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Korfball drills

  • One ball per groups of two/three. 
  • The players pass until they reach a post. 
  • At the post both players may shoot once. 
  • Then they have to pass again to another post. 
  • All groups just cross each other. 
  • Whichever team to achieve 15 goals first wins(optional).
  • 4 children are standing next to each other, about 5 meters apart.
  • 1 child is going to do the exercise:
  • Receives the ball at the first pilon, returns it to the player on the other side, and moves on to the second pilon and so on. 
  • At the back pilon he returns with a full sprint.
  • Then switch, everyone moves a place, number 5 does the exercise now. 
  • Everybody has their turn. Possibly everyone could go 2-3x.


Piggy in the middle: 

  • You're all standing in a circle and there's one piggy in the middle.
  • Briefly repeat how to throw with two hands and how to throw with one hand. 
  • During this exercise the throwing will be looked at, the good catching will be discussed later on. 

Variations: easy to difficult

1. throwing with 2 hands

2. throwing with 2 hands (with tag)

3. Throwing with 2 hands (with a tag and several piggies)

4. Throwing with 2 hands (but throwing with 1 hand is also allowed)

5. throwing with 1 hand 

6. throwing with 1 hand (with tag)

7.throwing with 1 hand (with a tag and several piggies)

Based on how goed the exercise is performed you can perform the variations in the exercise. 

How do you throw with one hand?

  • It's important that the ball is on your hand behind your ear,
  • your left foot is in front (if you're right-handed), 
  • the ball goes past your ear towards the front, 
  • the body weight goes from the back leg to the front and the wrist is folded, 
  • after stretching it.

Let's practice: 

  • the kids stand on a line and all have a ball. 
  • Everybody throws with 1 hand (their favourite hand) and tries to throw as good as possible with that hand. 
  • No distance has been agreed to yet.
  • Later on, pilons are added so the children really have to throw a certain distance with the ball.

Variation: it is also possible to throw with the other hand

1. Repeat this with two hands

2. Throw with your favourite hand

3. Throw with your other hand

Aimed throw: 

  • aiming at different parts. 
  • Repeat first how to throw with 2 hands. 
    • in front of the chest, 
    • thumbs behind the ball, 
    • hands on the sides of the ball (bowl), 
    • feet a little apart, 
    • stretching arms and moving your upper body.
  • The children throw from a certain distance. 
  • This distance can increase or decrease if necessary during training. 
  • The child throws once and then moves on to the next one. 

Learning to aim:

1. Throwing a pilon off a cupboard (big pilon = easy, small pilon = difficult)

2. Throwing a ball off a pilon

3. Aiming the ball in a raised post

4. Aiming the ball into a hoop

  • When the children have practiced this, you can make this exercise even more interesting later on by using hats. 
  • Once a 'hit' has been made, the children are allowed to pick up a hat, this way a small game is made of it. 
  • This can be done when they see that the throwing is going well. 
  • By observing the exercise I can see which of the f-pupils is ready to throw with one hand. 
  • I can then guide these children to try to throw with 1 hand. 
    • It is important that the ball is on your hand behind your ear, 
    • your left foot is in front (if you're right-handed), 
    • the ball goes past your ear towards the front, 
    • body weight goes from the back leg to the front leg. 
    • and the wrist is flipped, 
    • after stretching it. 
  • Work in groups of 2-3 or 4 and a post. 
  • Players stand in front of each other and throw the ball to each other.
  • Player A throws to player B. 
  • Player A runs towards player B, but then backs away towards the post and gets the ball from player B (deep pass). 
  • Player A shoots the ball into the post. 
    • Make sure you run close enough to the post. 
    • Don't stop running too early and the pass must be precise.
  • You can extend the exercise further by passing the ball back to player B instead of taking a shot, 
    • then it's important that player B makes a running action to become available for a pass. 

2 teams of equal size.

  • You start with the ball at the pilon. 
  • It is played over to the second pilon 
    • the ball mustn't get on the ground, 
    • or you're gonna have to start over. 
  • There are a number of checkpoints where new players are ready to play the ball. 
  • The last in line must score 1 to win. 
  • you've got four kids per post. 
    • 3 are the attackers, 
    • 1 is the defender. 
  • The attackers must try to score and the defender must prevent it. 
  • Swap when the attackers have scored 3 times or if they miss off or if it's intercepted by the defence. 
  • then change roles. 
  • If the scoring is too easy, you provide a second defender or the attackers must pass first before shooting again.
  • If the shooting is too difficult, provide an extra post or the defender must keep one hand on his back or the attackers may run with the ball.
  • Players stand in front of each other and each has a ball in one of their hands. 
  • One in their left hand, the other in their right hand.
  • Now they are going to throw the balls to each other 
    • ...so for a certain period of time or for several times
  • Work in groups of 3
  • Players throw the ball at each other
  • Player A throws to player B. 
  • And player A runs deep
  • Player A shoots the ball into the post
    • Make sure you run straight to the post. 
    • Don't stop running too early and the pass should be good.
  • You can extend the exercise further by passing the ball back to player B who takes a through-ball instead of taking a shot 

! Form groups of 2 persons per post 

Each group gets three playing cards. The cards are shuffled from the front and the numbers 2 to 5 are removed from the pack. With the three playing cards the groups have to get as close as possible to 31. The value of the numbers and pictures are shown below:

  • Six = six
  • Seven = seven
  • Eight = eight
  • Nine = nine
  • Ten = ten
  • Jack = ten
  • Queen = ten
  • King = ten
  • Ace = eleven 

So nine + jack + queen = 29 points or ace + jack + queen = 31, but you can also have jack + jack + jack = 30.5

Once players have completed a series, they may exchange one of their received cards for a new one, in order to get closer to 31. The trainer will set a timer and says when to stop. The team closest to 31 wins. 


1. through-balls: five goals in a row.

2. through-balls: 5 goals in a row from behind the post.

3. Play through-balls by going for the short chance, 3 times in a row.

! Make groups of 3 and let the players divide themselves in person 1, 2 and 3. After two rounds, change one person.

  • Form groups of 3 at the post. 
  • Person 1 stands 6 meters in front of the post at the pilon, 
  • person 2 will stand 6 meters behind the post at the pilon. 
  • Person 3 stands under the post as a receiver. 
  • Person 1 starts with e.g. taking a though-ball, then goes back to the pilon. 
  • Person 2 takes a through-ball, as person 3 has caught the ball. This is how you perform all the exercises.


  • Through-ball 
  • Dodge ball right 
  • Dodge ball left 
  • Turnaround-ball past the post

Groups of 3 change 1 by 1

Groups of 4 change 2 by 2