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Korfball drills

Starting situation

The game is played in a square of 20 by 20 metres. In every corner of the box a triangle is marked with short sides of 7 metres. The basket is in the middle of the box. There are four players in each team, the other players are substitutes.

Goal of the game

Which team will score the most points? Try to get in scoring position by playing together. Try to prevent the other team from scoring many points.

Game rules

You are not allowed to run with the ball, you are not allowed to play alone, you are not allowed to take the ball out of the hands of your opponent or team-mate. You are not allowed to shoot defensively. If a team scores from the marked triangle, the score counts double. When the ball is intercepted, it must be played to one of the four corners before it can be attacked. Any player may substitute from the changeover area. Players may be brought back into the game.


The trainer divides the group into two teams. The trainer can limit himself to giving instructions and encouragement. Depending on the size of the group, several fields can be laid out. The game can be played without much preparation. The trainer can adapt the rules of the game to the level or experience.

What can you see?

Lots of action, practising many elements of korfball in a functional way. Rewarding the score from the triangles can have consequences for the defensive tactics if there are a lot of shots from distance. The game can give rise to pre-defending and a strict 1:1 duel.

Starting situation

The game is played by two teams, four against four, on one basket, placed in the middle of the 20 by 20 meter square. Dimensions for pupils can be limited to 10 by 10.

Goal of the game

Which team will score the most goals, try to intercept the ball and then play the ball over to a specific point before attacking, try to get in scoring position through team play and try to score.

Game rules

You are not allowed to run with the ball, you are not allowed to play alone, the ball may not be taken out of the hands of the opponent or team-mate. Other rules like defensive shooting or cutting can be omitted.


The trainer divides the group into two groups of four players each. Explain the meaning of the game and give one of the parties the starting ball. Without much intervention, the trainer can play several games in a row, depending on the material and the number of players. As a trainer, keep the game going and give instructions.

What can you see?

  • The game is simple and can be played without guidance.
  • Players are constantly busy with korfball and get a lot of balls
  • The basic problem, playing together to reach a scoring position, is constantly under discussion
  • The technique of playing together, catching and throwing, are practised functionally. There is correction by the situation, in which catching and throwing are means and in which there is counterplay.

Starting situation

The game is played by 2 teams who play against each other between 2 baskets positioned about 15 metres apart. The two teams consist of four players or at least three players. Larger teams are not recommended due to the limited space available for free running.

Goal of the game

Which team scores the most goals? Try to conquer the ball to attack, try to get in scoring position by playing together and try to score.

Game rules

You are not allowed to run with the ball, you are not allowed to play alone, the ball is not allowed to be taken out of the hands of the opponent or team-mate. Other rules like defensive shooting or cutting can be omitted.


Divide the group into two parties of equal number of players. The trainer can play along with the side in possession of the ball to make sure the game runs smoothly. The participation of two trainers is stimulating for the players and gives them the opportunity to make corrections during the game.

In the course of the game, rules can be added which lead to the targeted practice of basic skills. Examples are:

  • You may only throw with one hand and goal attempts are always made with 2 hands
  • Players are assigned special tasks, players who help and players who try to score.

What can you see?

  • The novice player understands korfball immediately
  • There is a lot of opportunity to play korfball, so the basic skills like free running, attacking and defending are taught as well
  • While playing, korfball techniques are discussed
  • It can be read from the game what needs to be practised specifically in simplified game elements

Each pair a ball and a basket. No. 1 takes penalty throws; no. 2 catches and passes.

Penalty throws must be taken in a concentrated way. We do not recommend games where the goal is to take as many penalties as possible in a certain amount of time. It is better to start with not being allowed to miss a penalty throw.

  1. One of the two starts. If you miss, the other one can. Which
    pair scores the most points in 2 minutes?
  2. Who scores the most goals from 12 penalty throws ?
  3. Take turns taking a penalty throw. If you miss twice, start counting again.
    Which pair makes the highest 'series'?

2 teams; not too far apart; 1 ball per 2 teams

Throwing over the ball; ball on the ground; running around in a circle


- Right leg in front (throwing right=left leg in front; throwing left =right leg in front)

- Hold ball on hand with spread fingers

- Start holding ball as far back as possible

- Throw the ball with pointing

- Step forward while throwing

- not too hard and not too soft, but tight

- Aim at chest of fellow player

In short: nice shooting exercise with a lot of running.

Organisation: the baskets are placed in a circle. At each basket stands a server with a ball. The rest of the players stand in the middle of the circle (the middle must be clearly recognisable).

In the hall there is often a circle, on the field a pylon must be placed). The number of baskets is very precise: aim for 2 baskets per 5 players.

a ) The players in the centre circle are instructed to shoot through balls to one of the baskets, it doesn't matter which one. Since there are slightly more players in the circle than there are free baskets, it is important to find a free basket quickly. When you are not quick enough, you have to wait a bit. And when Johnny is already on his way to a basket, but is passed at the last moment by Marietje, who is running faster, Johnny has to go back to the centre circle and try again from there. Everyone catches his own ball. After the signal everyone runs through the centre circle or around the pylon to find a free basket again as soon as possible.

b ) As a., but now with the assignment: Who will score 10 goals first? Even the players who first thought: 'Never mind, he runs faster than me' will now try to be the first to get to the free basket. Make sure that the players do not 'cut off' by not going through the centre circle or around the pylon.

c ) Like b., but with the assignment: 'Who will be first to score a goal at each basket?

d ) Same as b., but with overhead walkthroughs.

e ) As b., but a 'takeover situation' follows: the runner from the centre circle, after having received the ball, plays the ball back to the declarer who started away from the post. The original declarer must try to score from this start. Who scores 5 goals first?

f ) As b., but the runner takes balls out of the way (left or right, distances not too great). The declarer also catches the shot. The runner runs to the basket and gets the ball from the receiver, who will hurry to try again from the centre, because: who has scored 5 times first?

g ) As f., but after the dodge no shot follows: the ball goes back to the receiver who started at the basket. He shoots with a quarter/half turn. The shooter runs back to the middle, the other person (of course) catches the ball. Variation: The exercise can also be done with defenders present. The defenders have a thankless task: the attacker has a choice of a large number of baskets. Which attacker will be first to score 10 walk-throughs or 5 goals from ducks?

Most korfball players find the above a nice relaxed exercise, which is very suitable to start a training session with, they can use as much energy as they need. When the time has come to really put everyone to work, the next step is to score a goal:

In short: shooting game where scoring is very important.

Organisation: two teams per basket, one team leader and one team leader at, for example, four metres in front of the basket.

The shooters are instructed to score 10 points as quickly as possible. A goal counts as two points, if no goal is scored, then one point is subtracted from the total (if you score 0 and you miss, the total remains 0 points). Once someone has 10 points, they switch tasks.


With 'lesser gods' you can make it a bit easier by rewarding a goal with, for example, 3 points, and 'top players' you can make it more difficult by awarding only 1 point for a goal. You can also increase or decrease the distances.

Inshort: practise various forms of the shot in a fun competition format.

Organisation: each group a basket and a ball, the baskets are preferably (but not absolutely necessary) arranged in a circle or rectangle. The number of people per group is less important (all groups should be about the same size).

The first assignment for the groups is: make 10 walkthrough ball goals. When you are done, the creator of the last goal goes to the trainer to get the next assignment. Which group will have completed all assignments first?

The trainer walks around the room, encouraging or correcting the players. He has a piece of paper with a list of assignments. When someone comes to get the next assignment, first ask him which assignment he just completed (after a while this can vary considerably) and then give the next one. Here's an example: 10 walk-through balls, 15 penalty shots, 5 shots from 8 meters, 10 walk-through balls from behind the basket, 5 dodgeballs next to the post, 10 shots from 6 meters. Everything is possible of course, a lot of speed will come when the number of goals to be scored is kept small.

In short: shooting practise (-game) in which the players shoot from different sides of the basket.

Organisation: for every basket, one pair with one ball, or in case of insufficient baskets, two pairs with one ball each. Near each basket, four pawns or other markers: one in front of the basket and one behind it, and one to the left and right of the basket, at intervals of about 6 metres.

One of each pair starts under the basket. The other one's task is to score a goal as quickly as possible from each cone. After that, they will switch functions. Which pair will be quickest to complete their 'journey around the world'?

Variation: the distances can be made larger or smaller as desired. Or: make 2 goals at every pawn.

Variation: instead of shooting from standstill, you can also shoot from movement, or simply: take evasive balls.

Variation: Working with 2 pairs per basket. The two shooters are now asked to score two goals together at each pawn, it doesn't matter who scores the goals. So the team changes functions after 4 times 2 goals have been scored. At which basket is the first to score twice? (This variation was a favourite shooting exercise in my Nic. days. Much later I saw it again in a new jacket: the assignment had to be completed (in the hall) within 2 minutes, otherwise you had to run a certain distance as a punishment!

Beeping' can be a very tiring game, when at the end two players are completely matched! I have seen players break down completely!

The main consideration behind the above exercises is the fact that shooting from in front of the basket is usually preferred. And since a large part of the box is next to or behind the basket, you have to practice from those spots as well. And shooting from there is really different: not only because the baskets usually hang a bit forward, but also because the attachment to the post is clearly visible to the shooter, which affects the estimation of the correct distance and height.

Make sure you do not always stand in the same place, thus unintentionally favouring one of the teams.

Pure shooting is always important of course, but here it's all about scoring goals. When players play this game for the first time, they will be quite noisy at first, and there might be reactions like 'you can't do this' or 'I don't like it'. These reactions disappear after a short time, the players start to shoot very concentrated and the scoring improves by leaps and bounds. What seemed impossible at first, turns out to be possible after all!

In short: shooting game with distance shot and small chances. Sometimes this turns into a fitness exercise!

Organisation: 3-5 players per basket, with two balls. There is a pylon about 6 metres in front of the basket.

The players are numbered and stand in order at the pylon. The numbers 1 and 2 have a ball. Number 1 starts shooting. He catches his own ball.

If he hits the ball, he gives it to the next player in line. If he misses, he shoots again, from the place where he got the ball. If the shot is missed, he shoots again from the spot where he got the ball, until he scores, after which he hands the ball over to the next player in line. The shooter joins the back of the row and waits until it is his turn again.

Number 2 starts shooting as soon as number 1 has fired a shot. He also shoots as long as it takes him to score, then hands the ball to the next player in line and joins the row in front of the basket and so on. But ... If someone manages to score before the person who started shooting before him, then that person is out of the game! Who will stay over the longest?

An example: There are 4 participants. Number 1 scores immediately. He gives the ball to number 3 and gets in line behind number 4. Number 2 does not hit the basket, the ball rolls away. Number 3 shoots in the meantime, so number 2 is out of the game. Numbers 2 and 3 give the ball to numbers 4 and 1. It does not matter who gives the ball to whom: number 1 can wait with shooting until number 4 has shot.

In short: shooting game from various, increasing distances from the basket.

Organisation: pairs per basket. Preferably also about 6 markers per basket, but this is not necessary in the hall, where there are usually enough lines (stripes) on the floor.

The first shooter of each group starts shooting at 2 meters from the basket. After scoring, he/she starts shooting from 3 meters distance. When he has scored from there too, he will shoot from 4 metres and so on. When the shooter misses, it's the other team's turn. Which of the shooters has scored first from each 'line'?

In short: a game in which the groups get different shooting assignments.

Organisation: two, three or four teams per basket. The players take turns to shoot. After each task the groups leave the ball behind and move on to the next basket.

The baskets are spread around the room. The groups are divided over the baskets, where uneven size of the groups is not a real problem. The trainer gives an assignment (see below for some examples). The group that completes the task first gets a point. After that the groups all move one basket, especially when the circumstances per basket are different (sun, floodlights, puddles, strong wind, scoop baskets etc.). It also keeps the momentum of the game which is especially the case when the trainer allows the groups to start immediately, even if not everyone is ready yet. The winner is the group that has gathered the most points after, say, 15 minutes of play.

These exercises do not fit into a competition format, as there is a tendency to indicate something less difficult. When the goal is to learn or improve a certain technique, don't offer all the possibilities mentioned above in one training. Experience shows that the players will then 'show off' too quickly.

Suitable assignments are (at lower levels, smaller numbers of goals to be scored):

  • 20 passing balls.
  • 20 chances (always shoot from the spot where the ball is caught).
  • 10 distance shots from 6 meters.
  • 20 overhead runs from behind the basket.
  • 6 dodge balls on the left
  • 6 dodge balls on the right
  • 20 penalty shots
  • 10 dribble balls in a row (i.e. as soon as a dribble ball is missed, start counting from 0 again).
  • 8 goals from starting away at the basket.

Also "crazy" assignments work very well in this game:

  • Take 5 penalties with your eyes closed.
  • Take 10 balls with one hand.
  • 5 goals while the shooter is sitting on the ground.
  • 10 passing balls, rolling in.
  • 10 balls from half a meter in front of the basket, thrown backwards (over the head) into the basket, etc. The competition element plays a big role in this form, so it is not a suitable form to improve technique.