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Soccer drills for technique 1,5 meter / corona / covid-19

  • 2 players face each other
  • One is the sender the other the receiver
  • The receiver receives and rebounds
  • The receiver dribbles sideways several meters without the ball
  • The receiver receives the ball again
  • The receiver dribbles back without the ball
drawing Pass - handball
  • Players Red and Blue leave together from starting point with ball on foot to inside cones.
  • At first cone ball on outside hand -on side of cone-.
  • They walk shoulder to shoulder through the cones.
  • They try to keep their ball on the hand without it falling.
  • Speed does not play a role, coordination and body control do.
  • After last cone walk back with ball on foot.
  • Rejoin your row.
drawing Body Control
  • Player ''WHITE'' Sinks in to retrieve the ball from the goalkeeper.
  • Goalkeeper passes ball to ''WHITE''.
  • Player ''WHITE'' Dribbles towards player ''BLUE''.
  • At his starting point, he passes to Player ''BLUE'', ''WHITE'' runs on.
  • Player ''BLUE'' rebounds the ball to ''WHITE''.
  • Player ''WHITE'' passes to player ''RED''.
  • Player ''RED'' dribbles towards the 16.
  • Around the middle of the field, RED passes to BLUE2.
  • Player "BLUE2" rebounds the ball to "RED".
  • Player ''RED'' shoots the ball on goal.
  • The ball goes through the goal.
  • WHITE takes the position of BLUE.
  • BLUE takes position of RED.
  • RED takes position from BLUE2.
  • BLUE2 takes position of goalkeeper. (not necessary if you have a goalie).
  • Minimum 5 persons, to get and keep speed at least 7.
drawing Pass/Tack/Tackle
  • Pass kick with variations in finishing and build-up.
    • Goalkeeper throws out.
    • Forward passes and closes in.
    • Handball.
    • Goalkeeper shoots out,
    • forward with his back to the goal.
    • He turns away.
drawing (A07) Pass kick with long ball and finishing

Special goalkeeper training

drawing (K06) Goalkeeper Training

Special goalkeeper training

drawing (K03) Goalkeeper Training

Special goalkeeper training

drawing (K02) Goalkeeper Training

Special exercise for goalkeeper

drawing (K01) Goalkeeper Training
  • Ordinary rules of the game (match alike)
  • Check that what has been learnt is understood and applied in a game 
  • Scoring in the small goal must be done with the foot. = 1 point
  • Scoring in the big goal with the head = 2 points
  • Has the objective been achieved?
  • To see the relationship between the solutions/possibilities offered in the previous exercise forms and the party form (competition)
drawing 5 against 5 match

Team task:

Improve assumption to "move" opponent


  • Positioning game 3/4x1 in square box of 6x6. 
  • pawn in the middle, team ball-possession must shoot this pawn for points, defender must prevent this. 
  • Each player in team ball-possession is on one side of the square. 
  • A player may only defend by intercepting a pass on a pawn. 
  • Match/fun element can be reinforced by agreeing that the person with the most points has won after 5 minutes, the rest must for example do 10 push-ups or sprints. 
  • Can be made more difficult by the fact that attacking party has to score in 10 passes.

Direction in assumption to "move" opponent, freeing up space to play towards pawn.

1.5 metres: 

  • Because the defender is only allowed to intercept passes, there are no duels. 
  • Furthermore, perimeter ensures that players in team ball-possession do not come closer than 1.5 metres. 
  • the shape also invites players to keep the pitch as large as possible.
drawing Position game assuming pawn

Team task:
Building up

Improve deep play at the right moment.


  • Field of e.g. 30x30, 
  • Divided into 16 compartments. 
  • On the 2 sides 
    • 2 goals. 
    • 2 teams of 6. 
    • 2 players per team are divided over 4 boxes at the back, 
    • 4 players all have their own square. 
  • There is a box with defenders between the two parts of the team. 
  • Four must reach the duos, the duos can score in goals (see picture). 
  • More difficult: 
    • A maximum of 10 passes. 
  • See picture.

  • 1.5 metres: boxes prevent players from duelling with each other or getting close to each other.
drawing Playing in squares
  • Player passes the ball to the striker.
  • Striker bounces the ball back
  • A player plays the ball deep into the corner.
  • The Third Player sprints in that direction and passes the ball in front.
  • The first player is sprinting along and finishes on the goal.
drawing Crossing