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Korfball drills

Inshort: practise all kinds of forms of the shot from a supporting position.

Organisation: pairs per basket, always one person under the basket and one person in front of it. Change after about 1 minute.

a ) One person in front of the basket at about 6 meters, the shooter stands under the basket. The shooter starts away from the basket (backwards), gets the ball and shoots immediately. The striker catches the ball.

b ) As exercise a., but the shooter only threatens with a shot, lets the defender jump in and then continues with an "underhand pull ball": a kind of private penalty throw from about 5 meters diagonally behind the basket. The Germa-ball - so called by me after Germa Woldhuis of Nic. who had success with this on a regular basis - is practised here. The server catches the ball.

c ) The starting situation is the same, but the shooter now gets a defender with him (some pairs cancel each other out). The defender's task is to decide which of the two possibilities (a. or b.) the attacker will get: either he reacts deliberately too late (after which a shot must follow), or he follows the shooter too closely (thus giving the opportunity for an underhand draw). In exercises d., e. and f., the attacker plays free with one simple movement. An efficient way, which requires however a lot of technique (and thus practice).

  • In a hat 1 passer
  • Other hat attacker and defender
  • Offender moves towards the pass. Defender follows briefly behind. Offender decides when to go inside.
    • Defender allows the pass
    • Defender tries to prevent
    • Defender tries to tackle
  • At the basket with the ball
  • One player at each hat
  • Both players at the hatband walk towards each other
  • The attacker goes inside
  • Defender reacts and tries to defend
    • Pressure first, allowing the attacker to cross in front of him
    • Defender tries to get in between
    • Defender tries to tackle
  • Variation. Service player pulls away for a shot. Defender also tries to defend the shot.
  • Goal: good cut-off, calm finish


  • It is the same as water-and-fire but in a korfball form.
  • On the taggers' side are 5 poles.
  • On the attackers' side are 10 balls.
  • The attacking side must try to score 2 goals on all the poles.
  • Then this pole is free and may not be used.
  • But the tappers may tap the attackers.
  • If a ticker taps an attacker, he is out.
  • If he does not tap an attacker, the attacker is out.
  • If an attacker is tagged when he just scored, all players who were tagged off are allowed to play again.
  • If two players score on the same goalpost, all attackers are free again.
  • When someone has scored, that ball is out of the game, so there are less and less balls and poles left, which makes it easier for the taggers and harder for the attackers.
  • If all attackers or all tappers are finished then we turn the functions around.
  • This game was invented by a boy on my team.
  • He always wants to do water-and-fire, but we think we can better do another game that has to do with korfball, so throwing, catching, shooting etc. So he came up with this idea and I did. So he came up with this idea and I must say, it is hard to explain, but it looks very nice.
  • The children learn to shoot further than they normally do, because they don't want to be tapped.
  • They also learn to move as soon as they shoot, because there might be a ticker behind them.
  • If you are tagged, give the ticker a hand and start ticking, until you get a big swing.
  • The catcher is allowed to bounce the ball.
  • If he wants to tag someone, he has to throw the ball to that person.
  • If he hits the ball, he is out.
  • Men and women separately by a basket, 1 defender, 1 attacker, 2 attackers.
  • The attacker changes players after 20 seconds in the 1 vs. 1 duel and thus faces a fresh attacker.
  • In one turn the attacker will face all three men or women.
  • Attention: this is a very heavy exercise!
  • Baskets in a square, gentlemen first under the basket with the ball.
  • Ladies in the middle.
  • After a shot or a walkthrough ball, the players must always go through the middle to the next post (players are not allowed to hit the same post twice).
  • The ticker tries to tap someone.
  • If he taps someone on the shoulder, the person has to hold his shoulder and start tapping.
  • Before you get tapped, you have to name a TV show.
  • Then you're free.
  • If you are tapped, you must stand with your legs spread and then the others can crawl under you.
  • Then you are free again.

In short:

  • Shooting exercise (-game) in which shots are made from different sides of the basket.


  • Per basket one pair with one ball, or in case of lack of sufficient baskets 2 pairs with one ball each.
  • At each basket, four pawns or other markers:
  • 1 in front of and 1 behind the basket and 1 to the left and 1 to the right of the basket, always at about 6 metres distance.
  • One of each pair starts under the basket.
  • The other one's task is to score a goal as quickly as possible from each cone.
  • After that, they will switch functions.
  • Which pair will be quickest to complete their 'journey around the world'?


  • The distances can be made larger or smaller. Or: score 2 goals with each pawn.


  • Instead of shooting from standstill, you can also shoot from movement, or simply: take evasive balls.