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Korfball drills

  • 2 players at 1 pole.
  • Player 1 throws to player 2 comes next to him and shoots.
  • Player 2 runs to the pole to catch the ball at once throws out to player 1 comes alongside and shoots. Etc.
  • 2 players at 1 pole.
  • Player 1 throws the ball on player 2 runs towards player 2, makes a diagonal move and runs into the depth.
  • Player 2 catches the ball, throws at player 1 and runs in depth, so away from player 1.
  • Etc.
  • In front of the pole first move to the left get the ball (catch with left hand), throw back with left hand.
  • Move to the right (catch with right hand), throw back with right hand.
  • Again to the left and shoot. One player does this until he or she has scored 3 times and then change.
  • 2 players move between the 6 posts making a rectangle.
  • When a yes is said, one of the two players who does not have the ball runs to the post, the player with the ball throws the ball and runs after it to make a pass.
  • When no yes is said the players pass to each other with the outside hand and are on the move.
  • This game is played with 2 people.
  • You are opposite each other.
  • If you win with rock paper scissors then you must try to run away from the other if you are at a certain line you are safe.
  • If you lose, you must try to tap the one who runs away.

In short: practice various forms of the shot in a fun competition format.


  • Each group has a basket and a ball, the baskets should preferably (but not necessarily) be arranged in a circle or rectangle.
  • The number of people per group is less important (all groups should be about the same size).

The first assignment for the groups is:

  • score 10 goals with a walkthrough.
  • When you are done, the creator of the last goal goes to the trainer to get the next assignment.
  • Which group will have completed all assignments first?

The trainer walks around in the mean time,

  • giving encouragement or correcting here and there.
  • He has a piece of paper with a list of assignments.
  • When someone comes to get the next assignment, first ask him which assignment he just did (it can vary a lot after a while) and then give the next one.
  • A sample list:
    • 10 passing balls,
    • 15 penalty shots,
    • 10 shots from 5 meters,
    • 10 through balls from behind the basket,
    • 5 dodge balls next to the post,
    • 5 shots from 4 meters behind the basket,
    • 5 small chances with 1 hand.
    • Everything is possible of course, a lot of momentum comes when the number of goals to be scored is kept small.
  • Pawn at 6/7 meters in front of the basket.
  • Attackers under the basket. In a circuit take through balls.
  • Do you score? Then change with the person under the basket where you scored.
  • 3 lines a few meters apart.
  • Each line has a name (apple pear or banana).
  • The children start on a line.
  • Trainer calls out a fruit and the children must run to that line as fast as they can.

Between two posts

  • Player starts to run and halfway he gets the ball from trainer 1,
  • Immediately passes to trainer 2 and runs to the basket.
  • There he gets the ball from trainer 2 and tries to score with a shot.
  • tries to score with a shot.

In brief:

  • Practicing various forms of the shot in a fun competition format.


  • Each group has a basket and a ball, the baskets are next to each other.
  • The first assignment for the groups is: score 10 goals.
  • In the meantime the trainer walks around all over the place, giving encouragement or correcting here and there.
  • He has a piece of paper with a list of instructions.
  • If someone comes to get the next assignment, first ask which assignment has just been completed (this can vary considerably over time) and then give the next assignment.


  • Make 10 goals, in front of the basket.
  • Throw over 15 times with 2 hands.
  • Scoring 8 goals, behind the basket
  • Pass the ball 15 times with 1 hand.
  • Pawn basket Pawn
  • You go in a certain way to pion 1
    • For example: running) you run normally to the basket.
  • You shoot at the basket, and if you score, you may go back immediately.
  • If you miss, you have to go to pion 2
  • and you may then go back to the beginning.
  • Tap the next player and sit down.
  • Make two or more groups depending on the size of the group.
  • 3 pawns per group
  • When a player scores he/she may take a pawn from another group. The first player to get all or a certain number of pawns.