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Soccer drills for technique condition


  • Make groups of 2 for this passing warm-up, with 1 ball per group of 2.
  • The players with ball line up, on the sideline. The other players stand opposite to eachother, about 6 meters from the player with ball.



  • Player A dribbles forward, while player B jogs backwards across the field.
  • As the players jog across the field, player A passes the ball to B, who passes back to A, just until they reach the opposite sideline.
  • The roles reverse when the players reach the other side of the field. Player A then runs backwards to the line where they started.


Variation possibilities:

  • alternate from right foot to left foot.
  • try to apply one hit
  • focus on quality over speed, it's not a race.
  • The team stands ready in 2 groups behind a pawn. 
  • They are given an exercise by the trainer and do it 1x.  On the way back they run back and close behind. 
  • 2 players run at the same time. The next one leaves when the pair has passed the first hat. 
  • Exercises:

    1. Jogging 

    2. Knee-up

    3. Heel-to-belly

    4. Sideways left 

    5. Sideways right 

    6. Arms swing front

    7. Arms swing back

    8. Jump over caps with 2 feet at the same time

    9. Sprint to cap and back 

    10. Shoulder thrust and sprint

  • The group divides into 2.
  • Each group does a warm up exercise to the potty on their right and then walks to the next potty.
  • After 5 min
    • Rest for 1 minute
    • Then increase the pace of the walk (3 min)
    • Increase pace even more (3min)
    • Maximum sprint (2min)
drawing Warm-up exercises in window
  • Each player receives a number beforehand.
  • Players move randomly within the indicated space.
  • After receiving the ball, it is passed to the next player.
  • How many balls can be passed at once?
drawing WU fit numerical order
  • 2 teams are made.
  • In the middle is a pylon (or several).
  • Teams transfer the ball to other side first by example:
    • Throwing over.
    • Kick over.
    • Dropkick.
    • Heading.
  • Ball must be placed on the opposite side of the pile.
  • After this the next player can do it.
  • When the last ball is returned, the pawn in the middle can be kicked over.
drawing WU sprinting, transferring the ball
  • Within the defined field, play is 4x4.
  • At each edge a neutral player stands.
  • This player is not allowed to enter the field, but has to move (offer).
  • Switching is easy when every team has its own colour.
drawing Position game 8x4 with 4 neutral players (P01)
  • Two teams are made.
  • In the middle stands a pylon (or several).
  • Teams first bring the ball over to the other side:
    • Throwing over.
    • Kick over.
    • Dropkick.
    • Heading.
  • The ball must be placed on the opposite side of the pitch, and the person passing on the ball must also sprint back.
  • After this, the next team can play.
    • When the last ball is returned, the pawn in the middle can be kicked over.
drawing (W03) WU Sprinting, passing the ball
  • Pass kick with variations in finishing and build-up.
    • Goalkeeper throws out.
    • Forward passes and closes in.
    • Handball.
    • Goalkeeper shoots out,
    • forward with his back to the goal.
    • He turns away.
drawing (A07) Pass kick with long ball and finishing
  • Split group into 2 groups.
  • 1 group starts with exercise 1.
  • 1 group starts at exercise 2.
  • 4 minutes per exercise with 2 min rest.
  • Exercise 1:
    • Running Ladder:
      • Knees low frequency high.
    • Low hurdles:
      • Punching jumps.
    • Zig zag pawns.
    • Sit low and moment at pawn short.
    • Sticks LOOP.
  • Exercise 2:
    • Running Ladder:
      • Sideways knees high.
    • High hurdles:
      • Hopscotch jumps.
    • Zig zag forward.
    • Canes SPRING.

drawing Walk / jump ABC AD
  • Race from potty to potty in pairs of four.
  • Player 1 leaves and takes player 2 with him.
  • 1-2 take 3.
  • 1-2-3 take 4.
  • Relay for the fastest time.
  • Afterwards with ball (by passing between each other).
  • Pawns 15 meter apart.

Special goalkeeper training, reaction

drawing (K07) Goalkeeper Training

Special goalkeeper training

drawing (K06) Goalkeeper Training