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Korfball drills

  • Have the players all stand along a certain side of a line, potty, etc....
  • The idea is to jump with two feet or one foot over the line and back.
  • So for a certain time ... to be determined by yourself taking into account age or physical readiness ...
  • You take 1 (or 2) dice.
  • You throw the dice and the number of pips you get in a shot exercise.
  • For example: you throw 5, then you have to score 5 shots.


  • You can have each group roll the dice separately and each time they complete a task.
  • and every time they complete an assignment, give them a new
  • Then each group has to complete a new task with a new number thrown.
  • For the exercise: repeating how to throw and catch properly.
  • The emphasis is not on shooting.
  • 1 player stands in front of the basket
    • There is shooting.
    • There is a catcher behind the basket who tries to catch the ball as fast as possible.
    • caught?
      • throw fast and good to your team mates.
    • Variant: 2 persons at a basket (can also be more than 2 persons).

Party form.

  • Two baskets facing each other and two teams.
  • Practicing how to do it in the matches.
  • Relay:
    • Preparation:
    • Make 2/3 rows of successively 1 hoop, 1 loose basket on the ground, 1 jump rope, 1 basket with pole
    • Relay races start at the pawn, first through the hoop, then through the basket, then jump rope 2 times, make 1 goal and run back.
    • Which team has been all first?

  • 3 teams per basket.
  • 1 fixed rebound / declarer, the other 2 shoot alternately on the basket and count the number of goals.
  • After 90 seconds the rebound changes its function.
  • Number of players per pole is not important.
  • Players will shoot from 5 to 6 meters according to age.
  • If they throw in the basket consecutively, they may double the score.
  • At 2 I throw in, then it's 3, then I throw in again, then it's 6 and so on.
  • If a player scores, he also has to keep throwing.
  • This is played with seniors usually to 3000 or 5000
  • Two or three players start shooting from 3 to 4 meters,
  • when they're all in, they move to the left side of the basket.
  • There they have to shoot again in two or three or...before they go to the next point.
  • In this way the players get all the points (wind directions) around the pole.
  • Run around a square.
  • Each time a new number is called.
  • Each number is a different task.
    • At 1, jump up,
    • On 2, the back tries to catch the front,
    • On 3, touch the ground.
  • 1 loafer who can't have the ball, no tapping.
  • Throwing good balls.
  • Not caught is fault of the thrower.
  • Tapping the ball is enough for the batsman.
  • Roll the dice
  • How many dots do you see?
  • This is how many steps you make from the basket and from there you make a distance shot.
  • 2nd variant:
    • Throw the dice
    • How many dots do you see?
    • How many walk-throughs or penalty shots or small chances can you make?
  • Set out a course for relay where the children have to pass the ball on, so with
    • pawns,
    • running ladders,
    • benches
    • etc.
  • One person runs the course with the ball and then passes the ball to the next person.
  • 2 or 3 teams means 2x the course.