball.
    • V also obstructs pass ball but has to give chance.
    • A has choice between shot and through ball.
    • V cooperates by making a clear choice.
    • If 3 but fumbles after shot or walkthrough ball another chance under the post.