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Korfball drills

  • normal line-up, a gentleman under the basket and a lady behind it.
  • The ball is taken out in front and thrown to the side.
  • The lady behind the basket cuts over the gentleman in front.
  • The gentleman in the lead takes the lead.
  • The lady is played, turns her head and the SCO ball is played!
  • If it doesn't work out, the declarer with the ball shifts the play to the front.
  • a section near a basket.
  • The ladies or the men start under the basket, the other pair stand at about 7 metres.
  • Mark this with a pylon.
  • Four against four on 1 basket, setting out a field the size of a box!
  • When the ball is intercepted, the intercepting team takes the ball out from the middle.
  • The ball does not have to be passed to the trainer.
  • This gives the trainer all the space he needs to coach and to blow the whistle!
  • 1 basket, below it a duo of the same sex in the lead.
  • Two attackers in front of the basket and two defenders.
  • Two players at the side (same sex as attackers).
  • The attackers attack for a minute and a half, they may double with each other or with the attackers.
  • With regard to the declarer, the following rules apply: after having doubled with the attacker(s), the declarer must spin.
  • Unless a shot can be fired at that moment, in which case the shot must be waited for.
  • The moment the attackers double up with each other, they must roll.
  • We use again the four baskets in a row, the pawns are now at 10 metres right in front of the basket, there are four attackers (of which two are trainers) and three pairs (each pair has an attacker and a defender).
  • The attacker will try to score a walkthrough ball on each basket under pressure of the defender, always starting from the pile.
  • Attention: the attacker has to stand still at the pile (wait for a moment), after a walkthrough on one basket it is of course not allowed to walk through to the next basket for the walkthrough.
  • The defender defends the walkthrough ball within arm's length (near the pylon).
  • Which attacker will score 5 balls first?
  • Change function after each round around all the baskets.
  • The attackers run one lap less because they only change after the first player has five balls in his hands (let players who already master the walkthrough run one lap less or do three laps so that at least every pair of players runs two laps).
  • 1 shooter, 1 attacker, both standing under the basket.
  • The shooter draws away from under the basket and makes a shot (short chance).
  • In front of the basket at 8 metres, the shooter makes another shot.
  • After this, the players calmly walk sideways, after which they catch the ball and drop it 'inside' for the walk-through.
  • Who will score 25 points first? (shot from 8 meter counts for two)
  • Four posts in a row.
  • One pylon in front of the basket at 8 metres.
  • The players start walking from the pile, after which they continue to the next basket via the pile in front of the basket.
  • When they arrive at the last pile, the player walks behind the baskets to the first basket.
  • The ladies and gentlemen walk separately and both walk two minutes.
  • Overtaking is only allowed behind the basket!!!!.
  • Do not place the baskets too close to each other.
  • Reduce the attack space and divide into four squares.
  • Players split into the four squares
  • They play the ball around and change sides or diagonally
  • They switch sides and diagonally. (attacking)
  • Place one defender in the van and play on the second chance. (action after the shot)
  • Two defenders, no manning under the basket when shot. (running rebound)
  • Putting diagonal passing into play. (defenders attacking from the back).
  • Change boxes during the game.
  • 4/3 same assignments
  • 4/4 set up NO REBOUND. Tackle the backfield (the backfield is the space where no attacking takes place).
  • Take care of the signal.
  • Dare to take the second chance.
  • You can vary with time or ball contacts.

drawing Dynamic korfball
  • Men and women separately by a basket, 1 defender, 1 attacker, 2 attackers.
  • The attacker changes players after 20 seconds in the 1 vs. 1 duel and thus faces a fresh attacker.
  • In one turn the attacker will face all three men or women.
  • Attention: this is a very heavy exercise!
  • Two players per post.
  • 1 player in front of the basket at 7 meters.
  • there is a change of function when the shooter scores 2 times
  • Match shape, 2 quads and 3 baskets.
  • Two baskets are in a normal match situation, the third one is in the middle.
  • The game is played according to the normal rules with the exception that both teams may score on the middle basket.
  • Correcting the positioning of players.
  • Variation by
    :- after a goal attempt, there must be a goal attempt on the other basket-
    after a goal, the attacking side continues.

In short:

  • Shooting exercise (-game) in which shots are made from different sides of the basket.


  • Per basket one pair with one ball, or in case of lack of sufficient baskets 2 pairs with one ball each.
  • At each basket, four pawns or other markers:
  • 1 in front of and 1 behind the basket and 1 to the left and 1 to the right of the basket, always at about 6 metres distance.
  • One of each pair starts under the basket.
  • The other one's task is to score a goal as quickly as possible from each cone.
  • After that, they will switch functions.
  • Which pair will be quickest to complete their 'journey around the world'?


  • The distances can be made larger or smaller. Or: score 2 goals with each pawn.


  • Instead of shooting from standstill, you can also shoot from movement, or simply: take evasive balls.