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Korfball drills

  • Player 2 stands with the ball behind player 1 at 6 meters in front of the basket.
  • Player 2 throws the ball over player 1 into space.
  • Player 1 grabs the ball, now player 2 must move to the side of player 1 to receive the pass.
  • Player 1 advances further toward the basket to score.
Players must be able to judge where best to offer themselves in order to receive the pass.
drawing Offering side
Which team brings in most gold pieces/ pits?
  • 1 bank & one-against-all
  • 2-4 gangs of thieves
  • 1-2 guards.
Game consists of 4 rounds of play:

Game Round 1:
  • Thief - attacker: per post only 1 active & 1 gold piece at a time try to steal from bank.
  • Collect in own vault -hoop-.
  • Guard - defender- may only defend outside the bank.
  • If the thief is caught so tapped, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.
  • Which team was able to steal most gold pieces?
Game Round 2:
  • Divide gold pieces equally among the thieves.
  • Thieves: safely move your gold pieces 1-for-1 to other safe -from one hoop to another.
  • Thief -attacker: walk around your cone without the guard catching you.
  • Agent -defender: in this case may only defend inside the bank.
  • If the thief is caught -attacked, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.
  • Which team was able to transfer most gold pieces safely?

Game Round 3:
  • Thieves: for x time, steal as many gold pieces as possible from other safe.
  • Thief -attacker: mandatory back & forth through bank = watch for guard inside bank.
  • Guard may only defend inside bank.
  • If the thief is caught so tapped, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.

Game round 4:
Same as game round 3, but with double guard 1 guard outside & 1 guard inside the bank.

Which team will have the most gold pieces in their possession after 4 rounds of play?

drawing Rapacious thieves game
X number of baskets.

Variant 1:
Have the little players use the dice to determine how many shots/chances to score at each basket.
They may dribble with the ball to the other basket.

Variant 2:
Different types of chances.
With 1 hand, penalty throw, through ball while running with the ball.
  • 1 basket in oval, with a basket directly opposite at 8 meters.
  • 1 Player in front of the basket with ball.
  • 2 Players behind the basket just outside the oval.
  • During the exercise pay attention to shooting technique.
  • The others wait at the side - maximum 3 players.
Variation 1:
  • Player 1 takes shot.
  • Players behind the basket take running Rebound.
  • The Player who has the Rebound becomes shooter.
  • The Player who lost the Rebound duel now enters the rebound duel with the next player from the queue.
  • The shooter joins the queue.
Variant 2:
  • Same as Variation 1, but the Player who has the Rebound takes a short chance.
Variant 3:
  • Same as Variation 1, but the Rebounders now try to score a goal in the basket opposite. The Shooter becomes a defender.
Variant 4:
  • Same as Variant 3, but with maximum 1 or 2 passes towards the basket opposite.
  • One player starts under the basket with a ball.
  • The rest of the team stands around the basket at shot distance.
  • The playmaker throws to someone, who tries to score.
  • The playmaker catches/ fetches the ball.
  • If scored, the scoring person becomes the playmaker.
  • After each shot, another random player gets the ball and tries to score.
  • 1 player has the ball and the rest stand in a long line about 3 meters away.
  • The red player runs past the row of blue players.
  • The blue players must make sure that the red player gets the ball thrown into the run.
  • The red player passes the ball one player at a time so that all players in the row have had their turn.
  • When the red player has passed the whole row, he/she changes with the first blue player.
drawing Row throwing and catching
  • Make 3-talks, 1 of which is a defender, the other 2 will throw up with each other.
  • The 2-team stands about 4 meters apart.
  • 1 of the 2 has a defender in front of it.
  • Important to throw well into the hands. To do this properly, one steps past the defender and throws a tight ball toward the other.
  • Do this 5 times without the ball falling to the ground, then spin.
Attacker uses feints to get past the defender.
  • There are 6 players between the pawns.
  • There must be 1 hole per row of pawns.
  • The other players try to use feints to find the hole.
  • The defenders may only defend widthwise and try to tap the attackers.
  • If you get tapped, you have to start over.
  • If the attackers reach the other side, they get 1 point.
  • After 5 points, the game is switched.
  • The game can be made easier by adding fewer defenders.
drawing Feint attack
You play the game as follows:
  • Form two teams.
  • Throw the ball as fast as possible from one side to the other.
  • Use only one hand while doing so.
  • If the ball hits the ground or if you throw with two hands, start at the beginning of the line again.
  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel-the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball then gets to shoot.
  • Who has X goals first?
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • 6 players at the pawns, 1 in front.
  • The one in front of the pawns tries to find a hole to get through by feints.
  • Defender may only move left right.
drawing Defending
  • 2-pairs at the basket.
  • 1 shooter and 1 catcher.
  • Shoot 3x and then switch.
  • Exercise for the receiver: ball is allowed to bounce 1 time before catching it.
  • Then make a game of it by calling a number.
Before the exercise go over with the children what is important for a good shot.