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Korfball drills for technique warming-up

Goal is to put 3 in a row.
  • Make 2 teams
  • From each team, 1 player runs with a colored hat and places it in a hoop
  • When the first player returns the 2nd player of the team starts, then the 3rd.
  • When there is 1 hat of each color the 4th player may move a colored hat to get 3 in a row.

  • 1 person is the ticker
  • The ticker is going to try to tickle as many people as possible, ticked? Then hold each other's hands until the pendulum is very long!

Red dots are the tickers. They are not allowed to let go of each other. The blue dots are the people who have yet to be tapped.
drawing Chinese Wall Tag
  • 2 poles facing each other (each at 7 meters from the center line 4 poles side by side ).
  • Each post has its own 2/3 team.
  • The 2 players going for a through ball run towards the other pole.
  • In the middle they run around the pylon (or around the center line).
  • The players sprint back to their own post and take a through ball 40x scoring
  • Instead of a through ball a pull away ball behind the post. 20x scoring
  • instead of a through ball you take an away ball at max 3 m from the post 20x scoring
  • instead of a through ball you pass the post and get the ball in front of you and shoot from the back 20x score
2 teams play a game.
  • Instead of baskets, you must score by throwing at a cone.
  • This cone is in the center of the circle and around it are players.
  • One player stands in front of the pawn to protect it.
  • The players around this one player must try, by passing the ball quickly around, to throw at the pawn.
  • Meanwhile, the player in front of the pawn tries to intercept the ball and defend the pawn.
  • When the ball is intercepted, he/she gets a point and the ball goes back to the outside.
  • Switching: when the pawn is hit, the player gets a point and switches places with the player in the middle.
  • Whoever has the most points wins.
Goal: Playing together as attackers and intercepting the ball as defenders.
  • Make throw-overs more difficult: two in the middle, throw with left.
  • Making overthrowers easier: With two balls.
drawing Skittles basketball
  • Take a lap around the field. On the long sides jog, on the short sides walk.
  • Stand upright, feet hip-width apart. Make 20 squats at slow pace.
  • Stand upright, feet hip-width apart. Make 20 jump squats. Begin with arms extended above your head. To add extra power to the jump; Drop your arms along your body while bending your knees. Swing the arms through to the back and jump while moving your arms back forward and up. Keep your back straight, hips back, feet flat on the ground.
  • Do lunges in three positions per leg. Basic position; stand upright with your feet slightly apart.
    • Put your right leg straight ahead and bend the knee 90 degrees. Your left knee as close to the ground as possible; come up.
    • Put your right leg, with the foot turned slightly forward to the right side. Bend your left knee. Return to base position.
    • Put your right leg back, bend your left knee. Return to base position.
    • Put your left leg straight ahead and bend the knee 90 degrees. Your right knee as close to the ground as possible; come up.
    • Put your left leg, with the foot turned slightly forward to the left side. Bend your right knee. Return to base position.
    • Put your left leg back, bend your right knee. Return to base position.
  • Make a lap along the field. On the long sides jog. On the short sides sprint.
Warm-up with reaction training.

  • The field is divided into five different lines, including the sidelines.
  • Everyone starts on the same line, starting with short strides.
  • The trainer calls a color/type of line each time, which the group must run to as fast as possible. You have to tap the line on the floor with two hands.
  • Later a competition element is added to this.
  • Whoever taps the line last, drops out.
  • Posts down the centre of the hall
  • One player under the post with a ball
  • A player on either side of the post
  • Feeder passes out to one player
  • Player passes back and does a running in shot underhand
  • Feeder moves to the vacated space at the side
  • Attacker becomes the feeder for the other attacker
  • Feeder passes out, attacker passes in and does a running in shot overhanded
  • Players change positions as in first iteration
  • Players stand in a large circle.
  • The ball must always be passed to the neighbor.
  • The direction of passing can be clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • More and more balls are added.
  • When the ball hits the ground, players must walk to the edge of the field and back again before being allowed to continue.
  • The ball must be thrown with the left hand to the left and with the right hand to the right.
  • If it is too easy, one-handed catching is possible if necessary.
drawing Warming up - passing
  • You lay down 9 hoops or baskets in a square.
  • You divide the team into 2 groups and have them start from a number of meters.
  • Here they are given 3 pawns.
  • The children must walk to the hoops and place their given pawn in one of the hoops to get butter cheese and eggs.

  • When all the pawns have been used up they must move the pawns.
drawing Butter, cheese and eggs
  • Players line up on one side, in the middle a skipper.
  • The skipper gets to decide how the players cross over to the other side.
    • For example, in a frog jump or hopping.
  • Everyone does this including the skipper.
  • The skipper tries to tap as many children as possible.
You as the trainer start as the first skipper to set the example.
drawing Skipper may I sail across?
  • In pairs, place the players in a row facing the wall.
  • Per pair 1 tennis ball.
  • Player 1 stands closest to the wall and begins the exercise by throwing the ball against the wall.
  • Player 2 catches the ball.
  • Player 1 meanwhile runs back through the right side and then catches the ball that player 2 just threw against the wall.
  • Repeat at least 20 times.
  • Make the exercise more difficult by having the ball caught in a hat.
  • Half Field.
  • Place hats on the back line with a tennis ball on top.
  • Place equal number of hats at the net.
  • Have the players run with the tennis ball to the overlying hat.
  • Have them put the ball down on the hat there for 2 seconds.
  • Pick it up again and run back to the starting hat.