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Korfball drills

  • Approximately 45 seconds of shooting with a defender. 
  • The defender allows the shot. 
  • The defender talks to the attacker all the time and mentions 4 numbers. 
  • The attacker tries to score as many goals as possible while remembering the numbers. 
  • Every good number is a point and so is every goal. 
  • Who can score the most points...
  • 2 players per post
  • a pilon at 6/7 meters with a ball on it.
  • Place bottlecaps at the left and right of the post, diagonally to the front.
  • The shooter stands with his back to the post and in front of the pilon.
  • the one under the post calls left or right, the shooter takes the ball and turns as fast as possible towards the right side and shoots.
  • 1 post, 1 ball, 4 hats in a square and 9 players
  • The 4 attackers stand in a square (near the hats) around the post, 
  • the 4 defenders are holding the post with one hand. 
  • The 9th person (the declarer) stands with the ball outside the square of hats. 
  • The declarer brings the ball to one of the attackers, the defender facing the attacker who receives the ball has to run for the hat while the attackers now have to score as fast as possible. 
  • If all goes well, the attackers quickly find the free person because one of the defenders has to run around the hat.


  • 1 shooter in front of the post. 1 passer. 
  • Possibly with slight defensive pressure. 
  • Attacker moves left/right, gets the ball played and shoots (+-5 meters). 
  • When he scores, he earns a point and shoots through, if he misses he must first run to a line behind him at about 5 metres from the place of shooting. 
  • After this you can continue shooting. 
  • Switch goals every 3/4 of the time. 
  • Total 8/9 goals per post. (It depends on whether you play with or without a defender).
  • 4 vs 4 
  • Men come into a supportive position to let the ladies score.
    • Option 1: Positions under the post are filled by 1 lady and 1 man.
    • Option 2: Positions under the post would be filled by 2 men.
  • Ladies would come out side by side, one for breakthrough and the other shoots.
  • Mission of the defense is to play 1:1 pressure.
  • 1 person under the pole.
  • 2 persons in front of the post, attacker/defender.
  • Ball is played out on the attacker who moves sideways.
  • He receives the ball on the outer hand.
  • The defender steps over and then the attacker takes the ball over and plays in.
  • The attacker dodges and does the same again with the other hand.
  • The attacker then dodges again and tries to shoot.
  • The defender runs along but allows the pass and the shot to happen. 
  • Later on, the defender can choose whether to allow the pass or the shot.
  • It is then up to the attacker to time well.
  • Take care that players do not run into each other.
  • This applies especially to younger teams.
  • Place the poles in a row next to each other.
  • Underneath each post there will be a marker with a ball.
  • The players take a through-ball on the first post after which they catch their own ball.
  • The passer then runs to the front of the next post, moves on and takes a through-ball on this post.
  • Here, the ball is caught again and the captain moves on to the next post.
  • At the last pole, the passer runs behind the posts back to the first pole.
  • Work towards a number of goals (2 times the number of poles is fine).
  • This can also be done with other forms of chances such as drawback balls.
  • 1 player under the pole
  • 1 player in front of the pole as declarer
  • 1 player far in front of the post with a defender

  • The attacker makes a feint move in the shape of a V. 
  • The defender is put on the wrong footing. 
  • It is important that you step away on the back to get the ball 
  • The attacker throws the ball and the defender makes a distance shot when there is enough room 
  • When the defender responds to the shot threat and steps in to defend, the declarer steps out to the side and the attacker makes a through-ball 
  • There's one attacker under the post.
  • there's 1 passeer in front of the post
  • There's one attacker in front of the post.
  • the attacker runs towards the support and then towards the left or right corner of the field (in a kind of V) 
  • the defender puts full pressure on the shot. 
  • When the attacker gets the ball back, he makes a shooting threat. 
  • The support and passer step in either direction to support the attacker. 
  • The attacker makes a through-ball. 
  • There's a support and an attacker. 
  • The support throws the ball to the attacker
  • As soon as the ball is thrown, the support must immediately go after it to defend it.
  • So the intention is that they shoot as fast as possible.
drawing shooting under pressure
  • You put pilons in a square. 
  • In the square you put a number of balls (one less than the number of players). 
  • The players run around the square and then the trainer yells YES. 
  • If the trainer says YES, the player takes a ball as quickly as possible. 
  • If you have a ball, you score 3 goals. 
  • The remaining player continues to run around the square until someone finishes shooting. 
  • Place 4 posts in a square.
  • The whole group runs around the posts in a row. 
  • If the trainer shouts "yes", the person at the back of the row will run to the front of the row as quickly as possible. 
  • The children do this by sprinting.
  • Options:
    • The children follow each other around the posts in a row. 
    • The person at the front of the row can do what he wants, for example: heels to the back, sprinting, lifting knees etc. 
    • If the trainer shouts "yes", the person at the back of the queue gets to the front of the queue as soon as possible and can then choose what he wants to do. 
    • It has to be something else than running/jogging, it can be sprinting.