Soccer drills
3 variants:
- Pass with handball and then rounding left or right
- Pass with turn through pass to the left or right
- Pass with 2 bounces and then finish left or right
Conditional finishing with different match situations
Finishing form focused on finishing on goal.
The aim is to finish at a high tempo, while also addressing the conditional aspect
Finishing form focused on finishing on goal.
The aim is to finish at a high tempo, while also addressing the conditional aspect
- A dribbles to edge 16
- A finishes
- A sprints back to middle pylon and asks ball to B
- B gives ball to A
- A rebounds to B
- B Finishes
- A sprints to 3rd pylon and asks ball to C
- C rebounds ball to A
- A gives deep ball to C
- C sprints to the side
- C passes ball across the ground
- A-B change positions
- A-B work off
- start on time
- play hard on team-mate
- move on immediately
- Pass and dribble
- Player follows the ball
- Pass correctly and pay attention to 1 x hit
First walk slowly for 3 to 5 minutes to allow your body to switch from a resting to sport mode
Distance 15 meters:
Distance 15 meters:
- Heels, buttocks
- Lift the knee
- Connecting step 3 times per side
- Cross step right
- Cross pass left
- Step with knees
- Cross-step/arms
- Groin in
- Groin out
- Swing the leg straight up
- Swing the leg in at an angle
- Quick footwork, tripping
Finish with a short sprint over 30 meters.
- Improve building from behind
- Improve building from behind
- A does for action and asks for the ball from B
- B plays ball to A
- A plays ball to C
- D starts to run forward
- C passes ball in the run to D
- D finishes on the small goalmouth
- A = 6
- B = 3
- C = 3-4
- D = 2
- Communicate with your players
- Keep moving continuously
- See where your fellow players are standing
- Run on time
Exercise is done in two groups so there is no need to stand still for long periods of time!
- Communicate with your players
- Keep moving continuously
- See where your fellow players are standing
- Run on time
Exercise is done in two groups so there is no need to stand still for long periods of time!
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored. Each playing card shows a "color," clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds. Each color represents a fitness exercise.
Hearts: Push-ups, Spades: Squat, Clubs: Burpee, Diamonds: Lunges.
Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise, they do this the number the card indicates. For example, Hearts 4 = 4 push-ups. Then they may continue shooting again. Group with the most cards, has won.
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored. Each playing card shows a "color," clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds. Each color represents a fitness exercise.
Hearts: Push-ups, Spades: Squat, Clubs: Burpee, Diamonds: Lunges.
Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise, they do this the number the card indicates. For example, Hearts 4 = 4 push-ups. Then they may continue shooting again. Group with the most cards, has won.
- Distances:
- Rectangle of 15 by 5 meters.
- Pawns B and C 5 meters apart.
- Both 2.5 meters from side and 5 meters from A and D.
- Duration: 10 min.
- After 5 min change direction
- A plays into B
- B drops the ball to C
- C passes to D
- The moment the ball reaches D, A has to be there to make the handball.
- D bounces to A and runs straight through to be played in again.
- A rebounds to D and D rebounds to E.
- E takes ball to starting point.
- Running lines: A becomes B, B becomes C etc.
Points of attention:
- Tight balls by hitting ball in heart, body slightly over ball.
- B must drop the ball on C slightly to outside so that there is a free pass line to D.
- A must time that she/he is present at the right time for the handball with D.
- If she/he is too early and has to wait too long it means in the match that there is opponent in her/his back.
- Is she/he too late D has to wait it means in the match that the opponent can put pressure on D.
- To maintain concentration make sure that at point A the ball is not played until everyone is in place.
Warming up 3 exercises +- 8 min
- 1st 6 meter sprint next to the field.
- get them ready 1 leg in front 1 behind
- hands next to the body
- each 3x
- 2nd exercise stand on 1 leg other leg bent backwards 20 seconds hold then other leg.
- If this is difficult, you do a round per leg.
- 3rd exercise is with ball on upper leg-> ball on foot and catch both cases.
Dribbling exercises. The goals are 1 meter big
- Dribble through as many goals as possible within a minute.
- They can do this all at the same time.
- But they should not go through a goal at the same time. Make sure they do not wait for each other at a goal then they have to find another goal. If they wait too often, add 2 more goals.
- Dribble 1 ball with pairs. Score by kicking the ball through the goal to your partner.
- Practice for a few minutes, then play. Who scores the most goals within a minute?
- Goals dribbling waste rounds.
- In box have ball dribble on yes sign have ball stop in goal.
- Last one falls off each time until there is 1 winner.
- In this exercise, have the players first dribble and kick the ball into the goal without dropping out.
- Kicking exercise
- 2 goals and pylons at 5 meters, 8 meters and 10 meters. Shoot into goal via inside foot.
- Then hit 1 pylon to the back.
- Make sure the stand leg is next to the ball not against it and pointing towards the goal.
- Make sure the shooting leg is brought to the back and swung straight ahead.
- Correct if they are not doing this correctly.
- Remaining time; party form
- Position play, where the overtal must put immediate pressure on ball loss
- Position play, where the overtal must put immediate pressure on ball loss
Game Shape:
- The red team plays the ball around or plays for possession.
- The blue team tries to take the ball away.
- If the blue team has gained possession of the ball, they must try to score as soon as possible in 1 of the 4 goals.
- The red team must prevent this from happening.
- We play 9 x 5.
- 40x40
- 40x40
- Is it pressured at all when the ball is lost?
- If yes, by whom and by whom not? If no, why not?
- If pressure is applied, how? Aggressively from the idea of capturing the ball immediately or from a shuffling pace?
- Players start at pylons
- Balls are in the middle
- Players kick in place
- When trainer calls, players go toward balls, 2-pairs at 1 ball
- Coach calls left and right, players go to that side
- When trainer calls ball, you have to take the ball with your hands
- 4 pawns in a row 15 meters apart.
- From the first to the second pylon, sprint around it and jog back to the first pylon.
- From the first to the third pylon, sprint around it and jog back to the first pylon.
- From the first to the fourth pylon, sprint around it and jog back to the first pylon.
- Repeat 4 times, making a total of 12 sprints.