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Soccer drills for technique attack / offense

Game principle.
  • Switching gears as quickly as possible is the focus of this exercise.
  • As a coach you can of course always choose where you put the emphasis in this exercise: switching to ball possession or switching after ball loss.

The exercise form
  • The red side plays in the red square a positional game 7 vs 5.
  • When yellow captures the ball, the player of the yellow side plays a fellow player in the yellow square.
  • The 5 yellow players from the red square plus 5 random red players move to the yellow square.
  • Switching, in other words. In the yellow square the positional play then continues 7 against 5, until red captures the ball and plays it back to the red square.
  • Then the players switch back to the red square.

Apart from whether the positional play goes well, the main issue is of course the switching. Therefore:

  • Switchover to ball possession: is the game actually moved to the other square as soon as possible?
  • Switchover after ball loss: can the pass to the other square still be prevented? By putting immediate pressure on the ball
  • Switching after ball loss: if the game cannot be prevented, do 2 players switch to the other square a.s.a.p.?

2x 20-minute game shape

1 big goal, 2 small goals

  • Mimic build-up phase as much as possible (to your own understanding)
  • Put pressure, improve communication with each other
  • Create overtalls in the attacking phase
  • To teach building backwards in set patterns (with resistance)

Who stands where:
  • All spread out across the field, give them tips, directions, and most of all let them try to figure things out for themselves!
  • Everyone can stop the game!
  • B plays on A
  • B puts pressure on A
  • A dribbles a little bit, gives good ball to C
  • C plays on D
  • D plays on E
  • E rebounds or turns and finishes
  • D passes to C
  • C finishes
Variation possible due to previous agreements, and depending on defender ( see below)

Task defender: ( jayden - Jelle/ Lucas alternate together)
  • Defender chooses way of putting pressure.
  • Pressing the back, or shielding the ball line to left outside or striker
Swap through:
  • Swap to the next Pylon

  • Movement without Ball
  • Good leg and tight passing
  • Coach each other by shouting name
  • Let them make choices and mistakes

Style of play:
A= 3-4
E= 9

drawing building up own half with finishing
Building up from behind in set patterns teach without resistance


  • A plays on B
  • B passes to A
  • A dribbles a little, gives good ball to C
  • C dribbles next hat
  • C plays on D
  • C plays on D
  • D rebounds on C - or spins through
  • E rebounds on D or spins and shoots
Swap through:

  • A-B
  • B-C
  • C-D
  • D-E
  • E retrieves ball and joins A

  • Movement without Ball
  • Good leg and tight passing
  • Coach each other by calling out names
Style of play:

  • A= 3-4
  • B=6 - 8
  • C=5
  • D=11
  • E=9
drawing building up own half with finishing
  • Players play a match of say here 8 against 8.
  • When a goal is scored, the goal scorer must take a jar from behind the goal and put it by their own jar.
  • If a team has taken all the pots away from a goal, that team has won.
drawing Contest with pot picking
  • The goalkeeper kicks out to the red team.
  • The red team is on the attack as long as they have the ball.
  • If blue gains possession of the ball outside the penalty box, blue becomes the attacking team and red defends.
  • Whoever scores first has won
drawing Warm-up 2-2 or 3-3 game


Creation of opportunities

  • Length: 40 meters
  • Width: 20 meters
  • The attackers score on a big goal with goalkeeper, the defenders score on a small goal
  • When the ball is in touch, dribble in
  • At the back ball/corner kick the attackers may dribble in a new ball from the small goal
  • After a while the teams change positions
football-exercise-Ancasion-Form-4-TEGEN-3-K-GROUND-TOAL-AND-SMEAL-TOAL.webp 19.78 KB


Creation of opportunities

  • Length: 40 meters
  • Width: 20 meters
  • Both teams can score on the big goal with goalkeeper
  • The neutral player is the handball player in the yellow box opposite the big goal
  • Before a goal may be scored, the team in possession of the ball must first use the neutral player, with this they get 'right of attack'
  • At the moment the ball goes into touch, or if the opposing team intercepts the ball, 'right of attack' must again be obtained from the neutral player
  • When the ball is in touch, dribble in

  • See picture
  • V-formation on 2 sides 3 players
  • Player 1a, 2a, 3a and player 1b, 2b, 3b

  • 1a rebounds to 2a.
  • 1a gets ball after rebounds and passes firmly to 3b.
  • 3b lays wide to 2a.
  • 2a rounds off.
  • 1a to 2a, 2a to 3b, 3b joins A side.
  • Other side the same.
drawing Completion exercise in V-position
  • Place pawns as shown in picture.
  • Player 1 passes to player 2.
  • Player 2 spins open and gives depth pass to back line.
  • Player 1 sprints deep to the depth pass and delivers a cross on the edge of 16.
  • Player 3 communicates/calls and catches this pass or accepts or rounds directly.
drawing Finishing with depth pass and cross
  • Player 1 rebounds to Player 2.
  • Player 1 passes deep high pass to Player 3.
  • Player 2 offers to edge 16.
  • Player 3 passes across the ground to Player 2.
  • Player 2 lays wide on edge 16, Player 3 rounds.
  • Player 1 to Player 2, who then plays to Player 3.
  • Player 3 joins row other side.
Set out two sides and execute alternately.
drawing Rounding with depth pass and rebound 2 sides
  • Player 1 passes the ball to Player 2.
  • Player 2 passes to Player 3.
  • Player 3 is going to attack with Player 1.
  • Player 2 goes to defend on Player 1 and 3.
  • Goalkeeper 1 tries to catch the ball.
drawing 2 versus 1 attack interplay