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Korfball drills

In short:
start and sprint game.

Pairs on either side of a line in the middle of the hall. The numbers 1, standing slightly left of the line, are the rats and the numbers 2, standing half a metre right of the line, are the ravens. Between the rats and the ravens there is a space of 1 meter. The trainer now calls continuously 'rats' or 'ravens' in random order. When 'rats' is called, the rats run as fast as possible to their side of the room. The ravens must then try to tap the rats.Â

* Who has their personal opponent tapped the most times?


To keep it exciting, roll the 'r' for a good long time or make it a short story.

Nr.1 has the ball and after the start signal passes to Nr.2, etc. The distance between the players is 2 m. The last player runs forward after receiving the ball, taps the wall (or other point). Places on nr.1 and goes in front of the line. 1 places again on 2, etc.Â

This continues until the whole row has moved forward and no. 1 is in front again.

Two parties, 1 attacking and 1 defending party. Three or four baskets and a ball.

How much time does a team need to score a goal in all the baskets?

The basket that has been scored in may not be used again, so that the difficulty factor increases. The defender gives the ball back after interception.

Korfball in 1 section. An attacking and a defending side, preferably 4 against 4, possibly with substitutes.Â

The attacking side puts the ball in play and tries to score a goal. After scoring or intercepting, the defending side attacks.Â

In the first case, the ball is taken out about 15 m. in front of the basket, in the second case it is first combined to this starting point.Â

After losing the ball, the attacking side can try to intercept. If this is successful before the ball has been played to the starting point, a goal opportunity may be exploited immediately.Â

Emphasis is on playing the ball well and defending consistently.Â


After a goal, the attacking side keeps the attacking position. The team plays 2 minutes on ball possession. If the team succeeds in keeping the ball in the team for that long or in scoring another goal, the goal is valid. If the defence intercepts the ball, the point is forfeited.

Pairs of players, one player four or three metres behind the basket (place a pawn), two attackers diagonally left and right in front of the basket at 8 metres. One defender next to one of the attackers of the pair whose one player is behind the basket.

� The player behind the basket cuts in front, the other of the pair plays the ball and cuts across the block to get the rebound. The defender doesn't let go of the block just yet! The other attacker takes a shot. Each player 2 times.


Don't let the defender hit the block too hard, let the attacker force the defender to take a side of the declarer, turn on when the attacker actually grabs the rebound, the attacker should start blocking out the opponent as soon as possible after cutting across the block.

� Then the defender may also choose not to give away the rebound, but give away the short shot in front of the basket.


The attacker must now start signalling himself when he can step back to take a short shot.

Pairs together, two players (men/ladies these are A(attacker) and V(defender) in front of the picture) in the left corner in front of the basket.Â

One player left (left behind the basket) next to it and one player right (right behind the basket) next to it.Â

In the pair is an attacker and a defender. The attacker has the ball, places it next to him (left or right) and takes the rebound. The defender makes the rebound difficult but gives it away initially (defends in front).

The player who does not get the ball fills the place of the attacker/rebounder. The two players in front of the basket take a shot after one or two doubles.

* Out of the five shots, who grabs the most rebounds?

Correct for:

Blocking out under the basket, keeping the opponent in the back and preferably in front of the basket, defending in front by the defender and only engaging in the duel when the shot is in the air.


Put 4 poles in a square, about 8 metres apart. In the middle of that square, place 4 pawns in a square, about 2 metres apart.

Four children stand under the basket and the others take three minutes to play pass-backs. Every time they have done that, they walk back to the middle and search for another basket.

After those 3 minutes, the attackers change.

Who will get the most in the 3 minutes?

the pace must be high!

Baskets in a square, gentlemen first under the basket with ball.Â

Ladies in the middle. After a shot or a walkthrough ball, move to the next post through the middle (players are not allowed to hit the same post twice).

Two teams, 1 ball, 4 poles. Posts are in a square.

Teams play over and try to hit the pole.

First 3 minutes right hand, then 3 minutes left hand.

Which team scores the most points?

Make a square with the 4 pawns, put the basket at a normal distance from the back line. (Approximately does not have to be exact)

Make 2 teams, one team starts with attacking and replaying, the other team must try to get the ball out of the way according to the rules.

You can switch when the ball is intercepted or after so many plays.

When the attacker has mastered the overhead distance shot, the through ball, the dodge ball and the playing and taking on, these parts can be practiced in their cohesion in the attacking 1 vs 1 duel.


1. First without opponent: pairs, 1 ball 1 basket. Attacker has ball in front of the basket, player under the basket is attacker/catcher. Attacker makes action of his own choice: shot, or pass and ball or dodge. After each goal attempt, go back into the space, get the ball and start a new action.

2. As 1. but a bit more difficult because of fake actions, through ball after sham shot, dodge ball after placing through ball. Pass directly or after passing with left/right.

Coach on technically correct execution of ball actions, tempo changes i.e. acceleration at the right moment, being clear in intentions (i.e. an evade must be recognisable as such to the attacker, etc.). Often, running actions are not completed, but converted too quickly into other actions, causing confusion for the declarator.

Also the use of space is important, a shooting opportunity in space must be sought on or within shot range, a through ball must be used from a sufficient distance in front of the basket. Start slowly and then go to faster and sharper when things are going well.

Coach also the person passing on the ball to make the right decisions: hold on to the ball or pass to the shooter and also the timing and way of passing on the ball is important (passing on the head for a shot, passing on the ball at hip height).

3. If the above is going well, a defender can be added. The attacker can now learn the following rules:

� Shot goes before breakthrough. I.e. if the attacker has space to shoot, he shoots because the defender is not connected and a through ball has little chance. If the defender is connected to the shot, the shot has little chance and the walkthrough ball is the best option. The attacker will therefore first look for the shooting opportunity and then the break through. This also means for the attacker that he must have the ball in order to start the action, unless the defender makes the mistake of joining in while the attacker is not yet in possession of the ball.

The back goes in front Teach your players to dodge away preferably via the back side Often, a sharp deflection over this side is sufficient to create space for a shooting chance The defender should risk closing this space and, if he succeeds, new options to get free are particularly promising

As a coach, you can coach on applying feints, acceleration, changes of direction (left/right feints, in/out feints, stop/start alternations, slow-quick) Also, teach your players that standing still or taking little action gives the defender the opportunity to oversee and control the situation


1) Doubles: 2 players facing each other, 1 player walks from left to right, the other throws the ball, always playing on the outside hand. Catch ball, return same hand, walk to the other side. Change function after a few times.

2) As 1 but player takes ball over, i.e. catch right hand, pass to left hand and play with it, walk to left hand, catch with left hand, pass to right hand and play with it etc. footwork

3) Three teams: 1 declarator, 1 contractor with defender. The contractor walks from left to right as in the previous exercise, the defender walks with him, facing the contractor and hindering the playing in, not the taking.

4) Full counter play. The contractor may pass to the left or right, directly, after an over-pack or possibly with a double or false over-pack (do not obstruct the passing, only the passing).