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Soccer drills

  • Goals at 8 meters from center -cone-.
  • Players start simultaneously from the 4 goals, ball at foot to about 2 to 3 meters from the opposite goal and then finish.
  • They recover their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and rejoin there.
Variation 1:
  • Players dribble up to the cone in the middle, hold ball still under foot and pull it under then turn and finish themselves into their departure goal.
  • They recover their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and reconnect there.
Variation 2:
  • From goals 1 and 3 the main exercise and from 2 and 4 the variant 1.
  • Ball recovery and passing as previous variants.
drawing Dribbling skills
It is a 1 against 1 exercise where the defending blue side plays the ball in to the attacking red side and the latter thus looks for a 1 against 1. Blue has the task of defending 2 goals.

  • When you have gone, you switch sides
  • Score over the center line
  • If the defender has the ball or shoots, it is finished
Points of attention
  • Let the attacker pace and use body movements
  • Let the defender defend forward
drawing 1 vs.
A game of 4 against 4 in which you have to play at high speed.
You may be short a player, add a chameleon or make it 3 against 3. The loser does 10 push ups.

Points of attention:
  • Make sure they play at a high tempo
  • Explain the best way for them to run free. Put the game on hold for a while.
  • Make sure they put high pressure
drawing Party game 4 against 4
2 vs. 1 played at high tempo. The defender blue plays into the attackers red and so the 2 v 1 begins.

Points of attention:
  • Attackers moving around a lot
  • Defenders in good position
  • Attackers make speed
drawing 2 vs.
  • Players face each other next to pots A.
  • Distances 5 meters between A and B.
  • 8 meters between both B's.
  1. Player blue and red leave at the same time with ball on foot from A to B.
  2. Lay off the ball there.
  3. Walk to opposite B and there take ball with foot from other player.
  4. Then they take the ball to pot A.
  1. Player blue leaves with ball on foot, at the same time player red leaves without ball.
  2. At potty B, blue passes to red who accepts and passes back to blue.
  3. Blue pulls ball under him, turns around and dribbles back to A.
  4. Player red turns around from B and runs to A.
  5. Then the same, but player red with ball and player blue without. Alternate each time.
drawing Dribbling skills
Goals at 8 meters from center - cone-.

  • Players start simultaneously from the 4 goals,
  • Ball at foot to about 2 to 3 meters from the opposite goal and then finish.
  • They recapture their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and rejoin there.
  • Players dribble up to the cone in the middle, hold ball still under foot and pull it under then turn around and finish in their departure goal themselves.
  • They recapture their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and reconnect there.
drawing Dribbling skills
  • Staircase 3 variants:
    • Each step 1 step.
    • Two feet in.
    • Foot in foot out.
  • Sprint pull up to pawn.
  • Slalom around pawn with ball:
    • 1x good foot.
    • 1x alternate.
    • 1x ball rolling under foot left and right.
  • One-two with player.
  • Dribble through and pass with scissors.
  • Then round off.
drawing Circuit
The exercise goes as follows:
  • 2 teams. One blue and one red.
  • 1 player per team always dribbles around the caps and tries to score when they have been around the last cap.
  • When successful, they may take a vest from their own team and run towards the square to put the vest down in 1 of the 9 squares.
  • The team that has 3 in a row first wins.
  • When the vests run out and no 3 in a row has been made, they must take a vest from the square and move it to another square.
- No skipping caps.
- Only grab a vest when you have scored.
- 3 vests per team.

- Make it a game after 7 minutes.
- Switch sides once.

drawing Butter, cheese and eggs
A 1 vs. 1 exercise in which the defending red team plays the ball in to the attacking blue team.
  • When the attacking blue side has the ball, it looks for a 1 vs. 1 with the player from team red.
  • If either team scores, both players switch sides so player red goes to blue and player blue goes to red.
  • It may be that a red player takes the ball away. In that case, they may score on team blue's small goal.
  • Team blue must score on a big goal that also has a goalkeeper.
  • The players keep track of their own points and the three who finish last do 10 push ups.
Game rules:
  • Ball out are 2 new players.
  • If the goalkeeper catches the ball, it is play on so it is a 2 against 1 situation.
  • Goal is also 2 new players.
Points of attention:
  • Make sure the attackers dribble in at a high pace.
  • Make sure the defenders defend forward.
  • Make sure the defenders have a good stance.
drawing 1 vs.
1st exercise:
  • You start the first exercise by playing the ball in.
  • The player accepts and passes it to the next player.
  • The player also runs after the ball so that each time someone is in the right place.
  • When you notice that it is too easy, you switch to the second exercise and it goes like this.
2nd exercise:
  • Player 1 plays into player 2. He then drops the ball to player 1 who then passes it to player 3.
  • Player 3 then drops it to player 2 and then player 2 plays diagonally to player 4 and so on.
Points of attention:
  • Have the players coach each other.
  • See if they are keeping track.
  • If it is too easy, increase the pace.
  • In exercise 2, then have the player really get under the ball when they get the ball back.
  • The players must offer themselves.
  • The players should ask for the ball.
drawing Pass kick
The purpose of this exercise is to play out of overtime.
  1. The 2 defenders of team red play the ball diagonally to a player of team blue.
  2. Then it is a matter of scoring and making sure they play out the overtal.
The teams just stay put and you have them switch sides after 6 minutes.
If the red team takes the ball away, they can score on a little goaltending by team blue.

Rules of play.
  • Ball out is switch.
  • Keeper the ball is play on.
  • Scoring is switching.
Points of Attention
  • Have the defenders defend on a line.
  • Let the attackers make runs.
  • Play the ball around at a high pace.
  • If they can shoot, they should shoot.
drawing Playing off overtime