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Soccer drills

  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 2.
  • Player 1 runs through and player 2 lays the ball wide.
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 3.
  • Player 2 meanwhile has run on to the goal.
  • Player 3 passes a cross to player 2 and and then player 2 finishes.
drawing attack
  • Player 2 dribbles with ball from A to B and passes to C
  • Player D passes to A
  • Player from B to D
  • Player 3 dribbles with ball from C to B and passes to A
  • Player D to C
  • Player B to D
drawing Warm-up, fitting and positioning
  • The first player plays the ball deep to the second player.
  • This second player then passes the ball.
  • The first player finishes.
drawing cross and finish
  • Player 1 passes a long ball across the goal.
  • Player 2 takes the ball and must attack.
  • Player 1 must defend.
  • Is it played 1 versus 1 then player 1 slides through and player 2 joins the line.
drawing long ball 1 versus 1
  • 3 white players remain standing.
  • Center player may have position taken over by front side though.
  • White players are always in team ball possession.
  • We assume 1x hit. Maximum 2x.
  • If blue takes the ball, they make it big quickly.
  • Red conquers the ball and makes it small quickly.
drawing 7 versus 4 with transition large-small
  • Perform this exercise with inside foot.
  • Distance to pawn either side 5 meters.
  • Per team 1 trainer who counts points.
  • Start on one side and let players kick on opposite side.

  • knock over a pawn 3 points.
  • hit pawn on front side but not around then 1 point.
drawing Pawn shooting game
  • Starting in circle center line.
  • Number 10 offers but chooses which side.
  • Other players must therefore pay close attention. Depending on that choice, we assume left at green hat or right at orange hat.
  • In this example the green hat is on the left.

  • Number 10 offers and passes the ball to number 6. He immediately passes to the right sacked striker.
  • At the moment the sagging striker is played in, the other striker begins his run.
  • The striker again has a choice:
    1. Dropping on the returning number 10
    2. Immediately play into the flank.
Continued if choice 1:
  • Number 10 pokes the flank midfielder away by a deep pass towards the corner.
  • The other flank midfielder starts his run to eventually end up at point 16, about the time the cross is going to be delivered.
The crosser then has 3 choices:
  • First post -> run-through 'cross' striker.
  • Second post -> passed flanker
  • Edge 16 -> runaway sagging striker
Continued if choice 2:
  • The sagging striker plays the ball tightly into the feet of the midfielder trapped on the touchline. The midfielder is then left with two options:
    • A stab pass to the crooked second striker who has run out behind the sagging striker.
    • An early cross toward the far point 16, here the other midfielder connects and lays the ball wide to the striker.
drawing Attacking Ruit in midfield.
Dribbling exercises:
  • Dribbling around the pawns, close together with 1 foot inside-outside foot
  • Dribbling around the pawns, close together with 2 feet,
    • going left, right foot inside foot, left foot outside side, etc.
    • then to the right, left foot inside side, right foot inside side
  • 4 pawns in diamond, start and go as in picture tightly past the pawns and same route back.
  • Make a quadrant with 4 pawns, dribble tightly around them, left and right turns
  • 8 pawns in four squares, two opposite each other.
    • Dribble between the pawns from 1 to 2 and back, 1 to 3 and back 1 to 4 and back.
    • On reversals cut off or behind stand leg as quickly as possible.
drawing Dribbling exercises
  • Divide the players into 2 groups of 3 versus 3.
  • When the defending, red, side takes over the ball, they must play through the lines.
  • There new 3v3 is created.
  • If odd number then put a player at the level of the 16 who is the only one allowed to play in both squares, with the currently ball-possessing side.
drawing Party form with line pass
Release ball quickly while intensity of run continues


  • A plays the ball to asking B
  • B rebounds the ball and then runs around the cone and offers to C
  • C receives the ball from A
  • C does a 1-2 with B
  • C joins in behind
The exercise is performed in two groups.
drawing Handball walking exercise
Sprint around the pawns, always via the middle pawn.

there is 1 ticker and the rest have to try to grab the stretcher and eventually the tennis ball along 2 sides of the square if the ticker ticks you you have to put the stretcher back and try again
- you can also make it increasingly difficult or easier
e.g.: the one who is tapped out of game or make bigger square