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Korfball drills

In short: exercises in catching balls that bounce or roll at the right moment. This is to learn how to catch a ball as quickly as possible.

Organisation: One ball per pair.

  • The numbers 1 and 2 of each pair stand next to each other.
  • The trainer throws, rolls or bounces the ball a few metres away.
  • Number 1 and 2 have to get the ball, pick it up and pass it back as fast as possible.
  • The one who does this the fastest wins.
  • After 5 times change.
  • The remaining players take shots, free balls and penalty shots in the meantime
  • while the other two are busy with the reflex training.

  • Warming up
  • 3min back and forth walk
  • 30 sec rest
  • 2 min back and forth walk
  • 30 sec rest
  • 3 min walk
  • Players stand in the field and try to pass the ball to teammates.
  • Defenders defend, but do not actively try to intercept.
  • Goal: Pass with one hand and step next to the opponent.
  • Free running and looking for space.
  • Has the ball been intercepted/failed 3 times? Swap.
  • Passed 8 times? Change.
  • Stand in a circle around a basket (4 children).
  • The child in front of the basket shoots the ball towards the basket, the other three girls must try to catch the ball.
  • The child who catches the ball may then shoot.
  • Goal: practise shooting and catching.
  • make 2 groups
  • the attack takes the ball out to the trainers.
  • When the defence has intercepted the ball, they first pass it back to the trainers.
  • When a goal is scored, the team gets a bonus and can take the ball back out.
  • When attacking, pay attention to good set-ups and the star shape to get free

The team divides into two groups. Then the two groups go on to score a series of all 5.

This includes:

  • 5x Drive-throughs
  • 5x shots
  • 5x free balls
  • 5x penalty shootings
  • 5x small chances
  • You make groups of 2 or 3.
  • You're going to shoot at the basket and when you've scored you shout YO,
  • and then turn with your group to the next pole.
  • So you go through who first has said 5 times YO has won
  • Everyone line up and go into the defensive stance backwards.
  • Left foot forward + left arm forward this you do alternate with right.
  • You divide the square in four by the basket.
  • You put 1 child in each section.
  • Let every child make a diagonal movement.
  • So towards the basket and then make the movement towards the other compartment.
  • Run
  • Stairs
  • Run
  • Sprint
  • Through the hoops
  • Run

  • two teams side by side,
  • whoever gets 5 goals first gets to vote the other one off
  • A pair has 1 ball.
  • One person throws the ball in the air
  • and the other tries to catch it as high in the air as possible.