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Korfball drills

  • Work with 3 attackers against 2 defenders on 2 poles:
    • Attackers may try to score on the two posts (end when a goal is scored, when one of the defenders can intercept the ball)
    • Attackers get max 4 passes per chance taken (end when a goal is scored, when one of the defenders can intercept the ball, or when more passes are needed)
    • You may only take 1 chance per basket (ends when a goal is scored, when one of the defenders can intercept the ball, when more passes are needed, at 2 misses)
    • Player who misses may not attack again if the ball remains in play, so the attackers' overtime is gone.
drawing play off overtal in attack
  • Make up 2/3 teams and do the following assignments:
    • Pass balls
    • Dropping balls (short distance)
    • Penalty throw
    • Distance shots (minimum 6 meters)
  • Do all this for 2 minutes per person per task and write down the number of points you have scored.

  • Each time 5 times through the rope ladder Starting slowly and increasing your speed slightly each time, so that the 5th time is at full speed.
    • Walk through with two feet inside the ladder.
    • 2 feet inside the ladder/ two feet outside the ladder with knee in angle of 90 degrees.
    • Hopping left twice from left to side, to the middle, then hopping right twice to right side and right back in.
    • Sideways 2 feet in and two out.
    • 2 forward, 1 backward, 2 forward etc.

  • 3x planks normal (player stands in pump position but not on his hands but on his elbows)
  • 3x planks left (player lies down sideways and stretches his whole body on his elbows and ankles)
  • 3x planks on the right (same as previous)
  • 3x leg lifts (lie on back, lift legs stretched for a certain time, can be made easier by putting hands under the buttocks...legs as low as possible above the ground)
  • 3x superman (on hands and knees, at the start of the time they simultaneously extend their left arm and right leg, then right arm left leg etc...)
  • The handler stands 3 meters next to the post.
  • The handler passes the ball when asked to do so by putting his hands forward.
  • The taker catches the ball himself.
  • The handler becomes the shooter and the shooter becomes the handler. score 10 goals pp
  • The ball is played to a moving lady at about 4 meters.
  • The person passing on determines whether the ball is placed to the left or to the right of the lady.
  • The passing must be tight and at eye level of the shooter. score 10x pp
  • Next, a defender comes to stand in front of the take-off lady.
  • Now you see that, if you do not keep the ball up, it will be difficult for the receiver to see it
  • So if you hold the ball up high, she can see which way you are going to pass and can therefore react properly
  • If she does not get free, check the position of the defender, make sure you are playable and the person taking the ball steps outagain
  • Again with the defender, but now you pretend to throw.
  • For the receiver, this is the signal that she must come for the breakthrough. score 10x pp
  • We play 4:4 with a catch under the post until the first shot is made.
  • After that the catch comes from the space.
  • The receiver stands, with regard to the shooter, at the side of the post. (So pass from the space).
  • You will do this task in pairs.
  • Use a basket for each pair.
  • Put 4 hats around the basket in a square about 1.5 meters from the basket. (the basket is in the middle)
  • Stand in between the 2 hats in front of the basket.
  • Shoot to score.
  • The person under the basket names a colour and you tap on that colour.
  • Go back between the 2 hats in front of the basket.
  • If you have scored, you don't have to run to a colour.
  • Do this until someone has scored 5.
drawing colours colours colours A
  • Plays with 4 players around the post.
  • One player takes the attack. Next player to pass the ball takes the pass.
  • Ball is passed to the forward, forward passes to the player who gave him/her the ball.
  • Player takes a shot.
  • It is important to keep a high ball tempo, to fill in quickly, to fill in the right persons and to throw in the right hand.
  • 3 persons under the pole.
  • 1 person under the post + 2 persons in front and behind the post.
  • Ball goes from under to the person in front, who passes it back to the person in front.
  • The 3rd person is doing an in-out move and gets the ball from the indicated 3rd person shoot.
  • Signaller catches the ball and passes it back to the person who just shot and so on.
  • 6 scoring with 2 is exchanging with the person under the post.

Basic rules:

  • The attackers' first shot is 'free'.
  • It may not be defended.
  • Take the first shot, each attacker tries to stay in possession of the ball.
  • If the defender takes the ball after the first shot, the attempt is over.
  • If the defender does not take the ball after the first shot, the defender must try to prevent the second shot as soon as possible.
  • If the attackers get the ball after the first shot, they may play freely.
  • The attacker has, after the first shot, two choices: shoot himself or get the assist
  • The exercise lasts a maximum of 10 seconds.
  • Forces to act fast.


  • Try to stay in possession of the ball after the first free shot by one of the attackers.
  • If you don't, and the defender grabs the ball, your attempt is over.
  • If you do, you can play freely (3-1 or 2-2).
  • If a goal is scored or the ball is intercepted, the attempt is over.
  • After each attempt, the attackers start at a pawn and another attacker takes the first shot.
  • After 3 attempts, it is changeover time.

Forms of play:

  • 2-2, then two of the attackers are always defenders and everyone starts at their own pawn.
  • 4-2 or 4-3, next to the attacker who makes the shot, no one is a defender.
  • After the shot, anyone can be defended.
  • 4-4: There is one defender and one attacker on each teammate.

drawing stay in possession of the ball to score - running catch forms 3 and 4

Per task 1x quiet to practice and 5x fast.

  • Left foot next to the ladder, right foot in the ladder.
  • Right foot next to the ladder, left foot in the ladder.
  • Sideways stepping through the ladder with both feet in all areas.
  • Sideways hopping in and out of the ladder (so forward in and backward out and then diagonally to the next square) left leg.
  • Sideways hopping in and out of the ladder (so forward in and backward out and then diagonally to the next square) right leg.