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Korfball drills

  • Run around a square.
  • Each time a new number is called.
  • Each number is a different task.
    • At 1, jump up,
    • On 2, the back tries to catch the front,
    • On 3, touch the ground.
  • 1 loafer who can't have the ball, no tapping.
  • Throwing good balls.
  • Not caught is fault of the thrower.
  • Tapping the ball is enough for the batsman.
  • Roll the dice
  • How many dots do you see?
  • This is how many steps you make from the basket and from there you make a distance shot.
  • 2nd variant:
    • Throw the dice
    • How many dots do you see?
    • How many walk-throughs or penalty shots or small chances can you make?
  • Set out a course for relay where the children have to pass the ball on, so with
    • pawns,
    • running ladders,
    • benches
    • etc.
  • One person runs the course with the ball and then passes the ball to the next person.
  • 2 or 3 teams means 2x the course.
  • Pionnon at 2.5, 4 and 6 meter, first pawn hits 1 point, 3 and 5 points on the next one.
  • Shooter may choose where to shoot from. first 40 points
  • Passing balls from every pawn, always behind the post. Order of scoring 1-2-3-2-1
  • 1 pawn on the side, 3 meter next to the other 3. shoot from the move and hit the first 2 pawns, then change.

In short: exercise with the emphasis on turning away from the opponent.

Organisation: Each team of five or four players has a ball and an area of about 20 by 20 metres. The players are numbered.

a ) Number 1 is attacking, number 2 is defending and numbers 3, 4 and 5 are playing together with the attacking player. Everybody can move freely through the area. The attacker always gets the ball back from numbers 3, 4 and 5. The defender's task is to intercept the ball. Can the attacker manage not to lose the ball a single time? The ball may not fall on the ground either! After about 30 seconds the players change tasks: number 3 attacks, number 4 defends, etc. until everyone has been attacker and defender once.

If necessary, extend the task next time:

b ) As a., but give the instruction that the attacker always has to turn away from her defender: that way she can both pass and receive the ball back easily. I call this: 'cutting and turning', others call it 'keeping your opponent on your back'.

c ) As a., but now the team-mates 3, 4 and 5 stand still in a triangle with a distance of about 15 metres. This makes it more difficult for the attacker.

d ) It becomes even more difficult if the attacker is instructed to pass the ball to the other players in a fixed order. She now has to run in circles, so that the defender knows exactly where the ball will go, or where the attacker wants to run to. Many balls will now be intercepted, or at least touched.

e ) Again part c. Show that the attacker has an easier time of it now because of the freedom of choice By turning away from her opponent, she creates a sea of space for herself!

  • Let the children divide themselves over 3 poles.
    • More poles if there are many children
  • One person may start shooting from 1 meter if the basket is hit within 2 attempts, the player may continue shooting from 2 meters.
  • If they can't hit the basket in two attempts, it's the next player's turn.
    • In this way we can see which children can shoot from far and less far.
    • You can also see which children are stronger in their arms, so that you can pay attention to that next time you make groups.
  • You make groups of 2 or 3.
  • You are going to shoot at the basket and when you have scored you call YO,
  • and then you (and the rest what shoots) turn to the next pole.
  • So you go through who first 5 times (or less because you want) has said YO has won

Ball Skills

  • Each child gets a ball
  • The children do the exercises of the trainers:
    • Bounce the ball with the right hand
    • Bounce the ball with the wrong hand
    • Throw the ball up and catch it again
    • You spin the ball around your belly
    • You stand up straight and throw the ball from one hand over your head to the other hand (width or length)
  • You repeat these tasks a number of times
  • Stand in a circle around a basket (4 children).
  • The child in front of the basket shoots the ball towards the basket,
  • the other three girls must try to catch the ball.
  • The child that catches the ball may then shoot.
  • After a while add an extra ball.
  • Goal: practise shooting and catching.
  • In the middle you put balls
  • The players stand by their basket
  • At the whistle they run in and try to get a ball
  • When you have a ball you may attempt a shot (penalty throw - distance) and
  • If you score, you get a point,
  • At every new round one ball less in the middle.
  • The players who do not have the ball keep running.
  • up to 5 points per person

  • Have the players shoot ten times and count the number of goals they score
  • Then make them sprint ten times for ten metres.
  • Then they have to shoot ten more times and count the number of goals they score.