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Korfball drills

  • All players stand in a circle.
  • Player A throws the ball to player B, and then runs to player B's spot.
  • Player B throws the ball to player C, and stands on the spot of player C.

Start in a small circle (close to each other) and make the circle bigger and bigger.

Can be done in 2 groups, which group can stand furthest apart without making mistakes?

  • The trainers have the children warm up in a fixed pattern (round or square).
  • The children run behind each other with some distance between them.
  • The child in front receives the ball from the trainer.

Variant 1

  • While running, the ball is passed to the next person in line by means of a throw (short pass), the receiver passes the ball to the next person in line.
  • The person in the back passes the ball back to the last thrower and the ball travels the whole route in reverse order.
  • Emphasise technique where necessary and ask which form of passing is most effective.

Variation 2

  • Similar to variation 1, but now the ball is passed backwards without looking (i.e. by feel).
  • The emphasis now is on catching and uncatching the ball.
  • The last player in line to receive the ball sprints with it to the front to start a new round.
  • So there is always someone else in front.

: To make it a bit more difficult, you can appoint 1 or 2 defenders who make it more difficult to throw and try to intercept.

The trainer tells the children to warm up in a section or around baskets. It is important that the children don't run too fast, because it is warming up.

When the muscles are warmed up, the trainers can add variation to the exercise. At a 'Yes' or whistle signal from the trainer, the children must respond.

Variations you can introduce:

  1. Changing the direction of running
  2. Sprint for a few seconds
  3. Walk sideways
  4. Cross pass
  5. Tapping the ground (followed by jumping in the air)

Inshort: exercises in catching balls that bounce or roll at the right moment.

Organisation: each team has a ball and a basket.

  • Three teams,
  • the declarator stands in the middle under the basket.
  • He rolls the ball a few metres away.
  • As soon as the ball is loose, the other two may run.
  • Who has the ball first, can make a turnaround or an attack with a pass?
  • After 3 substitutions.

Start line-up
Two groups at the first two pawns.


  • The first in line runs to the hoop and goes through the hoop from the bottom, so the hoop goes over their heads.
  • Then he runs through the defence posture to pawn two and circles this in 4 circles.
  • Finally, he runs to pawn 3 and scores before he can run back to pawn 1 and tap the next one in line.

Set-up distance:

Hoop from pawn 1: 5 meters.

Pawn 2 from the hoop: 5 meter.

Pawn 3 from pawn 2: 5 meter.

Pole from pawn 3: 4 meter.


  • Put out a square of 20 by 20 with hats.
  • In the middle put balls (1 less than the number of players)
  • The players walk in circles around the hats
  • At the whistle they run in and try to get a ball

When you have a ball you can try to shoot (penalty throw - distance) and if you score you have a point, at every new round one ball less in the middle. The players who don't get the ball keep running.

  • Form 3 teams at the basket
  • Person 1 stands 3 to 4 meters in front of the basket near the pawn.
  • Person 2 will stand 3 to 4 meters behind the basket near the pawn.
  • Person 3 stands under the basket as catcher

  • Person 1 starts shooting, person 3 catches the ball and throws it to person 2.
  • Person 2 shoots, person 1 catches and throws to person 3. Always change.

Exercises with distance shot, penalty throw and walkthrough.

You start shooting from a fine distance

  • Did you score? Place a pawn next to the post until you have used up all your pawns.
  • Then you can shoot as many balls as the number of pawns you have.
  • When you have scored, you must take a pawn and put it on the other side of the pole.
  • The amount of pawns that you have left, you can use for penalty throwing
  • The team that has the most cones left has won

Inshort: exercises in catching balls that bounce or roll at the right moment.

Organisation: one ball per pair or trio.

(a) The numbers 1 and 2 of each pair stand next to each other. Number 1 rolls the ball a few metres away. Number 2 has to get the ball, pick it up and throw it back as fast as possible. Change after 5 games. Make sure the players 'get' the ball as soon as possible by putting one hand on it as soon as possible.

b ) As a., but now number 1 throws the ball away with a small curve, in such a way that it bounces on the ball at a distance of about 4 metres (and then makes a bounce of about half a metre high). Number 2 must try to get the ball as soon as possible after the bounce.

c ) As b., but now number 1 drops the ball from a height of 1.5 metres just in front of number 2. He/she has to try again to get the ball as soon as possible after the bounce. It will appear that almost everyone lets the ball rise a little and then catches it. Wrong (in the meantime an opponent can quickly put his/her hand on the ball). At the very moment that the ball is about to come up, the hand should be placed on the ball Take the ball!

Inshort: practise various forms of the shot in a fun competition format.

Organisation: each group a basket and a ball, the baskets are preferably (but not absolutely necessary) arranged in a circle or rectangle. The number of people per group is less important (all groups should be about the same size).

Pawns set up at 1,3,5 metres

The first assignment for the groups is: make 10 goals. When you are done, the creator of the last goal goes to the trainer to get the next assignment. Which group will have completed all assignments first?

The trainer walks around the room, encouraging or correcting the players. He has a piece of paper with a list of assignments. When someone comes to get the next assignment, first ask him which assignment he just completed (after a while this can vary considerably) and then give the next one. Here's an example: 10 walk-through balls, 15 penalty shots, 5 shots from 8 meters, 10 walk-through balls from behind the basket, 5 dodgeballs next to the post, 10 shots from 6 meters. Everything is possible of course, a lot of momentum comes from keeping the number of goals to be scored small.


  • 6 scores from 2,5 meter in front of the basket
  • 6 scores from 1 meter in front of the basket
  • 6 scores from 6 meter in front of the basket
  • 6 scores from 2,5 meter behind the basket
  • 6 scores from 1 meter behind the basket
  • 6 scores from 6 meters behind the basket
  • Two children per basket.
  • Add playing cards.
  • Draw a card.
  • The number on the card determines how many goals the group must score.
  • Next to it pile up cards with through ball, penalty throw and distance shot.

Start line-up
Two groups at the first two pawns.

The first in line runs to the hoop and goes through the hoop from the bottom, so the hoop goes over their heads. Then he runs through the defence posture to pawn two and circles this in 4 circles. Finally, he runs to pawn 3 and scores before he can run back to pawn 1 and tap the next one in line.

Distance set up:

  • Hoop from pawn 1: 5 meters.
  • Pawn 2 from the hoop: 5 meter.
  • Pawn 3 from pawn 2: 5 meter.
  • Pole from cone 3: 4 meter.
