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Korfball drills

Catch with 2 hands

Thumbs behind the ball

Fingers spread

Thumb and index finger in triangular shape (to prevent overshoot).

Feet crossed at an angle with a space of about 30 cm (shoulder width or just outside).

Receive the ball with arms almost stretched out.

Squeeze the ball lightly on reception.

Bring the ball up to chest height with your arms bent (to get the speed out of the ball).

Make 5 rows of hats, each row has its own colour.

Have the players jog between the hats. After about 10 seconds call out a color and the players must sprint to the hats with the correct color. The last player to reach the hat gets a penalty point. At 5 penalty points the player has to do 5 push-ups and then starts again at 0 penalty points.

Place the hats in a square with about 5 m between them.

Two players are the catchers, the rest move inside the square.

The 2 scapegoats can tap the other players with the ball. The catchers are not allowed to walk with the ball.

By throwing over the ball the taggers can tap the other players.

If you are tapped or outside the square you are finished and may leave the square.


When players are out, they belong to the taggers instead of being out of the box.

  • 2 players at a distance from the post with ball. 
  • 1 player below the post.
  • Trainer calls head shoulders knee head etc. 
  • Only when the ball is in the post, the player with the fastest ball is allowed to take a through ball. 
  • The other player tries to defend.
  • At 3 goals the winner may decide whether to give or continue.
  • There's a support and an attacker. 
  • The support throws the ball to the attacker
  • As soon as the ball is thrown, the support must immediately go after it to defend it.
  • So the intention is that they shoot as fast as possible.
drawing shooting under pressure

The chaos game is fun for younger children, but can also be played with older children. 

  • In the chaos game the intention is that every child has a ball, and that there are 3 or 4 poles (also depending on the number of players). 
  • lined up. 
  • Each player starts at the same pole, 
  • there's a countdown and then they all start shooting, 
  • if they can score, they proceed one pole
  • if they don't score, they stay at the pole until they do.
  • You can agree in advance whether they should have been past each pole 1, 2 or 3 times depending on the level. 
  • Variation: you can use pilons to mark a circle outside which players have to shoot, 
  • they're only allowed in to catch the ball.
  • The materials below are for 4 persons (hat = pilon)
  • You put pilons in a square. 
  • In the square you put a number of balls (one less than the number of players). 
  • The players run around the square and then the trainer yells YES. 
  • If the trainer says YES, the player takes a ball as quickly as possible. 
  • If you have a ball, you score 3 goals. 
  • The remaining player continues to run around the square until someone finishes shooting. 
  • 2 groups at pilons, 
  • Run to the hoop. 
  • Through the hoops and run to the pilons. 
  • Zigzag through the pilons. 
  • Finally shoot ( 2 attempts). 
  • Whoever scores 5 times first, wins
  • All players line up. 
  • The front 2 players have a ball. 
  • Player 1 starts shooting, after this player has had a shot, player 2 can start. 
  • If 1 scores earlier than 2, he can stand in the back of the line. 
  • If 2 scores earlier than 1, 1 is finished and has to go to the side. 
  • The last remaining two players must start at the same time and the one who scores first wins.

PURPOSE: Warm-up (concentration and reaction) 

ORGANISATION: groups of two, three or four in a defined space.

RUNNING THE GAME: slowly run behind each other, crisscrossing through the entire space. Number 2 always follows every movement of number 1 as quickly as possible and keeps a distance of about 1 meter. Switch positions after a while.


  • now the front runner tries to get rid of the back runner by sudden feints and/or tempo changes.
  • But now other movements are allowed as well: cross steps, jumping, lying down and getting up again etc.
  • No more groups: everyone runs freely. The players run towards each other, make a feint and:
    • then pass each other on the left.
    • pass each other on the right
    • turn around each other and run back

  • 1 shooter stands in front of the post, distance is indicated by the trainer
  • At least 1 receiver, but it works better with 2 or more receivers
  • 2 balls per post, as soon as the shooter has shot a ball the 2nd ball will be passed to the shooter.
  • Shooter gets X minutes to score as many goals as possible
  • Goal is to keep shooting fast, but also to keep shooting well
  • Can be done several times and try to improve the number of goals each time

  • divide the group into groups of 5 (it's also possible to have a different number, but adjust if necessary).
  • make a box, for example 8/8 or 10/10 or 12/12. 
  • Of each group of 5, 1 person is a catcher, the others are the field players (if you have more than one group, you can put the catcher(s) of one group into the other group).
  • The catcher tags 1 or 1½ minute and you count how many tags have been made (one player can't loose and stays in the game).

  • The catchers that start tagging (recognizable because of the jacket / ribbon) and 
  • distribute the other remaining children per group in the box with a ball. They pass over the ball and walk free.
  • The catchers try to tag someone who doesn't have the ball, so someone who has the ball is not allowed to be tagged.
  • The player approached by the catcher must get the ball as quickly as possible.