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Korfball drills

  • A passer under the post with ball, a receiver behind the post and the attackers in front of the post at about eight metres. 
  • The attacker takes a distance shot while randomly in motion to the left or right.
  • The passer joins the attackers, the receiver becomes the passer and the attacker becomes the receiver.

What can you see?

  • Role rotation takes some getting used to.
  • Not every player knows where to shoot from.
  • Players have difficulty to estimate where the ball will be played.
  • Throwing to a running attacker is inaccurate.
  • Timing of the attacker's posture before the shot. posture becomes right when the shooter is standing still when the ball is caught. Standing means: standing in the direction of the post, nose and belly button pointing towards the post and feet are in a light spread position.
  • Capturing the ball at the shooter's is done in two stages, first the shooter wants to get the ball, then the ball is taken firmly into the hands in order to release a shot. It is only good if, after catching the ball, a shot can be immediately thrown. Therefore, make sure that the hands are in the correct catching position before the shot is fired.

Variation 1:

  • As a previous exercise, but after the shot, the shooter waits for the ball to be caught and takes a through-ball. 
  • The receiver also catches the through-ball.

What can you see?

  • Waiting patiently after the shot, while the shooter is in motion, is difficult for the shooter because the concentration already goes to the through-ball. The shooting is then just a turn and not an attempt to score. Concentration of the shot also means following the ball after it has been released.
  • Capturing the shot, playing the through-ball and catching the through-ball will result in malfunctions.

Variation 2:

  • As a previous exercise, but before the shooter takes the through-ball, he receives the ball, makes a feint shot, throws back to the passer with one hand and only then takes a through-ball. 
  • A feint shot means that the initial starting position of a shot is taken, the arms are stretched but the ball is not released. 
  • Instead, the shooter throws back to the passer with one hand. 
  • The choice of left or right often depends on the position of the defender, this is dealt with in the next exercise.

Variation 3:

  • As the previous exercise, but the 1st passer does not immediately join the attackers. 
  • After the shooter's first shot (this shot remains without an opponent), the receiver will throw the ball at the shooter. 
  • At that point, the first passer becomes a defender to block the (false) shot. 
  • The shooter passes the defender and takes the through-ball.
  • The defender now joins the attackers.

What can you see?

  • Through a lot of examples and patient practice, the form becomes controlled.
  • The feint shot is skipped, as soon as the ball is received, the hands are placed inside. Emphasise the feint shot to fool the opponent.
  • Throwing in is not done accurately and not with one hand.
  • The number of goals may be disappointing in the beginning because there is a lot of concentration on the form of the exercise. Especially the right choice to pass the defender is important, that this is initially at the expense of the score is acceptable.
  • The defender must be attentive to avoid collisions.
  • The defender can use his hands to block the pass inwards. This leads to new difficulties for the attacker. Phase the pressure exerted by the defender (e.g. with two hands on the back, then use one hand, jumping in and only defending fully on the shot).

The attackers are in front of the post, at around 6 m distance. 

The shooter runs in the direction of the post, stops at the penalty spot and turns right. 

At that moment, the passer throws the ball. The shooter makes a dodge ball. 

  • The shooter is allowed one step to find his balance. The left leg acts as a playing leg to keep balance.
  • The players learn from the examples given. 
  • As a trainer you can perform the exercise yourself, in slow motion to show the direction of the balance. 
  • Practice this movement to the left as well.

  • Variant:

  • After the dodgeball, the shooter takes a though-ball. 

  • The catcher catches the ball again. 

  • Let the shooter move after the dodgeball before passing the though-ball. 

  • This can be done in the same direction as the dodgeball, or in the opposite direction. 

  • Make sure that you move further away from the post.


  • The dodgeball becomes a feint shot and is converted into a through-ball. 

  • Converting the smooth movement of the shot into a pass to the inside requires more control of balance. 

  • Throw the ball into the post with one hand.

    What can you see?

  • The coordination of catching the ball and balance is a problem.

  • The shooter determines the coordination by a rhythm, sometimes with the help of a hink.

  • Shooters find balance on their left leg after a dodgeball to right.

  • This makes turning to the post for the shot difficult.

  • The dodgeball is an option in the game because a through-ball attempt can be aborted when the defender keeps up well. In time, the dodgeball becomes an independent way to get free.


  • The passer acts as a defender to put pressure on the shooter. 

  • After the move to the right, the passer gives the ball and tries to block the shot.

  • The shooter goes for the shot.


  • Same, but the shooter has the alternative of throwing the ball to the second passer present in the post area and setting up a though-ball.

  • The defender still goes for the block.

  • It has already been described how the defender can be phased.

  • Throwing to get someone to score

  • Practice throwing and releasing on the short and long line. 
  • The passer stands away from the post. The shooter stands at the front of the box at the side of the passer. 
  • The shooter runs towards the passer (the short line), receives the ball and shoots. 
  • The passer becomes the shooter, the shooter runs behind the post, the shooter arrives at the passer's position, after the ball has been thrown to the next passer.


  • The shooter chooses the long line after making a feint in the direction of the short line or post.

  • Both variants can be trained with an opponent close to the shooter, so that the passer learns to estimate when someone is free. 

  • Dose the defender. When using a defender, the second passer (who in fact does nothing) can act as the defender. 

  • The rotation after the exercise is: passer becomes defender, defender becomes shooter, shooter becomes second passer and second passer becomes passer (after a combination with a player).