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Korfball drills

  • 2 players per post.
  • 1 player is going to shoot, short around the basket.
  • 1 player is going to run.
  • You place about 5 hats at certain distances in front of the basket.
  • The player running must place them near the basket as fast as possible.
  • The shooter must score as many as possible before the runner finishes.
  • Then you switch positions and see who wins.
drawing Combination work
  • One pole per 2 players.
  • Per pole a player in support and a worker standing 7 meters in front of the pole.
  • The player in front of the post gets a -force- exercise, immediately after that he takes a run-through.
  • If he scores, then calmly walk back to the center.
  • If he misses it is a sprint to the center.
  • X number of exercises and change.
drawing Walk-through ball boot camp
With 4 players:
  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket. Players forming a team put themselves in the diagonal.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel - the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball gets to attack as a team.
  • Maximum of 2 chances.
  • Who has X goals first?
With 3 players:
  • The player who catches forms a team with the shooter.
  • 2 against 1 to attack.
Turn after each attack.
drawing Rebound - running duel
Players start on the back line in 1 row.

Each line is numbered from 1 to 7.

I call a number each time and they have to sprint to it.

Vary between forwards and backwards. First without ball and then with ball.

drawing Condition
  • Make groups of 2 players.
  • Player 1 gets 2 -e.g. red- hoops.
  • Player 2 gets 2 -e.g. yellow- hoops.
  • Put these 4 hoops in a square.
  • Per duo you need 1 ball.
Game explanation:
  • Player 1 bumps the ball into a hoop of his own color.
  • Player 2 catches the ball before it collides again and throws it another one into a hoop of his color.
    • You get a point if the other player cannot catch your ball.
    • The other player gets a point if the ball does not land in the correct hoop.
  • Try to score as many points as possible.
Place 2 poles directly opposite each other.
Under each basket one player with ball and one player without.

  • The player without ball runs clockwise to the cone halfway diagonally across the court.
  • The ball is passed along in the run and passed to the declarer under the other basket.
  • Walk-through ball follows, self-catching.
  • Exercise repeats.

  • Players without ball run straight at each other. After a jump they go sideways to the cone.
  • There they continue without a pointer to the swerve on the other basket.
  • The shot is followed by a follow-through that is self-caught. Then you switch.

  • The player in give-up throws the ball away with backspin. The player without the ball runs to the ball and tries to catch it for the 2nd bounce. Make sure the ball is not thrown too far.
  • After catching, turn and pass to the supplied player, followed by a swerve with a shot.
  • Then run for a through ball at the other post, catching yourself.
drawing Exercise attack
  • Players start on the back line in 1 row.
  • Each line is numbered from 1 to 7.
  • I call a number each time and they have to run to it in sprint.
  • Vary between forwards and backwards.
  • First without ball and then with ball.
drawing Condition
  • In a square there are 3 defending players and 1 attacking player.
  • The attacker tries to get a pylon, the defenders try to prevent that by working together.
  • So the defenders will have to move a lot between the pylons to beat the attacker.
  • Everyone is 3x attacker.
  • Always after 1 round with the four of you evaluate how best to get the attacker out of position.

Points of attention:
  • There is not 1 good strategy.
  • Which agreements do you make?
  • How smart is the attacker?
  • Do you dare to let go?
drawing Defensive running lines
  • Hat at 6 meters in front of the basket and a hat diagonally next to the basket at 5 meters.
  • Play the ball forward to the player at the hat.
  • The player puts the thrown ball on the ground and runs to the other hat and then to the basket.
Score together 10 times left and 10 times right.
  • The lead lines they the same as in picture, only the runaway player makes a swerve ball in depth. Step away to the back.
Score 10x counterclockwise and 10x clockwise.
  • The closing play is for the swerve to continue into the depths.
  • The third player under the pawl steps out, gets the ball and hands it off for a through ball.
  • Score 10x where the declarer steps out on the left and score 10x where the declarer steps out on the right.
Pay attention to which hand the declarer leads with.

drawing Tom & Jerry
  • The player faces the basket.
  • The player jumps sideways over the two hurdles and runs sideways to the hat.
  • Then the player sprints to the hat next to the basket and then takes a calm through ball.
  • We score 20x with the hats on the right side and 20x with the hats on the left side.
  • The blue player runs back and forth between the hats and gets the ball on the outside hand, you catch with 1 hand and throw back with 1 hand. Always the outside hand.
  • Each player plays back 5x with the left and 5x with the right.
drawing jumping power and speed and ball skills
The focus in this exercise is on finishing chances and timing in the rebound.
If you do not score goals quickly enough, you will lose the game.

  • Goal is to score 5 goals.
  • The rebounder under the basket plays against the shooter in front of the basket. Which of the two players scores 5 goals first?
  • The rebounder starts as a pointer such that the shooter has to shoot on the move outside the 4 meters.
  • The rebounder may shoot only if he or she catches the ball in one shot without scoring a goal.
  • If one player scores 5 goals this player is the winner and all other groups stop play
  • This basket is the winner's basket, the basket furthest from this is the loser's basket
  • Then per pole each winner -the player who scored the most of the 5 points- moves 1 place towards the winner's basket.
  • The loser -the player who scored the least of the 5 points- moves 1 place in the opposite direction, towards the loser's basket
  • In case of a tie, you take penalty throws; the player who misses first is the loser.
  • On a tennis court, you will play in 2 squares 2 against 2.
  • Both courts are attacking.
  • When intercepting, the ball must first go to the other side.
  • Play with 2 teams of 2.
  • Both squares are attacking squares.
  • On interception, the ball must go to the other side first.
drawing Party on tennis court